<br /> 5� r
<br /> ��E�� ��COR� �T�. 8 �
<br />;
<br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Isiand, Nebr.
<br /> QUI m CLAI�i DEED
<br /> THIS IA;DENTURE, Made t'r�is 9tr: a�y of Au�ust, in t'r�e year one t�zousand r.ine hundred aric� forty
<br /> f'our, bet�}7een Frank Lunne;� and P�7aude r��. Lunney, husband and T,ri�'e of tne first part, ancl Ricnard
<br /> E.Lovejoy, sir��le of tne secon4 z��=:,rt,
<br /> '�1ITNESSETH, that t'rie sa_id parties of' the f irst pa-rt, in coiisider�tion of' the sum of �r�e
<br /> Doll�?r anc� o�her coz�sicveration Dollars, to ��lem ciuly �aic, the receipt Urnereof is hereb�r
<br /> ac1�-.o6vle��ed have remisec_, released, ana quit-claimec�, �,r.c� by tizese presents do far themselves,
<br /> their neirs, executors ancti administr�,ters, rernise, release ar.cZ forever quit-claim anci convey unto
<br /> tne saic� party of the seco��� part, and to �_is heirs and assi�r.s forever, all their right, title,
<br /> interest, estate clairn �.nd demanc, both at lati1� and in eqvity, of, in a,nd to all
<br /> Lo�s One (1) , T�r�o ( 2) and Three (3) in Block Severl ( 7) - Kerriohan and Deciier � s Add.ition to
<br /> the City of Grar.d Islar.c{, H�11 County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted ar�a recorded
<br /> Tot;ether with a11 an�. singular trie herecitamer.ts thereunto belor�gin;.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne above �escribed premises un�o the said Richar�. E. Lovejoy his heirs
<br /> and assi�ns ; so tha.t neither they trie said ;�r�ntrrs, nor any person in their name and behalf,
<br /> shall or will hereafter claim or �.e�:��:nd any right or title to the said premises or any part
<br /> �-�- , � , � ; „ , , , , , ,
<br /> ��ier eol , put tne� and every one of them �hal� by t'_�ese presents be excluaec: ana forever barrea.
<br /> I��? T�ITNESS TrTHEREOF, the said parties o:f the first r�art h�ve hereunto set t��eir h�,nd anc�� seal
<br /> �he �.�,t an�. sre�,r abov ti�r ' t t
<br /> ,� ,, e r i en.
<br />, c N ,
<br />� �i n �
<br /> ed seal d n� a
<br /> g , e a e�_iverea ln presence of
<br />�, F'rank Lunr�ey
<br />', Lloyd ��1.Ke11y i�4aude I�. Lu.ney
<br /> HALL County ) ss' On this �th d�y of AuUust, A. D. 1��4, before me, the undersi�;ned
<br /> Evelyn Hayes Shefiield, a Notary Public, dulf co�:missione� and
<br /> qualif i ed for an4� resic��ing� in said county, persor.�.11y came Frank Lunney and i�aude M.Lvnney,
<br /> husband anC� wife, to �e known to be t�e i�entic��.l persons titi�r_ose names are afiixe� tc the foreeoing
<br /> inst,��ument ��tis �rantors anc� acknoVrlec?�ed t�,_e s�me to be tY�leir vcluntary act �,r�c? deed.
<br /> ��Titr�es� :ay h�r�c� �nc� Notarial Se�.l ��ie day ar�d year last above written.
<br /> Evelyn Hayes S'r�effield
<br /> ( aEAL) PJotary Public.
<br /> :��.y �or:lmissiez: ei:pires t��e 20t�h �ay of July, 1y4�.
<br /> Fileci �'or record tnis j d�Jr of October, l��1-1-!-, at 11 :00 0 � clock A.r•7. v� ��i����� �J/
<br /> \/1 �,���3-
<br /> e�ister of eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-C-0-�-0--G-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> '�ti'ARRA.��TY DEED - Cor���or�t�o�i
<br /> TrIS I'�?DE:'TuF:E, l�i�.�.e �l�is c^n:� cay �� "epi�er,lber A. D. , 1;i�-�;-, ;�et��reen Tne First N�tional Bank
<br /> of Gra,:«. I�lan�z, T`Te'r�raska, a cor�ora�ior�, as e�ecutc� nr�c� t�.�u��ee ul�:,.er �'_ie last -�ri 11 ar.c�
<br /> �2St.^.:^_E::it Oi ��a'_tS��;V ;`t���P,_!'� , �EC2aS°i , . C�Y'y.OY'�'.i;;�0� OY'��3i�i�- E�: �i�G�. eX1Sti�i�; U;1c,eY' �,17C_ 'pS�r Zr1T'�U8
<br /> 0�' �i�@ �c:.*":TS Of' tiia ��e.+.T�F, O� ��ev�'�S�ic?, LJ^.1^��� Of' t''".�i��' �:•i1'S� �9..1'�� c?.I1a 1�:EY'il� T'i.�c^.':.'1ti' Oi �'1E CiOU'i1t� Of'
<br /> �°� Z-� ':i: �t,"�' � Oi 1`�Pbl" �'ic.� yJc.Y'�Sr Oi t�iE', �°CO:1C;_ ��^'�v�
<br /> u_ c� _ o.., � c'�..._ . .�..
