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��E]E� ��COR� �To. 86 <br /> 57 � <br /> 23489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> mrAntees as JOINT TEiv'ANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and <br /> as.s�.�n,�o�' the survivor of them, forever, and saicl grantor for i�self and its successors and <br /> assigns does hereby covenant with said grantees an d with their assigns and with the heirs and <br /> assigns of the survivor of tnem that it is lawfully seized of said premises, that tney are free of <br /> incumbra_ncea except as sta�ed herein, that it has good right and lawful authority to sell the same, <br /> and that it will and its successors and assigns shall warrant and defend the same unto said <br /> grantees and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of �he survivor of them, forever, <br /> again�t the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions above stated. <br /> IN WITNESS '�'HEREOF, said Cassel Realty Company has caused these presents to be signed by its <br /> President, attested by its Secreta.ry, and it:; Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed; this 27th <br /> day of September A. D. , 194�. <br /> ------------------ ( CORP) Cassel Realty Company <br /> (�1�. 70 I.�. Stamps) ( SEAL) By Albert Krug, President <br /> ( C�ncelled ) Attest: Max Becht, Secretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> County of Douglas ) s�' On this 27th day of September A.D. , 1944, before me, a Notary Public in <br /> �,nd for County, personally came tn.e above named Albert Krug <br /> President, an d Max Becht, Secretary, of Cassel Realty Company who are personally known to me to <br /> '�e the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above Deed as President and Secretary of <br /> ' said corporation, and they acknowledged said instrument to be th�ir volunta_ry act and deed and <br /> the volunta,ry act and deed of said corporation. <br /> WITNESS my hand and official seal the date last af'oresaid. <br /> G.W. Becker <br /> My commission expires May 22, 19�+7. ( SFAL) Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 9 day of October, 19��4, at �: 15 0 ' �lock P. M. � � <br /> ����� <br /> �egister of� <br /> o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> CORPORAT I0�1 ti�JARr'�ANTY DEED <br /> K�TO?^� ALL MEN BY TAESE PRESEPITS: THAT St. Mary ' s Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, a <br /> corporation, organ�zed urLder the laws of the State of Nebraska and located at Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, and St. Libory Cnurch, a corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br /> and located at St.Libory, Howard County, Nebraska, in consideration of the suM of One (�1.00 ) ' <br /> Dollar and other valuable consideration in hand pa�.d by Joseph Sprague, da hereby grant, bargain <br /> and sell ta the said Joseph Sprague the followin� described real estate situated in Hall County <br /> and State of Nebraska., to-ceit : <br /> The Northeast Quar�er of the Northwest Quarter of the �Jortheast Quarter (NE4NW4NE4) of Section <br /> Four (4) , in Township Eleven (11) , North of Range Nine (9) , West of the Sixth (6) Principal <br /> Meridian I <br /> , together with the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurten�.nces tnereto belonging and all estate, ' <br /> right, title, interest, claim and demand of every kind a_nd na.ture of the said (�rantors in and to <br /> said premises and every part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described nrer�ises ti-sith the A�purtenances thereto to the said <br /> grantee and to his heirs and assigns forever. And the above named Grantors do hereby covenant � <br /> wi�h the Grantee that they hold said premises by good and perfect title, that they have good right <br /> and lawful auth�rity to se11 and convey the same and that said premises are free and clear of <br /> liens and encumbrance. <br /> And the said Gra.ntors hereby covenant with the Gra,ntee to TnTarrant and defend said premises <br /> a�a3.nst the laTnrful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> Dated this 16th day of October, �.9�-3. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF tlze sai� St. Mary' s Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, a Corporation, and <br /> said St. Lipory Cnurch of S�. Libory, Nebraska, a Corporation, caused these presents to be <br /> executed by its President and Treasui°er and the Corporate Seals �o be affixed hereto this 16th <br /> da.y of October, 19�+3. <br /> ' ST. i�1ARY'S CHURCH OF GRAND ISLAND, <br /> Witnesses : ( CORP) iVEBRASKA, a Corporation, <br /> B. J. Cunningham (SEAL) By Stani slaus V. Bona, Presiclent <br /> - Leo Keatin�, Treasurer <br /> l.�_0 I.R. Stamps) <br /> ,�Cancelled �� (COnP) ST. LIBORY CHURCH OF ST. LIBORY, NEBRASKA, <br /> , ( S��aL) A Corporation <br /> Raymond. Rock By Stanislaus V. Bona, President <br /> Paul Henry Muenstermann, Treasurer <br /> STATE OF NEBF.ASKA ) <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) �S' Now on this 23rd d�y of October, 1943, personally appeared before me, <br /> a Notary Pu'�1ic in and for said cour�ty, Stanislaus V. Bona, President <br /> and Leo Keatin� Treasurer, to me knoum personally �o be the President and Treasurer and the <br /> identica.l per5ons whose names are affixed to the above conveyance and they acknowledged the <br /> execution thereof ta be their voluntary act and deed as such officers and the vol�i:.t�r;T ac� ��nc� <br /> G.ePd of gt . r�ar,y 's Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, and that the Corporate Seal of' said <br /> St. h�ary �s Church of Grand I�land, a corporation, is thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> WI�NESS my hand and seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, in said county the day an� year <br /> above writ ten. <br /> ( SEAL) B. J. Cunningham <br /> My commissian expires August 5, 1�4 Nota.r Public. <br /> 7 � <br /> STATE 0�' NEBRASKA ) <br /> COUNiY OF HALL ) S�' NOW on this 30th da.y of October, 194�, personally appeared before me, <br /> a Notary Public ir� anc� for said county, Stanislaus V. Bona, President, <br /> and Henry Muenstermarin 2'reasurer, to me kno.�m person�.11.y to be the President and Treasurer an�. <br /> the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above conveya,nce and i.hey acknoT�rledgec? the <br />