<br /> ��E�ED �IEC ��.� I�To. 8 �
<br /> 28489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> L�n� �gree to anc�. �a�ith th? said party of the � econ� pa.rt and their heirs and as�i;ns, that a.t the
<br /> time oQ the execution and deliv?ry of thAse pr?sents it is la?�rfully sei�ed ��f sa.id premiSPS� that
<br /> it ha.s good right anc� la?tirful auth�rity to c�r�ve,y the same; th«.t they are free from encumbr<=nce and
<br /> dbea hereby covenant to ��rarrant and. defend t?�P sa.i� ?�r. Pmises a�,ainst th? la�aful cla.ims of �..11
<br /> persons �:�rhomsoev�..r. -
<br /> IN WITNESS �n1HERE0F, the said THE FARP�IERS STATE BANK OF CAIRO h�.s herP��nto caused i,ts cor��or�te
<br /> se�l �o be affixed a.nd thPse presents to be si�ned by its President the da.y anc� year. first above
<br /> �itten. � �
<br /> ignQd, se�,led anc? delisrered in prPSence of ( CORP) THE FARMERS STATE BANK OF CAIRO
<br /> W, E. S�rPnsen ( SEAL) B� W.L,Heupel, President
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) SS. On this 6�� day o�' Febru�ry, 1930, before me, the undersigned, a Not��ry
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) ` P,abli� in ��n� for saic? Counts�, person�.11y came W.L,Heupel, President of -
<br /> the FARMFRS STATE BANK CF CAIRO t� mP ��er�onally known to be the President and thP i�'entic��.l
<br /> person �1�hose na.me is a#'fixed to the a,bove con�reyance, �.nd ackno��tlec�ged the execution thereof to
<br /> be his voluntary act and deed as such offic;er anc� the voluntary a.ct and deed of the s�id 1HE
<br /> FARMEHS STATF BANK OF CAIHO and that the Cort�or. ate sea.l of trie s�:.id �ANK 1,tias thPreto affixed by its
<br /> authority.
<br /> WITNESS m� h�.r.d. �2�d Nota.z^ial Sea.1 at Cairo in s�.id county the day and year last above �rri�ten.
<br /> W, E. Sorensen
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Comr�ission e�pireG thP 20�� day of July, 1931.
<br /> Filed for recorc� this 22 c�ay of �eptember, 19�1t, at �: JO o � clock �.M.� �
<br /> ��L�
<br /> -�e i��er of eeds �
<br /> O0 r� (, r n n 1 (� , (� n . _'�_n_ ,-'1_(;_ .. ^ , ^. /� -r:-n n -� 7-n-/� n 7-�-7-� �_-.�-7-
<br /> � �..'� 1�...��,.J� ...'� �� ..�r���J�"��%.���'� .� ��^ ��^�'..�I�n'���`7�����!1���-`.J�J 'rt^��l�O J� 1%��./� '�.l�Il �
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN }3Y THESE PRFSENTS� That Albert Sagesser ��,nc�. M�.bPl S�gesser, Husba.nc? anc�. ti�'ifP; Henry
<br /> �3agesser �nd Betty Sa�esser, Husband and Wife, Frederick S�gPsser, 5ingle; Ellen S<�gesser Shoema_ker,
<br /> formerly Fllen S�,gesser, and B,G. Sroemaker, ��ife and Husba.nd, in considera.tion of �ne Dolla.r and
<br /> Other ��luable �onsic�.er�tion _-DOLLARS, in hand pai c'�, do herAby gra.nt, barg�in, s ell, convey �.nd
<br /> conf irm unto J�.MES �.KELLOGG Ar�TD EPdELIA KELLOGG �, JOINT TENAIdTS, and not a s tenants in common,
<br /> the folloj��ing described real estate, situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebr�s'�a, to-�ait:
<br /> Northerly �' r` PPt of the Southerly 66 Feet of Lot One (1) and the Easterly sixteen �16)
<br /> Feet of_ L�t T��ro (�) � in Block Seven �7) , of t:":F �rigina.l �'oTrrn, no��r the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebr�.sk�.
<br /> together ?ti*ith all the tenements, herAclitam?nt�, �nd. ap��urtena.nces to the s�.me belon�in�r, and P.11
<br /> thP e^tate, title, do��rer, ri`�t of homestead, claim or demand. ?�*hatsoPver of t?�� ��i�. �rantor�,, of,
<br /> in or to the �ame, or any p�rt thereof; sub,j�ct to
<br /> VIVING GR^TdmEE.
