<br /> �1E�E� ��E C O]�.� �T�. � �
<br /> 23489—The Auguatine Co., (irand Island, Nebr.
<br />� �,UIT CLAI�Z DEED � �
<br /> THIS INDEi'�?T?JR�', ��2ace tl:�is l�th ��ay of Septel�:ber, in tne year one thousand nine nundred and
<br /> for�y-iour, betTfaeen Lena Scheel Ga.lycan, a t;ric�.oti�r, party of tne first part, and Marti�� Schimmer,
<br /> p<�.r�y oi' t��e seco:��. p�rt,
<br /> WITNE�SE�H, tnat t�e said ;�arty o� the firs� part, in ccnsic�eration of the sum-�f One Dollar,
<br /> to he�� dul� p�.ic�, ���e recQ�pt T:-hereof is riereb�r ac��no?��rledged rP:,lised, release�w, ;ar�d quit-claimed,
<br /> anc? b�r �:.,ese pres�n�s �oes for herself ��er :neir�, e::ec?ztors and ad�:�inistrators, rernise, release
<br /> ancl forever q���it-cla�m and co�veJ unto t?�e said p��rty of tne seco:�c?_ part, and to his heirs an�
<br /> as�-��ns i�rever, all 'ner ri�'r�t, �it1e, inte•rest, e�t�,te c�aim an� dem�,nd, both at law and in _
<br /> ea�xity, oi, in anc to «11
<br /> A c�rta.�n ��rt o� Section j�, ToT�rnship 11, Alorth, F'.ari;��e l�J, �rdest of the 6th P. T�. , consist�ng
<br /> oi all of Lot !-, i�?ainlU.nr!, excep� the East �-97.0 feet tnereof, ana excel�t all of a cer�ain tract
<br /> ccnveJ ec. by rfiartin Scrii���r�er ( Sr. ) ��nc� Louise Schimmer, to Cay H. Eth*oldt, recoraea November 21,
<br /> 1��`2, in Boo�i F oT �7eec.1s, on Page �7�; ana. a11 of' Lot 2, Island, except the East �-�7.0 feet
<br /> thereof, a.nc� exce?�t all of a cel�tair. tx��.ct cor�va�red i��T Fre� Roby ��nd Johanna Rob;� to Cay H. Ettitoldt,
<br /> recor�ed Ja:ju�ry l�-, 1��1, in Boo� � oi Deeds, or. P�=;�;e 3���; all bein; af' recor�. in the Reeister of
<br /> �eeds ai fice of' t�all County; anc� rive:.� accretions : the area oi �he tr�.ct conve;reu b�r this
<br /> instrumErl� bei:,�� ;4. �� ^.cres, mor� or less.
<br /> To�ei�her ��rit'� all an�t sir��ular ti�e ilereditamei7ts i,hereuizto belor�ir,o.
<br /> TO HAVE A^1D TO HOLy t�le �bove describea premises �.znto the said_ P•2artin Schimrner his rleirs and
<br /> c3SS1.�riS� SO t�ic.� riPlt't'i?T' t't1�' S��1C1 "Y'c^Ti�,`�,7:'� OY' �Yljr �;PY'SUr. lll 'r�er I1c�.i.ie c'?,i11 be�ialf, shall OY' will
<br /> nere^.fter claim ox� dem�nc� any ri�ht or title to tr�e �aid prer��ises or ariy part tnereof, but they
<br /> �3":iG. eV�:C'�r Or1E' Qj' t:�Ei;l Si�8.11 ��T �;i�2S2 �JI'@SC'��S �J2 @XC�UCi.eC�. u,'.1i�. �orever barred.
<br /> IT� ��1yTNESS y.'�:EREOF, the s�id- par�y of �he f'lrst ��z.r. t Las hereunto sei. :ner nand and seal the
<br /> day and year a.bove t�zritteri.
<br /> Si�ned, sealPd �nct c�elivere�i. ir� ;aresence of
<br /> B. J. Cun�iirlgh�m Lena Sch?Al Galyean
<br /> STATE OF �dEBRA�{A ) �
<br /> HALL Co:zn�y ) `"S' On this l�th day of Septer��ber, A. D. 1;�-�'-, bef'ore me, the ur�c?ersi�ned
<br /> B. J. Cunr�ingharl a Pvotary Public, duly comr.�zissionea and qualified for
<br /> anc�ti resid.in; in saic? COL1T1t�r� personally� ca�ne Les�a Scheel Gal;�ea.n, a U�idoti,r, to me kr�own to be tne
<br /> identical prrsor� t�,-ho°e n��-ne is �fi i:�ec.? to tne fox e;;oin�; instrument as grantcr anc� �ekno�+Tle�ged
<br /> the s�..�,,e to be he-r volu�lt��.ry ac� at�c deed. ,
<br /> ;�1it,less my :�ar.�ci an�. Not�.ri a.l Seal the �.�.y a'n�. year la.st above written.
