<br /> ���� ��COR.� �T�. � �
<br /> 23489—The Augustine Co., 6rand Island, Nebr. ".
<br /> executiori thereof to be their volunt�tiry act and deed as such officers and the voluntary act and
<br /> deed of St. Libo��T Churc� of St. Li'pory, Nebra,ska, a Corporation, anG. that the Corpor�ate Seal af
<br /> said St. Libory Churc� of St.Libory, Nebraska, a corpor�.tion, is thereto �.ffixed by its authority.
<br /> WITNE55 my hand �nd. seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, �.n said county the �.ay and year last
<br /> abeve written.
<br /> ( SEAL) B.J. Cunningham
<br /> P�Iy commission expires: Au�. F, l�Zl-7 Notary Public.
<br /> THE UNDERSIG�JED, Pastor of St. Libory Church of St. Libory, rlebra.ska, h�reby �ertif ies that
<br /> on the l�tn d.ay of T�ay, 19�-j, that all of the Trus�ees of St. Libory � Church voted in favor of
<br /> the sale of the Northeast Qu���rter of tl�e North�,re5t Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE�NW�NE4)
<br /> of Section Four (�+) , in To�Jnship Elever� (11) , North of Range Nine (�) , ��est of tne Sixth P.M.
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, to Jcseph Sprague for the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty (�750.00) DoZlars;
<br /> the said property being held �jointly by St. A4ary �s Church of �rand Island, Nebraska, and St.
<br /> Libory Church of St. Li'oa-ry, Nebraska.
<br /> Dated �his l�th day Qf A��y, 1��1-3. ,
<br /> Henr� Niuenstermann
<br /> TI-iE UNDEF.SIGiJED, P�stor of St. Mary �s Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby certif'ies
<br /> that on the l�th c�ay of AZay, 1��{-J, tha.t all oP tne Trustees of St. Mary 's Church voted in favor
<br />' of the sale of tr�e Nor��least Quarter of the North�•Test Quarter of the Northeast �uarter (NE�NW4NE�)
<br /> of Seetio:� Four (�-) , in To?�rnship Eleven �11) , North of Range Nine (�) , West of the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> H�.11 County, Nebraska, to Joseph Spragae for the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty (�750.00) Dollars;
<br /> the said property bein; held jointly by St. Libor� Criurch of St. Libory, Nebraska, ana St. P�ary ' s
<br /> Church of Gr�.nd Islax���!, Nebr�sl�a.
<br />� D�tEd this l�t?� d�y of T�1ay, 19�+3•
<br /> Leo Keatirz�
<br /> Filed f'or record this 10 d.ay of Octaber, l��l-�-, at lI :00 0 ' clock A. M:�r, ������'�- ����
<br /> Re�ister of eec15
<br /> Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0
<br /> � QiTI� CLAI�7 DEED
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Nade this 17th day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and
<br /> Forty-three, betVreen V. E. Ularren �,n� A1.ma. Warren, ,husband anc?. wif e, parties of the first part,
<br /> and A. L. Dunn, n�rty of �he secon�. L�art,
<br /> '�TITNESSETFi, tha.t the said r��rties of the �irst par�, in con�ideration of the sum of One
<br /> Dollar an�. other valu�,ble consic�er�tian to t�em duly paid, the receipt zn�hereof is hereby
<br /> r �cknoti�rledged have remised, relea.se�, and quit-clairned, �.nd by these presents do for themselves
<br /> �nd their heirs, executors anc? aca..ministrators, remise, release and forever ouit-claim and convey
<br /> unto the said party of the secor�cl part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all of their right,
<br /> title, interest, est�te claim and demand, both at lata and in eauity, of, in ar�d to all
<br /> of the I�?orth H�.lf (N-�) of the Northc�rest Qu�,rter (N?nT4) of Section tti��enty-one (21) in
<br /> I Township tt-,relve (12 ) North, R�,n�e Twelve (I2) , West of the sixth (6th) P.P�, s�.tuate�. ir� Hall
<br /> Coun�y, St�.te of' Ne�ras�a.
<br /> To�;e�her with all and sin�ular t��.e heredit�,ments thereunto belon�;in�,.
<br /> TG HAVE AND TO HOLD the aiaove describec� premises unto the sai� A. L. Dunn and to his heirs and �
<br /> assigns; so that neither they, the said �rantors, nor �ny person in their name and beh��lf, shall
<br /> or �rrill her2�fter claim or deman� any ri�ht or title to the said prernises or any part thereof,
<br /> but t?�iey and. every or�e of them shal_.l by these presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> Ii�� WIT�TESS Wa-:EREOF, the said parties of the first �?art have hereunto set �heir hands and
<br /> sea.ls the day and year above written.
<br /> SiLned, sealed �n�. delivered in presence of
<br /> V.E. Warren
<br /> R. Frederick Sirlkbeil A1ma �i�a.rren
<br /> STATE OF Nebr�sk
<br /> < a )
<br /> Hall Ccunty ) SS' 0�� tri_s 17th aay of Au;�ast, A. D. iq�-3, before me, the undersi�nec?, R.
<br /> Fr�ederick Sinkbeil a Notary Public, duly commiss�oned and q�a�.lifiec�
<br /> for anc resiaing in s�id cour�ty, persor:�lly c�.me V.E. Warren and Alma Warren, husb�,nd and wife,
<br /> to me knoum to be the ic?entical persons whose names affixed to the foregoing instrument as
<br /> grantors a.n�. ac'_�not;TleG.ged the same to be their volunt�ry act and deed.
<br /> Witness my har�d and. Notarial Seal the da,y a.nd year l�st above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) R. Frederick Sinkbeil
<br /> My commis:�ian expires the I2th ��ay of September, 1��+'-�. Notary Publie.
<br /> File�. for record triis 10 �ayr of Qctober, 1q1��-, at 2 :00 0 � clock P.r•2.�a` ��. �p� �.����-
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br />' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> WAR�.A.�,rTY DEED
<br />� KNO'�T ALL MEN BY `I'HESE PRESE�tTS, That Sherrnan LerYtasters, a widower; Edgar A. Underhill and Irene
<br /> M. Underhill, hus'panc� and �,rif e, �11 of Hal1 County Nebraska; Eanah Ogard and James Ogarcl, wif e and
<br /> husband, of e��'hatcom County, Washin�ton; Jacob L. LPMasters and P�Tyrtle D.LeMasters, husband a,nd
<br /> ti�rife of Los An�;eles County, Californi�,; anc� Charles I�Y. Ler�asters a,nd Erma Lehiastiers, husband and
<br /> t�rif e, oF Los Angeles County, Ca1ii o�ni a;
<br /> In consiczeration oi O�e & No/100 Doll<�rs and otner considerat�.or. in hanct paid do hereby ;r�.nt, ��
<br /> i
<br />