<br /> ���� R�� O�� �To. � �
<br /> 25469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> a.nd Anpurter.a.nce� thereunto belonging, unto thP saic� E. Z�I.Roberts and Helen E.Roberts, husb�nd and
<br /> krife, as ,joint tenants, and not a� tena.nts ir comr,lon, t�rith right of survivorship, anc� tc their
<br /> heirs ar.r?. assigns iorever; and H�me 01,aners ' Loan Cor��or�tion does hereby cover�a.nt ���ith t��e said.
<br /> E.M.Roberts and. He�en E. Roberts, husband and ?ai�'e, as ,joint tenants ar�d not as tenarits in common,
<br /> ��rith r�.ght of survivorGhip, and treir hPirs and assignG that it is la?�rfully' seized of said
<br /> nremises; th�� t the,y are free from enc�.ambra.nces exce�?t al1 taxes of record and. all s��ecial
<br /> assPSSment:; c�r in:;ta.�_lments therPOf heretofore or hPr��.fter levied, all of *.�r��ich the gr�ntee
<br /> �sGumes ane� agrees to p�y �.nd sub.ject to co,�d.itions, restrictions, reservatio.zs , easement�, rights
<br /> and rights of T1ray of record, all liens, c��ar^PS or encumbranc?s ma.de, created or auffered by the
<br /> granteAs herPin, cluring their possession of the afcres�id ��remises,
<br /> That it has gond and 1�,�.�ful authority to sell sa.me and it doAs hereby covenant to ��rarrar�t and.
<br /> defend t}�e title to ga.id ��remises against the la��rful claims of a11 persorls whomsoever.
<br /> IN ��ITNESS Z�HEREOF� Home 0�-aners ' Loan Corpor��tion has caused this instrument to be executed by
<br /> its x�ropPr officer. ancl its corpora,te seal attached.
<br /> (CORP}
<br /> Signed this 23rc� d�ay of Se?�tember, A. D. , 1Q���+. ( SEL�L)
<br /> In the Presence of: By F. E. De11a
<br /> Omaha Assistant RPgional Treasurer.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �S. On this 23 day of Se�tember A. D. , 19��-4, before me a Notary Public
<br /> DOUGLAS COUiJTY ) � in a.nc� for said County, ��erson�lly apt�e�red F. E. Della, the �maha
<br /> Ascist�.r.t �egional Treasurer o° Home 0�,,�ners ' Loan Cor�oration, person�l7_y kno��m to me to be the
<br /> Or�ah� Assista.nt RPgion�l Treasurer cf sflid Cor��or�tion and the ider.tic�l ��erson ?,rhose name is
<br /> a.ffixed to the above instrument and ackno���led�ed the execution thereof to be hi� volunta.ry act
<br /> anc� deed, �nd the voluntrry act and deed of said Home 0?�,ners ' Loan Corpora.tion.
<br /> YaITIVESS my hana a,r�c� notarial seal the date aforPSaid. .
<br /> Edith 0 'Dannell
<br /> My comr�'�_r�ion ex��ires Au�ust 12th, 19�9. ( SEAL) Pdo�ary Public
<br /> Filec� for record th�.s 26 day of SeptembPr, 1���� at �:00 0 ' clock P. P�I.�
<br /> ��� ����
<br /> egister of eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-^-O-C-Q-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> KNOt�t ALL MFN �3Y THESE PRESEi�TS, Tht�t A1.bert A. Anc�er�on <�nd 01�� A, Anc�erson, Paeh in their ot•rn
<br /> right, an� a.s Husband and ?�Vife, of H�11 Countv, Nebr�ska,, in cor.�3.der�.tion af One Dol1 �r anc?
<br /> othAr V��_lz�ble Consic�erations in hand. p<^,ic�, do hereby grant, b��rgain, se7_1_ , eonvey a�nd eonfirm
<br /> unto Len� C. M�11, of H�.11 County, NPb.r�ska, thF fnllo��rin� c?escribed real estate, situated in the
<br /> Co�znty cf H��al? ��nd_ State of Nebraska., to-��rit :
<br /> All of L�t Six t6) in B�.ock Sixteen �16) in P�c'.�er and B;�rr ' s Adc�ition to th? City of Grand
<br /> I��anr7, NPbr�s'�a, as thA s�_me is survPyed, nl��tted a.nd recorded.
<br /> � 2. 2� .R. Stamps)
<br /> ( Cancel_le� )
<br /> to�ether ��.rith all the tenements, heredit�ment�, �nd an��urten<�nces to the �amP belorLging, and all
<br /> th� est:�te , tit1P, C�OT^!PT' ri�ht of hor�este�d, claim or demanC. ?�hatsoPVer of the �a.id grantors,
<br /> of, in or t^ the sa,me, or a�ny �art �hPreof; sub.ject to free and clea.r
<br /> TO HAVE AI�?� T� HOLD th� a.bove described nremi�e�, T��ith thP �.p�urtenancPS, unto thP ,a.id
<br /> grantee, arr?_ to hPr hPirs ��nd assi�ns forever, and ��ae the gra,.ntors named. herein for ourselves
<br /> �nd. our heirs, e�ec�ztor;;, a.nc� administrator�s, c�o covPnant �,�rith the grantee n�med hPrein and with
<br /> her hPirs a.nd agsigns that we are 1��wfu�ly seized of said nremisPs; tha.� they are freP from
<br /> incumbrance eYCent �7 sta�ed hPrein, and. tnat ?��e the said grantors ha.ve good rignt anc?ti la��rful
<br /> aut'.nority to se11 the sa.me, and that �ti�e �.aill a.nd ou'r heirs, executors and. adrninistrators shall
<br /> �nT�7'?'c'�.rit �.I7C�. defend tl'1P same U11tn t�1P gT+�'l- I1tPP.. I7�.??1eC� i1PT'P1.:1 c'�21(� U21t0 ti"leT' heirs c`lI1C� assigns forever,
<br /> against the lawful claims of all persons T;ahomsoever, excludin� thP exce.�tions named herein.
<br /> IiV WI'S'I�1ESS T�JHEREOF 1�e h�ve hereunto set o�ar h�nds this 2�th day of Septer�ber, A. D. 19�-��•
<br /> In presence of Albert A.Anderson
<br /> C. E. rrunr.:J 01ga A. And ersnn
<br /> STATE 0�' N�BRASKA ) On this 2�jth day of Se.�;�tember A, D. 19lL4, before me, a Notary Public,
<br /> S�.
<br /> County of HALL ) ' in and for �a.ic� County, persona.11y came the above named Albert A.
<br /> Ander�on and. Ol�a A.Anderson, each in their os,rn ri;ht, and a.s
<br /> H�_asband anc? '�dife, �vhn are persona.11y knc�an to me to be the identical versons wh�se names are
<br /> a.ffixPd t� thP a,bove instrument as gr��ntors, and thPy severally aci�noTJled�ed sa.id in�trument to
<br /> be thQir volunt=�ry act and de?d.
<br /> WITNESS my hand anc1. Nota,ri��il Seal the d�.te last aforesaicl.
<br /> C. E.Grun��.y
<br /> (SEAL) Notar� Public
<br /> �7y commis^ion ex��ires on the l�tn day of J�.ine A. D. 1g5�
<br /> FilPd for r?cord this 27 d��y cf �Pptember, l��l-��, a� 10: ?0 o ' clock A.A4.�
<br /> � • ` �
<br /> ��
<br /> Register of Deeds �/
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0
<br />