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<br /> • 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc given onc conformccl copy of the Nate aTfabf this Sccurity InstrurreenG •
<br /> 17.Transfer o!the Property or a BeneficLal Interest in Borrowcr. If all or any part of thc Property or any intcrest in it is �
<br /> , sold or transferred (or if a benefccial interest in Borrower is sald or transfened and Borrowcr Is nat a nawrnl person)without
<br /> Lcnder'a prior written consent,Lender may,at its o�don,requin immediate payment in fuA of aA sums securcd by tlus Securiry � ��_
<br /> Instrumenw However,this aption shall not be exerc�sed by L.endcr if caercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the dete of this
<br /> } Securiry InswmenG , , -
<br /> :� If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower nodce of ecceleration.The nodce shalI provide aperiod of not less :
<br /> than 30 days from the clate the nodce is dellvered or mailed within which Bo�rower must pay all sums secured by this Security
<br /> � � Insuumcii� If Dorro�vcr fails to pay these sums prior to the expiradon of this period,Lcnder may mvoke any remcdies permiucd . .
<br /> � by this Securiry Insuument without furthet nosice or demand on Borrower. --
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Reiastnte. If Boaowcr meets certain condiauns, Borrawer shall have the right to havc . ��;�
<br /> �f enforcement of this Securiry.Instr�ment discondnued at eny time priar to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as +''�:=��;n±:
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant w any power of sale contained in this Securiry „•;R '
<br /> i Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Inswment Those condlSons are thnt 1Borrower(a)pays I.ender�11 - _ _-----_
<br /> � sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and ihe Nate as if no acceleration had occurred;(b) cures anY �--
<br /> default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all ezpenses incurred in enforcing this Se�urity Instrument,including,but .
<br /> � n o i l l m i t e d w,r c a s o n a b l e a t i o rn e ys' fees;and(d)takes such actian as Lender ma X reasonably require tu assure that the lien of this _
<br /> � Security Insuument, Lender's righis in the Property and Botrower's obliganon to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br /> { Instrument sha11 continnue unchanbed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insm�ment and the obligadons secured .
<br /> hereby shaU rer.iain fully effecdve as if no acceleration had occurred.However,this right ro reinstate shall not apply in the case of __ _
<br /> � ac�eleradon under paragraph 17. �' _-
<br /> � 19.SAIc of Note;Change uf Loan Servicer. 'Ihe Note or � partial interest in ihe Note (together with this Security
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a changa in the entity(Icnown
<br /> as the"L.oazt Servicer")that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty InsuumenG There also may be ane or
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be � �s•�-
<br /> given written nouce of the change in accordance with para�rnph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> ��+ address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to wh ci h payments should be made.The nodcce will also contnin any other °=:�.;�;
<br /> information requireel by applicable law. '�_�` _ _
<br /> �• 20.Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmsence, use, dispos�l, storage, or relcase of any ',:+st fl"
<br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in ths Property.Borrower shell not do,nor allow anyone else to dn,anything affecting the Property ` �,.
<br /> ,'���.
<br /> � that is in violation of any 7Environmental Luw.The preceding ewo sentences shall not apply ta the presence,use,or storage on the . {yti. ,�
<br /> Property of small quantldes of Hezardous Substances that aze generaUy recognized to be appropnate to normal residenual uses ;•��. �
<br /> _.. - . snd s�nssintensn��f Lhe Pr���y- — !„��' ' -_
<br /> Borrower shall prompily give Lender written nodce of any investigation, claim, de�and, laws�it or other action by any -ti� , _
<br /> gove,rnmentai or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and eny Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental Law •,�' � : �ti�.
<br /> - o f w h i c h B o r r o w e r h a s a c w a l knowled ge.If Borrower leams,or is notified b y an y govemmental or regulatory authority,that any
<br /> removal or othel remediadon of any I�ezardous Substance affecdna the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptly talce a ll " ��! "��'
<br /> necessary remedial.acdons In accordance with Envinonmantel Law. ;� '��:
<br /> . ps nsed in tlus paragraph 20. "Ha7ardous Substances" are those substanr•es defined � wxic or ha7ardous substances by �•
<br /> Bnviror�mental Law and the following substances: gasoline� kerosene, other flammable or Wxic petroleum �roducts, to�lc .
<br /> pestkidrs and herbicldes,voladle solvents,materlals containing asb�stos or fonnaldehyde. and radioactive matenals.Aa used in �.�.�
<br /> this paregraph Z0,"Environmantal Law" means federel laws and laws of the jurisdIcdon where the Aroperty is la:ated that relate
<br /> to health,safety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> . NON-iJN�'ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender further wvenant end agree as follows: °"�
<br /> 21.Accekrxtbn;Remedies.Lender shsttl gtve notice to Borrower prEor to acceleration toUowing Barrower's breac6 ot _ �N�'
<br /> , �ny covenant or agreement in thL� Secur[ty Instrument (but not prior to accelera4ion under psirag�nph 17 unkss -__�,
<br /> , applkabk I�w provides otherw�se).The nntice shall specVy: (a)the defaulh,(b)tiQe Action requtred to cure the default;�;) _�
<br /> p date,Qot less t6stn 30 days t1�om the date We notice b given to Borrower,by whkh the defaWt must be cured;and(d) _ __
<br /> thnt failure to cure the default on or before the date specti"�ed in the notice may result in acceieraHon ot the sums seeured _
<br /> by thb�Stcurity Inslrument and sxle of We Property.The notke ahaU turther inform Borrower of t6e rlght to reinstate
<br /> � • after acceleratton And t6e ri�ht to bring a couri action to assert the non�extstence of p defauit or any other defense ot �'����_
<br /> . Borrower to occelerntion and sale.If t6e detault is not cured on or before the date s�►ecified in the notke,I.ender�at ita -
<br /> ��: optbn,may requtre tmmedi�te payment[n tull of all sums secured by t6L� Security Inatrument withovt tiurt6er demand ��.-�— _
<br /> Y• ' end may invoke the powar of sale and any other remedks permitted by appli�;able law.Lender shall be eatitkd to rn�kct �` �� - ..�„
<br />- aU expeuses incurred ie pursuing the remedies provided fn Wis pstragrAph 21�induding,but not Wnited to�reasonebk S`a Y -
<br />- 1 +�:.�ro�
<br />� ' Attorneys'Pas and costa of titk evidense, i���,�=�i ,�"
<br /> • If the power of sak is invoked, Trustee shaU record a notice of detault in each connty in w6kh any part ot the ��;� , ��� ; : ;
<br />- Pro�rty is loc.ated and shall mAil copies ot suc6 notke iu the manner prescribed by applksble law to Borrower and to the -r'3•`?;';.'���•` :`�..:
<br /> other pe►�sons pr�scril�ed by applkable I�w.After the Hme required by applicable law,Trustee ahall give publlc notice of '. . ' ' '
<br /> � sak to the personn nnd in the manner prescribed by applkable lxw.Trustee,without demanci on Borrower,shaU sell the � . .. "
<br /> � , Property at publk auctian to th�highest bidder at the t[me and place and under the terms designated in the notice ot sale
<br /> Form 3028 O/90
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