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��7ED R�� O�� �T�. 8 � <br /> 5��� <br /> 28469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> �tJIT CLAII�i DE��D <br /> �'HIS INDENTURE, Made this 14th day of September, in ti�e year ane thausa.nd nine lzundred and Porty- <br /> three Y�etween Donald Flint, a si ngle man, ( also bein� knovdn a� Donald R.Flint) o.f the �'irs� part, <br /> and Ethel Flint V'�'hite, of the second �art, <br /> WITNESSETI�, that the said partv o.f. the first part in consideration of t�le sur� of One Dollar and <br /> o�her �ood and sL?fficiPn� consideration, to htm du7_�T pa�d, thE� receipt whereof is hE�reby acknou�- <br /> 1_Pd�ed has remi�ed, reZe���ed and quit-cl_aim, �,nd by these presenrs does, for hir�zsel� �,nd hi.s heirs, <br /> executors and ac�iinistrators, remi;e, r�lease ar.d forever quit-claim t�.nd convey unto the sa�d party <br /> o.f the second p�,rt, and to �ier heirs and assigns forever, a.11 his ri�.11t, title, int�rest, estate <br /> c1�im ard demand, bot.h at lat� and in equity, of, in and to �.11 <br /> South Sixty-�ix ( 66) Fee'� of Lo't F�ur (�) , B�_ock Eleven (�.I) , Kernoh�.n & Dec�er' s Addition to tlie <br /> City of Gran.a zslat�a,H�.il County, Nebr�s��a. <br /> To�ether with �,11 and sin�;ular t�1e hereditar:ients t11e��eunto belonying. <br /> TO HA�IE Ar�1D TO HOLD the above de3cribed premises unto the said Ethel F1�nt White and to her <br /> heirs and assigr�s ; so t11at neither tlle s�.id grantor, or ariy person in his narne and beh€a7_f. , shall or <br /> wi11 hereafter claim or der�and anY r�-�kir or tit1P to the said premises or any part thereof, 'out <br /> they and ever,y one o�' them sllall by these presents be excluded and foi�ever barred. <br /> Ir1 �`�ITNESS WHEREOF, the said party o� the first part has hereunto set his harLd �d seal the <br /> d�y and year above written. Donald R.Flint <br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in presence o�' <br /> A.J.Luebs <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � �5. On this l�Fth day o� Septer.�ber, A.D. , 19�3, before me, the under5lgned, <br /> HALL COITNTY ) A.J.Luebs a �tar�T Publi.c, duly conr.iiasioned and qualiPied for and resic�- <br /> in� in said count��, car�e Donald Flin�,, a s3.r��le �an, to me knovrn to be �he identical <br /> person v�r.izcse name is a�'�'ixed to the foregoin�; instrument as �rantor and ac�no��le�ed the same to <br /> be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the d�r and year last above written. A.J.Luebs <br /> � SEAI�� Notary Public <br /> 142y commission expires the 6th da�r o� July, 19�5 <br /> Filed for record this 1.3 day o�' �ctober, 19��'�, at 1:40 0 � clock P.1�4. ^� ��%��d �/✓-�� <br /> Regis�er o� Deeds ,,� <br /> Q_0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_O_{)-C-O_��_0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-(� <br /> grilT CLAIM DEED � <br /> THIS INDET�TURF, Made th.;.s l�+tn d��.3- of October, in tne ye�r or.e trousanc� nine nundred anc? forty- <br /> faur, �et�*een Charl�s E. Taylor �,:c� Leli� Ta.ylor, nusba,nc. �.nd ��li�e, p��?.rties of tne f irst part, and <br /> Edurard Br���ba,nder, p�rty of t!