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:�� <br /> � <br /> ,erfII111JYN�4�*•'•+�.' ` . ,� — .. --,•�c^e.�Y,e1�� ,. <br /> —_„�,..., ....�.,.....---- -.. ...._ _.._ . . _ b._�., <br /> ABPL� 001-7Q113017 �-;=�Y <br /> . .''� T <br /> � �DJUS'I`!��t��� R.�'�� �ID�R g�� ����� <br /> THIS ADJUSTABLE RATB RIDBR is medc this i9TH �y of FBSRUARY , 199� ,and is <br /> incorporated into and shaU bo dsemed to umend and supplement the Mongege,Deed of Trust or Security Deed(the"Security . <br /> ; � Inswment") o1f tha same date given by the undersigned(thc "Boaowcr")to sccure Borrowcr's Adjustable Rats Note(the ., <br /> ,�Note")t� `�s;. <br /> �N„�„y , HOME FEDERAL 3AVINOB & LOAN ABSOCIATION OF CiRAND I3I+AND <br /> ,.., .aHk �. _ <br /> (the"L.ender")of thc same date and covering tho property described in the SecurIry Instrument and located aG = <br /> 2703 8 9TOLLBY YARIf ROAD <br /> CiRAND ISLAND, IJ�BRASKA 6H801 aY:�� <br /> I�P�nY Addroi�J ��-- <br /> �-,� <br /> t�" T�S NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN MY INTEREST RATE AND MY =- <br /> MONTHLY PAYMENT. INCREASES IN T�iE IIVTEREST RATE WILL R�SUl.T IN HIGHEIt PAYM�NTS. _ <br /> � DECREASES IN TIiE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAY�VIENTS. ' <br /> £ ADDITIONAL COVENANT�. In eddidon to the covenants and agreem�nts made in the Security Instrument, _ <br /> � Bocrower and Lender further covenar.t and agree as follows: <br /> ",,,�, A.INTEEtEST RATE AND MON'I'HLY PAYMENT CHAN(iES — <br /> j� The Note pravidcs for an initial incerest rate of 7.5 0 0 96.'Il�e Note provides for changes in the <br /> , interest rate and the monthly payments,es follows: <br /> • ' 4.INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGiES <br /> _. _._ _. ���rtiAilQeP n�}/A <br /> • The Interest rate I wUl pay may change on the first day of ��� , 2 0 0 0 ,and on that day <br /> ' , every 1�TK month thereafter.Each date on which my intetest rate could chenge is called a"Change Date." <br /> '.y�: ... <br />;s . (B)The Index <br /> . <br /> I;..�r`•"H:;:,' ' Beginn�ng with the first Chaage DaLe,my interest rato will be besed on an Index.Tha"Index"is: � <br /> °_�.�� THS WEBKLY A�RAdFs YIk3LD ON UNITED STATES TREA9iJRY 9ECURITSS ADJUST�SD TO A <br /> -- '. '''' CONSTANT MATURITY OF 1 YEAk, AS MADE AVAILABLE BY THE FEDBRAL RESBRVE SOARD. <br /> ,��- . � <br />=::��,?:-r�=�y.� <br />_r�,.�r__� The most recent Index figuta avallabk as of tho date: � 45 days ❑ _ <br /> __��;�.,;�� before each Change Date is called the"Current IndeA" <br /> -- _� <br /> -_n;;:���,� — <br />—j""~"- If tha index is no longer availabk.the Note Holder wfll choose a new index �hat i.s based upon comparable infonnation. <br /> .,,,,,.,: <br />`=�. Tho Nota Hald�.t wil!give me norice of this choice. <br /> - - �_:.� _. <br /> ' ---- (C)Calsul�tion ot Changes <br /> �a�� <br /> ____t�:c3�F11� <br /> —���� Befor.e each Chango Date,the Note Holda will calculata my naw interest rat�by edding <br /> -��� Z"rT0 AND THREB QUARTERS pencentago point(s)( 2. 750 96) to the Current Inckx. <br /> -=��` Tlxs Nata Holdcr will ther�mund the result af thia addition to the 0 Nearest 0 Neut Highess []Next Low+est <br /> �:;�.��`�fi� � oNS szaxrx ( .iss . ��, - <br /> - - ..,.��.�, - Sub,ject to tho lunits stated in S�Hon 4(D)bctow,this rounded amount will be rny ncw lnte�est rate undl the ne�t Chenge �_ <br /> � , D3tC. �� <br /> - 'Thc I�ate Holde�will then determine t�o umount of tho montiily paymcnt t�nat would ba sufC�;ient to repay the unpaid �- <br /> � princlpal that I am expected to owe at the Change Dat�in full on the maturity date at my now interest rate in substandatly _ <br /> � � ��`, eq�l payments.'I�a result of this calculation wlll bu the new emonnt of my monthly payment -_ <br /> � (D)Limits on Interest Rate Cd�nges �`}` <br /> • P ase check appropriate bozes;{�'no bex is checked,the�e wlll be no�nsum ltrnft on changes.) <br /> � � _�r� (1)'Iliere will be no maximum limit on interest ratu changes. <br /> �. , .tuyp� , � (2)'lt�o intuest rate I am required to pay at the fust Change Daus will not bo greateac than 9.5 0 o yo <br /> - _ _ ,_- -� ,..��we.. S.snn a, _.,. <br /> '''t;� v.�(3)My intcicst ratc will never be incceased or decreased on eny single Change Dat+e by more then ��, <br /> „ �fPO PERCENT perccntaga point(s) ( 2.000 y'o) from lhc <br />-� rnta a�i.�ntr,rest I havo tx�en paying for the prcxeding period. <br /> ' �1(4)My{nterest rate will never be grcater than 12.5 0 o Sb,which is called the"Maximum Ratc." <br /> ` THfi "MINIMUM RATE" WILL NEVBR 88 LE&8 THAN 5.50 Ot. <br /> •• IIAULTIBTATE ADJUBTABLE RATC RIDHR•3fnplo Famtly Elp4 <br /> P�p�1 012 <br /> �. �•OY�A(tt0!) VMP MOFiT�11pE PORMB•(d001621.7Z01 InlL�ls: . . <br /> a '�1.`�.:+�' <br /> t <br /> I . <br /> � — --- - <br />