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5�4� �E�� ��CO�� �T�. � � <br /> � <br /> 25488—The Auguattne Co., Grand Island, Nebn � � <br /> �,UT i CLA I;�I DEED <br /> THIS IP1DEi1TURE, T���iau.e th:i.s 7tn day of October, in �he �rear one thousand nine hundred and forty- <br /> f our, 'petT�reen E1mer any��er an�� Bertna M. Snyder, Hus�and ai�d �rJif e, of tne f irst ���.rt, and �ienry <br /> B�aasc'r� an� Ruth Ba�ach, Husb�:�d and tNlife, of the second part, <br /> ��'IiNES�ETH, th��t the said �a,rties of the first part, in con5idera�ion of' the sum of O�her <br /> Consideration an�� One �nu Tdo/100 DOLLA.RS, to tizem duly ��aid, the receipt T��rnereof is nereby <br /> a,c'�no?,,z1ec�Led h�:�ve re::iispd, relea.sed, and quit-claimec�, anc� by these laresents d.o for ourselves, <br /> our heirs, executors �nd admirlistratars, remise, and f'orever quit-claim and convey unto <br /> the said partzes of the second part, and to their heirs �.nd as�i�r.s forever, all our right, title, <br /> interest, estate claim and �.er�an�., bo�h at la�^r and in equi�y, of, in and to all <br /> Lot Two (2) , Blo c�. Nine ( ;�) , Baker' s Adclit ion to the City of Gr�nd Island, Ne'�raska. <br /> To�etner �*ii,l� all aiz:. sin�;ul�r �he hereditaments thereur�to belonging. <br /> TO HAVF AND TO HOLD the aboye described premises unto the said Henry Baasch and Ruth Baasch, <br /> Husband anc� Wife, their neirs and assi�ns; so that neither T�re the said Grantors, nor any person <br /> in o,�r name �nc� beh�.lf, sh�.11_ or ��ri11 hereafter or der�and �ny ri�ht or title to the said <br /> premises or an�r p��rt thereo�, but �he�� anc� every one oi tnem shall b�T these presents be excludea <br /> a�� forever barreci. <br /> I�' �^TITIESS '.�HERFOF, the sai� p��.rtie� of the firs� ��.rt have hereunto set their hands and seals <br /> the da,y an:� year above writ�en. <br /> Signed, seale� �nc� reliverec� in ,�rese��ce o� <br /> Elmer Snyder <br /> Bertha M. Snyder <br /> STATE OF Nebraska) <br /> Hall County ) SS' On tnis 7tn �?�y of October, A. D. 191+-�+, before me, t�e un�.er�igned C. T. <br /> Flo`�Ter a Notary Pu�lic, duly conmissioned U.nd qualifie� for and <br /> resi�ing in sai� COu1Zl,Jr� per. son�tlly c�me E1mer Snyder arid Bertn�. M. Snycler, Husband and t�Tife, to <br /> me '.�notiTn to '�e the ic�;:eritic�.l pe����ons ��hose n�mes are affixed to the f'oregoin�; instru�ent as <br /> �rantors and acJ�rzoir�Tle��e� the to '�e their voluntar� act anc� deed. <br /> Witnes� r:�y h�:.i�� and Notarial Seal the c�.ay an�. year last above ��rritten. <br /> C. T.F'lawer <br /> i•7y commission expires t::e ��h day of Se:�ttItiD@1', l��-9 ( SEAL) Nota.ry Public <br /> Filed for recorcl this 11 �.ay of October, 1�4�� at 3 :00 0 � clock P. ��. � �J(�i�`L"� � <br /> �� <br /> e�ister of eeds <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-�_0_n_'?_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-��-0-0-0 <br /> QUI'I' CLAIIT DFED <br /> THIS ITIDENTURE, I���r_e this 6t:ri da,�J of Ccto'per, ir: �he year or.e �housand nirie hundred anct forty <br /> fc�.�r, bett��een Ella. I���iarti.n, sin�;1�, formerly spouse cf Jc�eph D. Ma-rtin of the first p�rt, <�.r�d <br /> Bern�.rc� L.Tn�mpson �.nc�. Evel�ia L. Thompson, nusb��nci anc� T�Tife as JCINT TEI�?AI�TTS, an�. not as tenan�s <br /> in cor�ir:�on of t�le secan.d ��art, <br /> ���dITNESSETH, �Lha,t the saicl pa.rt;r of tne f irst part, in cori��ider�,.tion of the sum of One Dol.l�..r <br /> �,nc� other cor�sic� e.r�..tio�� to 'r��er r.uly v<.,ia, �he recei.