�ie second part, <br /> WTTNES`:=ETH, tnat tre s�.i� p��rties of the first p�^:.rt, in cor.sidera.tion of the Uum of One Dollar and <br /> ot�e .r cor�sideration, to them dulv paic�., the receipt ���rnereoi is hereby ackno�ti�ledged_, remisec?, releasec,, <br /> �nd quit-claimec?, �nd b�r these nl�esen�s da ior t:�emselvES, tr,e�r ileirs, executors z.nd aclministr���tors, <br /> remi�e, rele�.se �i:d iorever quit-claim and convey ur�to tne s��id party of t'r�e second part, �xnc1 to <br /> nis ��i�� ari� assigr�s forever, all their ri�iit, title, interest, estate claim ar�d dem�.nd, both at <br /> law an.c� in ea,uity, of, in anu to �.11 <br /> Fractional Lot Si� (6) an�. Fractiona.l Lot Seven (7) in Fractiona�. Biock Thirty-four (�4) , Packer <br /> ar�c�. Barr ' s Seconc� Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Ccunty, Nebr�ska.. <br /> To�;ether with all �nct si.z���l�=,r the herec��t�rnei�ta thereunto oelon�in�. <br /> TO HAVE A:��3r TC� HOLD t�le �bave described premises :�nto the s�.i� Edwar� Brabander, his heirs <br /> and as�i�n�; so that neither tr�e said �rantors, or ar�y person in their and behalf, shall or <br /> T,aill hereaf�er c1� or dema.nd ar�;� r��nt or i,it7_e to the s��.i� x�remises or any part tnereof, but <br /> they arU every one of them �n�ll '�y these preser��5 be excluded �.r:d forever barrec?. <br /> IN WITNESS raTHE�?EOF, �he sa.ici ��=,.rties of tne first p^rt h�ve nereunto set their h�:nc�s arid <br /> seals t?�_e c.�.y �;x��. ;;e�.r <.bove t�=�i�ten. <br /> Cnarles E. Taylor <br /> Si�r��d, se�-.led ��r_:i delivered ir� prese�lce of Lelia Taylor <br /> B.;;nam <br /> SiATE OF NEBRASKA ) Ss, Or� this l�tr c��,y of October, A. D, l�li�-!-, before me, tne un�er:i��-r�ec�, <br /> HALL COUi�'TY ) B.J, Cun��in�h�,�zi, a Not�ry Pui�lic, c�u7_y com;nis^ioned and qualifiec� for and <br /> re�ic��..n�; in s<<id county, person�:..l1y came Cna.rles E. Ta�,rlor ar.d Lel�a T��rlor, rusbanc? ar�d t�.rife, to <br /> me 1�nown to be ti�e i�ientica�. persor.s �sthose na.:,es are affixed �o t��e foz°egoir�� instrumen� as gr�ntors <br /> �,ri�_ a,cknowlec��;ec �'r�e sarne to be their volunta.ry �ct and deed. <br /> W7.t:l e S S 7il�T Yi cti11 i;. �,,.i�i C: NO t'`",2.i l c�,1 �8 c,2 �i'l E Cai^�' c�f i C.;_ jr P,2.1' Z c,:3 t �tiiJ C?r E T�Tl^1��e T?. <br /> B.J. Cur:r�in�;h��.m <br /> ( �EAL) IvTot��.ry Pa'�lic <br /> My commission expires the 5th e.��y of Au�us�, 19��7 <br /> Filea f or recorc lll- d;�.y of Oetober, 19!F��-, at 10. ?0 0 � c7_ock A. M. ° �j <br /> �'��-l/_ <br /> Re�;i�ter oft� <br /> !1_i',.�t� �.'') n `,..,;`�I_+'"1�^�,��n._.!1_;J._i�—n—ri— r) .)•—',—�"+— r;—^.���j_(1,._�1.�'�;�..:�1.�`�)—��-1^� '.�_�_n—�j_,'✓_�!.' ,._�—r,l_�_fj_�_��—(J—'`��!J <br /> .. —. —., ., . .� .., . ., . ., . ��..., .. .. _ ^ ._ : <br /> / <br />