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<br /> ,y EXHIBIT A
<br /> , . � 9�— �a�.�rs :
<br /> .. � � ��:_
<br /> .. �.
<br /> A tract of land compriei.ng a part of the NorCh Half of tha Northeast Quarter �•`
<br />�� (N� NE#) of Seation 'Lkreaty Six (26). Toimship Eleven (11) North� ranse N3ne =`
<br /> � (9) West of the 6tt► P. M.. Hall CounCy. Nebrastca. and more particularly
<br /> ' deacribed as Po11oWS: �r�
<br /> �..
<br />' .. Begianing at the northaest cora�er of eaid North Half of tha Northeas� `
<br /> , �' ��� � Quarter (N� NE}); thenen eaeCarly. along and upon the noreh liae oE said � -
<br /> � .;+'; North Hal€ of the Nartheaet QuarCes (N f NE�), a disCance of EighC Hundred —
<br /> 1�enty Oae (821.0) Feet; thence deFlecting right 89° 54' 03" aad runn,3ng ---
<br /> � sautherly. a �ietancn of One Thousand ltto Hundred Seventy Three and Fi.fty --
<br /> + �'. Six Hundredths (1.273.56) faeC; thence dnflectiag right 90° 3k' 29" aad �``;'-
<br /> "� runniug weaterly. a diatance of Five IIundred Thirty TWO aud Thizty 8ighe
<br /> •,:,,. ,..`.;�' .
<br /> � �• ;' Huadredttes (532.38) fenC; thence deflecCing left 88" 42' 3k" and ruaniag
<br />',.'_�4.::.:, • .
<br /> = southerly, a distanen of Forty Seven and EighCy Idine Hundredths (47.89)
<br />= ���r'a:�� feet Co a point oA Chn south linn oY eaid Noitta Half of the NortheseC
<br /> �• Quarter (N� NE}); Chnnce deflecCing right 88' 27' 33" and runa3ng •
<br /> ��``�'�� ��'��• � aeaterly. along and upon ehe south line of esid NorCh flalf of the _``a'
<br />'`';:��� � Nortlaeast Quarter (N} NE}). a dieta�nce of Tiro Hundred Ninety Saven and
<br /> .�a�. Sixty One Hundredthe (297.61) feet ta ttxe aouthvesC corner of said Nor.th
<br /> -""=>"_� `1: HalE of the Nostheast Qusrter (N} NE#); Chenee deflecting right 90° pi'
<br /> ��� �, 37" and ruaning nor.t�erly� aloag and upon the weat line of said North
<br /> -�� Half of xhe Northeaet Quarter (Nf NE}). a dietance of Qne Thousand Three
<br />-"��`r''`--�`—� � Hundred Fi:fteen and E3ghty Five Hundredths (1.315.85) Feet to the point
<br /> =�� .:�� nf begina�ug and coatainiag 24.421 acres� mora or lese. of Which 0.622
<br /> —�,�.; acrea. more or ].ess, ie preaently occupied �y put�lic road right of way. �
<br /> ----- � o;:-
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