��t whereof is hereby acknot�Jlec�ged h�s remised, <br /> rele�sed, anc? a��it-cl�.irlec., �.nr� b;j these pre-ents doe� for hersel.f, her rieirs, executor�s, anc� <br /> a�m'��:istrators,f rer:iti e, release �.nc fcrever auit-cla,im an�. convey unto the saia parties of the <br /> second part, and �o triEir hEirs and assi�;ns forever, all :ner ri�ht, title, irit�=rest, estate claiin <br /> and c�e�nand, '�oth a� l�ti�r anc!_ i.r� ecuity, of, in and to all <br />�I The ���Testerly One-H�lf (�rJ�) of Lot ^lhree (3 ) a.iid a11 of Lot Four ( 4) in B1ock One Hun:�.red Two <br /> ( 102) in Koerii�; and r�liebe 's Addit'ion to the City of Gr�>,.nd Islanc�, H�.11 County, Nebraska. <br /> This Quit Cl�;� De°c' a,lso constitutes a release of tne assignment of' rents of tne aaove <br /> c• - n � (� � P'�'� S- c � r '� '' � <br /> c � rib a ,.,lt thi h �� ,,1 _mm �� i x t nd r t . �- <br /> e c �_ c � a c �.� e aas e eeu ed u e da e of Au •ust 1 �, na r <br /> � � ,� , �, g , 93 , a ecorde�L in <br /> Book S ef T��Sisce�l;�r��o F�ec rd. t P � �;-2 of tn . Re or��s of th �' � <br /> . us o s �. a,,-;e 3 e c e Re�ister o� Deeds of H�11 Count <br /> Y, <br /> Nebr�ska• the in�en�ion hereof' beir� 1• to release the above cesc'ribed 7�ror�ert - frcri s id nt^1 <br /> � � . .. 5 a r e �, <br /> �ssi�;nment. <br /> To�e�her ��ritn all sir��u1�r the �'lerediL�ments therevnto 'oelor��;ing, <br />,, <br /> TO HAVE An�D TO HOLD the abave described ��rer�ises u:�to the s��ici Bern�rd. L. Tho�pson anci Evelyn <br /> L. Thor:;pscn and. to their h�irs �nd �ssi��ns; so that neitr�er the saict E11;�. P�iartin, or uny person in <br /> her n�; �.nC beha.l_f, ��:�;;�,17_ or ?�ri11 hereafter cl�,im or c��ernanc� any ri�;nt or title to the sai� <br /> premi���es or a.ny p��rt thereof, �but they ar.� ever� one of them sha�_, by �hese presents be excluded <br /> ��.r�c� f'orever barred.. <br /> IP1 "^,rITI�iESS �,�I�EPEOF, the s�id. p�rt�� of the fir�t �oa_Y�t h�,s hereun�o set r�er hand and seal on <br /> the da�� anc;. y�a.r abcve T-�.�riti�en. <br /> S�_�-;nec?, seale�. ai�:�. delivered in r�r,=�ence of <br /> B. J. Cunnin�,����.m Ella Y���.rtin <br /> STAT�' G�' T?EBRASI'A) - <br /> �;'AT L County ) S�• On this l� da�r of October A. D. 1��1-�� '�efore me, the unc�ersi�nec� B. J. <br /> Cu�iniri.4Jh�,r� �. A?ctary Pu'�lic, c�u7_�� comr,�is.,ioned_ and au�?ifiec? for an� <br /> rFcid_in�; in s��.ir c^�,:�n�ty, Y�r�:7��on�:��ly c�ine Ella. r��artin, sin�le, �OT'111P1'�� spouse of Jaseph D. r�la.rt�n <br /> �o me kno�,}rn to be t�1e ic�entic��.l pe,�son ��ThoSe :zame is a.ff�xec? to f'ore�oin� itZStrum�ent as gr�ntor <br /> ^_rc�. ae?�no��ulec?ge�_ tne s<,r��e to �e her voluntary �.et anc� ceet�. <br /> ��Jitness my' ar��. �vTo�ari�1 Sea1 �he r�.�.y ancr yEar Iast above ti�rritten. � <br /> B. J. Cunrlin�;h�m <br /> T��it� cor.irnis�_�io�: -� �r L�� �- - .y as �� � `,ry Pub1i <br /> ,, ex�., es �_1 _ �; c.�.. o�' Au4�' t, l, -�.7. ( SEAL) '�o ��. c <br /> Fi.lec� f'or reco�c_ this l� day of October, 1��I-4, at 10: 1J � ' c1oc� A. r��i. �.� �J�� <br /> �_�t r <br /> Register of Deeds � �� <br />, _ _ � <br />