<br /> TO HAVE A.uD TO HOLL? the a.bo�re described premises, vaith the appurtPnances, unto the saic't grantees
<br /> �S JOINT TENANTS, �n�� r�ot a.� tenants in common, and to their as�i�ns or to the heirG and as�i;�nG
<br /> o�' the slzrvivor of them, forever, anc�. a,ll the gr��nt�rs r.amed hPrP�ri for them and their heirs,
<br /> 2XP_.C1)�,p?'S� and ac7r,iinistr�3.tors, do ccvenant ��rith thP gra.ritees na.mFd herAin a.nd ?,ritn t�ieir as,.igr.s
<br /> anc� T.1�ith thP heirg and assigns of thp survivor of them, th�_t they �re la!ti*fully �eized of. s�id
<br /> premises; th<�t thPy are free fr. om incumbr�,nce exce��t as stated herein, and tha.t they the saicA
<br /> �r�nto.rs h�ve �oed ri�ht a,nd 1���.�tfu1 a.�zthority to sell the s�me, and th��t they ?+�ill anc? thPir
<br /> r1P�r'S� P:CE'CU�i3O]'S c'�,i:C�. aCZ7R�11�StT'�^.tOT'S Sr2�9.1� t�J�.T'7'�,.,rir �1ri(? CP.fP21C? t�P S�.IrIP, unto triP_ �Y'�r1tE'P,S I:�I?IE'C�
<br /> herein and unto thei.r as�i�ns and untc the heir�; ,�nd, a.ssigns o�' t'r�e s,.zrvi?�or of them, forever,
<br /> a.gain�t the lataful cl�ims of all per;;ons r,�rhom�cever, excludir:� the excentions nar�Pd herein.
<br /> IN e�JITNFS`� o�JHEREOF we h�ve hereunto set our hanc�s this 19th daJ of July A. D. ���4,
<br /> In prPs?nce of Albert Sagesser Mabel Sa�esser
<br /> Henry sa�esser Betty Sa�esser
<br /> E 1 S�, Ps r Shoemak r B.G. Shoemaker
<br /> formerly llen S��PSSer
<br /> Frederick Sa�esser
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 24 c��y o� July, A. D. 19��+, before �me � Not�.r,i,� Pub_lic in and
<br /> COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) g�' for sa.id County, r,ersorially camP t:�ie �bove n�amed Albert Sagesser and
<br /> Mabel Sa�PSSPr, xusba.n�'� ar�d �aife, T.�rho �re persor,ally kno?�an to me to be the identical persons
<br /> ��!hosP nar�es are affixed. to the above instrument a.s gr��ntors, ar.d I have �ckno*aledged said in-
<br /> strument to be their vol�anta.ry aet anc� c�ee�.
<br /> WITNFSS my hand anc� Notari�l �ea.l tre date l�.st aforesa,id.
<br /> ( SEAL) ala.d.ys Haase Buck
<br /> My comnission exuires on the Oct. day of �, A. D. 1949 Notasy Public
<br /> � STATE OF N.Y. ) gS. On this l9th d.a,,y o° Ju1y, 1q4�1, A. D, before me a Notary Public, in and
<br /> COUNTY OF QUEENS ) ' p�r s�i� Count�, per�onally ca!�e the above na,med Henry Sagesser. and. Betty
<br /> Sagesser, Husband �nd Wife, �aho are �ersona.11y kno�Jn to be to be the ic�_entic�:l persons T�hose na.mes
<br /> a.rP affixed to the �bove in�trum?nt as grantors anrl I have a..ckno?aledgPd said. instrument to be
<br /> thei .r voluntary act �nc� deed.
<br /> ti'�itnes� m,y ha.nd a.r.d Nota.rial se�1 thP rlate last a.foresaic�.
<br /> �( S��,j Aa.ron Suchoff
<br /> My commi�sion ex��ires on t?�e day o-' A.D, ��t��ry Public, Queens County
<br /> � 4,ueens Co. Clk' s No. 2201 Reg.No.20055
<br /> Commis�ion Expires M��rch 30, 1g��5
<br /> Sta.te cf �alorado ) On thts 2f�th da�T of J�z1�r, A. D. 101�-�!, �efore mP a TJot�ry Public, in and
<br /> SS.
<br /> County of �l Paso ) ` for s��.id �ounty, person�.11y came t�ie ��ove named FrPderick sagesser,
<br /> Sinmle, �,Tho is ��eNsonally knc�nm to me to be the identical person i•rhose na.me is affiYed to the
<br /> �bo�re in�trument as �ra.ntor �nr1 I havP acknoT�rlec?�ed said. in�trumPnt to be r.i� voluntary act anc�
<br /> depc.
<br />� witness my h�,nd and No�a.ria.l Sea.1 thP date la=�t aforesa.id.
<br /> Preciosa L. J�ck
<br /> ( aEAL) Notar,y Pu��.ic
<br /> M�; Comr�is�ion exr>irPS on the lf�th c?a�;r of Janizary, A. D. 19�+7
<br />