<br /> � �:'�li�'1VJ.',u�5"F'�'rT�� �'1",t 1,:1F Sc�C' ?i;'�.T'l,j' Of' t�'1E? �il'Su ;�cY'i, for. �fi�: i: C011Sl�tP_.?'c`�-.G�0:1 OI ur12 SU::1 Of'
<br /> F'Oii'1' 1�10''_? ?iii`_ TT^r0 Ti�J;l,':'Y'Ei:i. c.111�_ ?10�1�� D�L�.R�.�7 1l1 ��;.1C� jJc?.i.�'-� 1'P,CB�_'��, ?'?'Li°Y'EOf' 15 1'i�l'�'''��y 2C'_��L10?�tl�..E.-'�v2C�.�
<br /> �Il�?S SO�CL �.:i�. �JZ' 'Gi�1BSE ;�1'�,SFi'1�S �OES vi?,:��� i.'�i1V?;j c.i7�. COi:{'�7'itl LlI1ti0 tila Sc^„'i�� J€3,.T't Cf' �L`i° SeCG11Q
<br /> pa.rt, �_i� �ollo'�Ti;�" c�Fscribe� y ��^mises, si�uate� iz� H�.11 Cou��ty, ��n�'. S�a.te o� Nebras��a, to-'�it .
<br /> A�..]_ o_" Lo� Six ( 6) -� 3�_oc�� F�_fteen ( 1J) i:-. �t'.�e 0��;�;:°�J1�.1 To-,-n, no�,T City cf �r�.::c_ Isl:;�.r.d, as
<br /> SUi'VEJE'C!� y�lc�i,�°L:� �,.1� recorced. ��'"U'a7j°C� �� �i'?� �l@T.S 01^ ETiCUI"'1�^�1�Ces ir�curr2C'. p� ti1° �Y'aI1tE?S
<br /> . i1F..i'�v1}Z. �
<br /> Tj' .1'>` ry '�-i..� Y�a�r O n'^\ . Qc+ �n�� pr '�' ^0 �"'� T.r �'�,� !11 L � �' C]7• G'1 `1
<br /> i0 HAV� A'��� '�0 HOLi ��� p_ �.ni;e.� �.�tiove c�. �c� .��„�,_, �o�,.�_...r .,i �_a �,.�1. ��1e 1 e.��_:�,.�.ts, He-reaii��_-
<br /> ?n�::tS �yl'1��. �i���JY'tPri;?r1CeS t:iP7'°U�ltO �@:L0 1"1 lv` UiltO t��l� Su��:! �i=',r�tee. A21Ct ti12 S�1C? r=;��`?�tOl' fCT'
<br /> it�elf, or its successors, �oes ':iereY�y cove���iit a�ic_ auree to a.N i ?��rit�� tre saic,i y���,rty of the secor�c�
<br /> 'Jc^:Y'� �:, lt'_ :"i@Z' 11�12'S c.Ti�1 �.;',3�i-;i S �i1;3i, �.� ���e i,yIl�e Ci t�le BX�CL� �;Oi� ��:1��_ u°��VFi'jr Oi these ;,reSP.,tS
<br /> •-. � r.�. ,� 1+ _ . ?-. '' *", � ' E
<br /> 7.. � � � ��._�dl ..11i;; SE?1'--E'�__ O.. �41�_ ::P°Il1i.S°S� trc)ti i� ::i2.� �O.l .. T'l : _:.t �;.i1C: Z.c'L�.�1 �?� cUtrO�^��;,I �0 C0=?V �r
<br /> .�i C � .,: J-(..,yn L• Q. . _ ' pP "F'" i.,'� . �' �,n ^ .�n •n'�` ` 'i1;� T�: ?'' � ..``�._ri�,' defend 1�17.C�.
<br /> �_n, _,,,. e; �� � ,t �� ,� �l°� ir _�o.. e��c .�;�,�,�r �tince c�o�.� '� r eby co�ve�,.�nt 'tc t�:�r_ an �
<br /> , , , . ,.
<br /> s._.�_c� �-�_�er..i� ^ __ ,. . � -
<br /> „ ,
<br /> �Y n c`P.;• cl,J�.iliu V.'ii'�C ii.?CTf'�7� ^.�.c iT�'1S v± i'.�1�_. ,� i:r,n�r q ,ri �i �
<br /> _. ;.i �, . vl.� '"� 't7=1 �f��l:l'•
<br /> '}'T t `,:+�T1 T'�T�v j *eP'.]' 'n F+ ' �. �'�i 1 �.7,.. �t �T 1-y %� �!� ? ,° y' c� n r T T ' o �n, e �y �
<br /> .��1�E�-L.�OF, ���e �. c,. Tr e � i .�.�_� o.i��l r.,�_n� o� _ a.rid �l���id, �ebras:��:�_ �_a, ereanto
<br /> -' ,�.5°'= :.�:; Cvl'�Oi'c-..�u :e:a,_L �O iJ� �l�'l E'. L t1L '� �. ;r� r� + � i S i it y
<br /> �:�., �;. . :-. � t._e.�e e.�erlt� �o be si�nec_ �T t P�� eside:�t t�e da
<br /> Z T` 't?� Y'�('�'t' r.ir n
<br /> �in�_ �e��r �.: � � �;bove � _ itt�n.