<br /> ( SEAL� B• J. Cui�ningham
<br />� P�2J conlr��ission exy�ires the 5tn �.a;�� of Au�ust, 11�-�7. Notary Public
<br /> F�lec� f'or record th�s 2 da.y of October, 19�E��- at 4: 45 o � clocY P.��.. ~"�� (`/��-�.d�
<br /> \ e�ister of��s
<br /> 0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> �UIT Ci,AIi`i DEED
<br /> THIS Ti�1LET��TUP�E, T�:�.�de tnis l�th d�y of Septenber, i� the year one tn.ousand nine hundred and
<br /> iort�r-four, bet?��ree:�7 Lenz. Scheel Galye�n, a Trrido�ti, p��.rty of the first pa-rt, an� ��alter Schimmer,
<br /> p�.rtv of the sec�rld p�r�, �
<br /> V1IT�'�1ESSETH, that t'ne s<�ic±. �arty of t.�e first ;�art, ir: co,rzsi�eratior. of the sum of One Do11�.r,
<br /> to,,.h-e�.^ ����ly pai�, the receiF�t V,�hereo� is hereby ac?�roti�rled�ed remisec�, released, �,nd auit-claime�,
<br /> �:,�anc i��r thess x�resen�� dces for rierself her he?rs, executors aizd au.mi��istrators, ren�ise, release
<br /> �?nc' �"'OY'2V21' C�U:it—C��.lIf1' uriG. COi_V,^,;� Utl'�0 '�Y1� Sd1.�� ���;.1"tJT Qf' i,�"i° S@CG:1Ct "���`�...Y'�, �,YlG. t0 i1�S C121T'S a.21�
<br />, assi�,n� forever, all her ri`lit, title, ir��erest, est�te c1�.im and de�ancti, both at l�w and in
<br /> equity, of, in an�. ta a.l�_
<br /> A cert�in part oi Secti�_on ;o, To�m�hip 11, i�ortii, R�.n�e 10, West of the 6ti� P..�I. , consisting
<br /> of tne �'�est 12u. � fee� cf Lot l, Islancl; a.nd the West 12a. � feet of' Lot �j, I•.ainla.nd; anc� tne
<br /> E�st ��7. 0 feet o�' Lot 2, Isl�ncx; ��.d the East �G7. 0 fe�;t of Lot �-, P�Iainla.nc��, except all of. a
<br /> cert�in tr�.ct co�aveyed ����r :�i�,.rtin Sc:ni:rimer (Sr, ) �.na Louise Seni:nmer, �o Cay H. Etr�ol�.t, recorc�ed
<br /> ivTOVember 2l, 1��2, ir� F3oo� F of Deeds, on Page 57�9, in the records of ti�e Re�;ister of Deeds of-"ice
<br /> of �-:�11 County; ar,c' riv�r �.ccrc�io��s : the area o:� �Lne tr�c� corlveyec� by this instrument being
<br /> ��-. ��- ;�.cr�s, rlo.re or les�.
<br /> To�etner T,.�it=1 all an�� sin���.l�.r tne hereaitaments thereunt� 1J�iOT1E;1Tlg.
<br /> TO ?-IAVF A�rL TO HOLr t:r�e a�otiTe descr�bec� ;��emises urito t�e sai� ���Ta3ter Schi�r,�er nis �ieiz^s ar:c�
<br /> �.s^igns; �o th�tit ��eit�..er the saic� gr�,r�tor, :�r a,ny .,�erson iri hei� n�.r,�e ancz behalf, sl�all or ti�lill
<br /> he_c�e�i�er cl<:i;r: c� c°tie;r.ar�c:t ar�y ri;hU or title to the said pre.rises or ariy �art thereof, Uut they
<br /> �ri� ever;j Ori�? Of' l,�"18�"i Si��l� ��I tiiP,S2 jJY'2S°il'�S '.JE BXCiUca_eC� �,:^,C�_ IOY ever '���,,.Y'Y'E'C�.
<br /> Ii�' r^1TTNESS Z���EREOF, t'�Le sa.,id part�,r of tne first part has nereun`to set her n�r�cl �.nd seal t1�e
<br /> c�ay an-' ye�r a�ovz i,:.,:.���ter�.
<br /> �;�;ne�, s��lec Un�:� c+_el_i.t��eNer �n pre:�ence of �
<br /> B. J. Cunr�in�;i���r1 Le�a Scheel Galy�an
<br /> STATE OF NEBt'?A�KA )
<br /> HALL Col,?nty ) S�' On tnis l�tn day of Sevteraber A. D. 1)4��- before rne, �ne undersi��,ne�
<br /> �.J. Curi�ain�nar.� a Nota.ry Ptzblic, duly com�is�ioned and qualified icr.
<br /> G�nd resin.in�; in sa,ia county, p�rson��,l1y c��me Len�� Sc��eel Galyean, � ?tiTiciow, to me knotnm to be the
<br /> identic��.l p�rsori whose nam� is �fzixec� to the Pore�oin� instrument as grantor �n� ac'��noT�rled�;ecz
<br /> t��e sa:_le tc be he� volu�:��.ry ac� anc� �eed.
<br /> �:i��nes^ �n�r h�.r.�' a!�c:_ ��:ot�.rial S��1 t:��e day ar�d yEar last above Urritten.
<br /> B. J. Cui�:�in�;h�xn
<br /> �iy ccmi?Iissian ex��ires t':le �t� Gay of Au�;ust, lQ�-7. (SEAL) ��Tot�.ry Pub c
<br /> Filed. for recorc� t��is 2 day o�' Octcber, l;��f- at �L: �� o ' clock P. �<l. 0������ '
<br /> t�eoister of ISeeds
<br />