c� l C.�
<br /> ��]E� �.�C O�� �T�. � �
<br /> 28469—The Augustine Co., Grand Iatand, Nebr.
<br /> �UIm CL�I:�!I D�'�'D
<br /> THIS I�IDEi'?TUBE, lt�ade th�i� I2th d�.5r o� Oc'tob�r, in t��e year one �housan�. n3_ne hundred and �orty- '
<br /> f�ur, bet�„reen Lloyd ��'.Kelly ���. Vera Py7.Kelly, liusband and wife, of ttle �'�rst part, anc� John S.
<br /> Mat�in�i Y, o�' t�le sPCOnd part,
<br /> WTTl�?ESSETH, that t}ze s�ai�7. ��.�'tie� of t��e first part, in consideration of tl�e �un o� One Doll�.r
<br /> and other va��aabZe con�Sderr�t�.on --DC)LLARS, to �hem dulvr paid, the reeeipt vahereof 3.5 hE,r�-�by
<br /> ackn�?�'11P�.;ed, ha.vP r�mired, rNlef�.sed, �,nd quit-cl�.imed, �.nd by t�iese presents do for tizernse7_ve4,
<br /> a�:� �he�.r heirs, execu�ors and t�dr.li.n3.s'�rators, rer.li�e, release and forever quit-claim an�. convey
<br /> unto tl�e said p��'-'�'T o�' tt�.e s°cond p�rt, �.nc� �o lzis heira and assi�;ns �'orever, a11 the�r r�ght,
<br /> ^ C y aim ana demand, bo�h �,t l�,tiv and in equi��r, of, in �.nd to all
<br /> title, intei e.,t, estate el
<br /> Lats Seven, Nine �n�. Eleven (7, 9 & 11) , in Block Tvao ( 2) , College Addi.t�.on to �he Ci U�� o�
<br /> Gr�a,nd Island, Ha�1 Count�T, Nebr�,ska.
<br /> To�;et?�er zv�th �.�?7_ �.7� sin�;ul�r �11e hez'Pditam�nts tlier. eunto �elon�ing.
<br /> TO �VE Ar�TD TO HOLP tlle al�ave desc-r. ibed p2°ei:�ises unto ttle sa�d Jo.lin S.It��tti�rigly� 1��.s heirs
<br /> and ass�.�;ns ; so tt�at neit�iex� we 1�hE�1 s�.id Lloyd 4�J.I:e�Iy �,nd VP�a It2.Ke115�, .iusband and wife, nor any
<br /> person in our n�.�:e an�. be�7a�f, s}za17� or v�'1.1 hereafter claim or der���.ncl arly rigki't o��� tit7_e to tlZe
<br /> said �rF�rniaes or ar;T p�,.rt �lzer.eo�", b�at the�r and ever�T one of. t�1em s����.11 1�y tllese presen�:s be
<br /> exclu�ed anc� �or�ver barred.
<br /> I'� WITNESS '�"�in.Rr OF, t.l1e s��.�_d p�.r�tes o:�' t�ie f irst p��.rt h<�,ve hereunto set t�leir liand an�. se�.l
<br /> t11e ��.y and year above r:�ri_�ten.
<br /> Lloyd W.KelIV
<br /> Si�ned, �ealed and deliver. ed in presence oP , Vera 1�Z.Kel1y
<br /> Eve?�Tn HA,Te� Shef�"ie�d
<br /> ST9TE OF NEBRAS�A ) GS_ dn this 12t11 da�r o�' Uc�o�aer, A.D. 1�44, befor� r,ie, the undersi�;ned,
<br /> HALL COUN7'Y ) y Evel,yn H�.yes S1ieP�iel�., a Not�.ry Public, dul.,y commissioned and qua���'ied
<br /> for and r�sidin�; in said countu,j, person��lly carne Lloyd V�.Kelly and Vera �Z.Kelly, husbanc� and v�rife,
<br /> ta me ��noutn to be t11� i a:�nt�.cal pex�son� who�e nar��es ar� a�'fixed to the Poregoin� instrument as
<br /> �rantors and ac�Lnow?e�.�ed tlie s�e to be their voluntary act ar_ci deed.