<br /> , , , , ,
<br /> SiJ�zea., sea�_ea ��I�c;. c'..eliv��re-� in �y��sence of' .
<br /> , ,
<br />, - - - - - - - T�ie F�rs � i�latic:,:�l 3�r�k or Gr°�:..rid Islund,
<br /> � v�i�.t'� 17P,��J1'v.S�r�,� c: CCY'.G�GT'c"-��1.Ori� c^,S e.x�c�ator "I:C`.
<br /> ; (�.�'.�.'�,L) ti Us t+ee ��li'�.Ei' t�"iC"' �c S u T`'il� c_:1l l�i CS Vu171°iiti
<br /> , (�y�!-. �� I.R. Stamps) o�^ G�_?�t. v i7�llers, Lece:..seG.
<br /> � , r „
<br /> C��rce�-�e�= ) B�,r E. J. �^ToL ��.c�� Pr�s.
<br /> STATT OF iJe'^^as��ai
<br /> ss.
<br /> � �c��_Z CiOU::��T � �11 l,�'1'l.,�'� Gi1Ci w�c^�'y' Oi' Q� l`,O�`?@'�' 1C,1�-�-r ��E'11'" �Y'P i:18J ��P, U:1CieI'S�,`'_�'i1EC�� � i`�Ot,c�.l'�
<br /> PJ�, i ':", � �'vl' �<'.� �i. {�i�'iI"?�i,�r� - a �;✓' �.i,-�T �,"' v I;TC�_� Cr Pr�s ��FYlti Ql'
<br /> � '�1 i c � ��n c � �� �'s � r.� a��d. i�..
<br /> T.za r�.rst ��?ati��r��.l Ban?� oi r�-�r,d Isl.����_ �o r�� _ .-., r ,:-:�� -.. �1 � + �,. �,� r��� � �o �,�
<br /> G _ i:o r�. �o '�e ���e �c_e � c�._ r,.�r tiTho se
<br /> I� , :1c?:iE'. 1S c?�j'i7_°i?G. tQ ��P, �',JU^vVc CO!"iS,TE�u1:C2j 2„�:� u,Ciri_O%;TZ.E��.�BC �Y'i�.,^- e:�EC'v.tl0i2 'Gti�.°�'�Oi �0 �i@ '�?�S VO�.Ui���3,T';;r
<br /> <�:�t �,nr. ��.ee�� ��.s s��c�� o�ricer �;,.izc_ t1:e VG�.L:;1�"i,ci��r G.c� a1�r� �:e�:y c� �,�-e s�a,_c� T:�ye First Tda�ior:a? Bank
<br /> r ' ?s � , ^� �'�, + �. ,�t ?�1� �n�t �i�e Cor��oz�u�e sea� of �:�_e sG.�-c: T'�.e Fir::t
<br /> of G� anc. � l�nc_, �. .�l.ec���c�::� �� Tr�a ee, �.1 �� � l�. i
<br /> T�T,� `., ,a , , c. n � ,- T� r.= iiqr_ �i ,c J;J °-f'� t' � � ' ��' li ±•.
<br /> tar.;t+10 ic11. L�' ,_.;'i �1 lr.C'��i..,.. 11�.aii:'. �c..� � �.L �. G,�L i.<.eC- i� T i ,,.� i�, ,,l.�i�i'1 �� .
<br /> ' ; 'r� r+n �r n" ,a' '4 � `- � nl � ,o � ..� yri c-�' " �r '-l- r � � 22' Z.c��l above
<br /> �1�.i �.,8:� . itl iic:ti:._.. u.P_ 1�0 ��T'l�v].. �Ec,_ c,.t Gi �,.Y1C. ISld_:L:. ..��L�C_ CvuT1t� u_1" ��.c`�,�T c`3.'P.C� �r,-�� „
<br /> I T�Ir_�t�r. ;� .��) "a.rt'l�� F. Sc:oltz
<br /> .
<br /> � ,,� cor�:;ls��o'.. ��.�..ix �� ' �_l�':�sr o� Fe'�rt�ur T z'' �o. �T �
<br /> � - �.,� e u t -,, � � � ��c�� Pa;�l�
<br /> ' �='r..- _ ' 7�
<br /> i�1.�.J..; _vP ° � � ' . �r .: �C �l7i�EI') �_�'�'' :`;�.fii �i .J✓ � � G'i�'i�_`> 1_. V '��-��'
<br /> _ "�i'1.i1. �,. �.'_�S :i;i.� a":• � �
<br /> , ei11s__er o�
<br />