<br /> �ti�ness my hand and I�Totara.�.l Sea1 the da.y and year l.ast above written.
<br /> Evelyn Hayes 5hef�ield
<br /> ( SEAL) Notar�r Public
<br /> �4y corimission exl�irPS t1-�e 20th d���� of Ju1.y, 1��+�
<br /> Filed for record t�zis l�th day of Oc�ober, 1����+, �,t �':�k0 0 'clock P .R.7.',, ����� �
<br /> Reei�ter of De�� ✓
<br /> 0-�-�-0-0-0_,;_�_;�_,!�_ )_.r;_r,,-J_;_)-�;�-0-0-0-0-0-')-0-0-0-0-'J-0-0-0-')-0-0-0--C)-0--0-0-0-0-C)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> GUARDIAN ' S DEED '
<br /> KNOW ALL MFN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, in purauance of an order of Hc�t. W9,lliam F. Sp ikes, a
<br /> Jur�ge of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, made on the 6th day of July, 194�+, S was
<br /> licensed by said Juc�ge to sell at public �uc'�ion in the manner provided by law, the real estate
<br /> herein�fter describe�; tnat thereupon I ��ve notice of the 'time and place of said sale as re-
<br /> quired by latr, and at the time and pla.ce therein specified, after said sale hac� been held open
<br /> one hour, I sold s�.i� r�al estate a� publ�.c auction to On�l P� �r.^:^1., she being the highest
<br /> bidder therefor, tha't said �a.le was thereupon reported �to said �urige of the Distric'� Court and by
<br /> him in �11 thin�s coniirmed and I was ordered to make a deed of �aid premises to said purchaser.
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, James T.Ashton, ;uardian of Emma Louise Ashton, an incompetent, in
<br /> consideration of the premises and tne sum of �3200.�0, so bid and paid by Opal Piersol, and by
<br /> vir�ue af the nocaers intrusted in me by said order and �raceedings, do by these presents grant,
<br /> sell,and convey unto the said Opal Piersol and unto he-r heirs and assigns, �he real estate
<br /> described ag follows, to-wit:
<br /> The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section Thir�y-five (35) in Township Ten
<br /> I {10) North, Range T��e1ve (12) We�t of 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> t�rith all th�n�p��rtenances thereunt� belon�;ing, to have and to hold the same unto her the said
<br /> Opal Piersc , ,�ler heirs �.nd assigns fi'orever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WF?EREOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand this 26th day of September, 194�+.
<br /> Witness : ______ _____________ James T.Ashton
<br /> Wr� Sul�r � ( �3. �5 I.R. �tamps ) Guard.ian of Emma Louise
<br /> (C�,ncelled ) Ashton, ineompetent.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) �s.
<br /> HALL COUPdTY. ) On this 26�� day of Sept. , 19�F�-, before the under�igned, a
<br /> Notary Public within and for said county and state, personally
<br /> apneared James T. Ashton, as guardian of the propert,y of Emma Louise Ashton, an incompetent, to
<br /> me person�lly known to be the identical per�on who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor,
<br /> ana also kno��n to me to be the guardian of the property of Emma Louise Ashton, �.ncompetent, ar�d
<br /> he, as said �uardian, �.cknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument to be his volunt�,ry
<br /> act and deed. �
<br /> GIITNESS m;� hand and No�arial Seal the day and year Iast above wri�ten.
<br /> Wm Suhr
<br /> My commission expires Feb. 17, 19�-5. ( 5EAL) Notary Public.
<br /> Filed for record this 26 day of October, 194�-4- at 2.00 0 ' clock P.M. �j
<br /> ���r���! �/✓-��,
<br /> egis er of ea s
<br /> o-o-�-o-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-o_o-o_o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o
<br />