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��� <br /> ��]E� ��C O�� �T�. 8 � <br />� <br />. 25489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> ACKP.TOti'�L,�D�:iEii 1 <br /> SZ'A��'E OF Tv�BRASKA ) <br /> )SS On tlzis 2�F day of August,A.D.l��,be.°ore me t.he undersi�;ned,a rlotary <br /> COUDITY OF HALL ) Public in arid �'or said county ar.d st�.te,personally appeared I�tILLARD <br /> F.ti'VICKERSHAI.'i and GRACE �.VJi���:��?SHAAI,husband and wifP,and HZLLIS L. <br /> WICKERSHAP��i and IDA V.WICKERSHA;G;,husband and vr�Pe, to r:ie personally Ynown and knovm to me to be t}�e <br /> persons v��ho executed the witliin and fore�;oin� instrument and acknov�aledF;ed to me that they <br /> executed t;r�f, same as their �'ree and voluntai°y act and deed. <br /> Llo�Td GJ.Ke)l,y _�( SEAL) <br /> l��y comr�ission expir. es ; Oct 27-1��5 ( SEAL) Pdo�ary pub7_ic <br /> Filed f'or recard �his 29 day of Au�;ust, I�4�,at 4; 30 0 'clock P.T:rc.� <br /> � � C�.�.�� �.��_ <br /> Re�;ister of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> QUIT CLAIn.�f DEED_ <br /> THIS INDENTURE,made this Second day oP February,in th� year One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four, <br /> between D�n Ta�lor un-rnarried of the County of Ha1.1, Stat� ot' Nebraska,oP the Pirat part,and, <br /> Le�ha E.Ta,ylor oP tlie County oP Ha11, State o�' NEbraeka or the �econd part: <br /> i�ITNESSETH,t.hat the �aid party oP the tirst part in con8ider�ti�n of the aum oP One & No�I00 <br /> ( �I.40) and other valuable con�ideration D�LLARS, to -- duly pa�d, the receipt whereoP i,� hereby <br /> Acknowled�ed,remised,rele�eed,�.nd quit-claim�d,�nd by these presents do I,for mySelP and my heirs, <br /> �xECUtors �nd administrator�, r�mise,releas�,and forev�r quitclaim unto the sa3.d par�y oP �he <br /> �econd part,and to her heir� �nd assign� �'or�}ver,all my right, �itle, in�ereat, e�t�t� olsim si,nd <br /> dcmand bo'�h at lawr and in equity,oY, in,and to ALL of Lot Ten, (10) ,Bloek Two, ( 2) ,Fir$t Addition to <br /> VJood River,Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> to�ether with all and sin�ular the appurtenances thereunto belongin�, to have and to hold unto the <br /> �aid Let�.1a, E.Taylor and her h�irs and a$si�ns Porever; so that neither I the said Dan Taylor nor ,,� <br /> �My per�on in my name and belzalf, �hall or wi11. her�a�ter elaim or demand any ri�ht or title to <br /> the said premises or any part thereoP;but they and ev�ry one oS' them �hall by these presenta be <br /> excluded and Porever barr�d. <br /> IN WS3'NESS WHEREOF', �he said party oP the fi�st part h�s hereunto set hie hand the day and yestir <br /> t'ir�t a.bovc written. <br /> Dan ��ylor , <br /> Signed and Delivered in Presence oY <br /> B.J. Cunnin�hatn ACKNOTiPt,EDG�4ENT <br /> . State of ��br�.�ka ) <br /> ) ss. Chi thi� 29th day of Auguet,A.D.1944,bePore me,B.J .Cunningham,a NotQry <br /> Coun�y oP HaI1 ) Public duly Commissioned and qu�lified Por and residing in said county, <br /> personally came Dan Taylor,unmarried to me known to be the identic�l <br /> p�rso-n described in �nd who �xeeuted the Por�going conveyance as �gran�or,and he aeknowledged the <br /> said instrument to be his volunt�ry aet and deed. <br /> WITNESS my h�nd and Seal at Grand Zsland in said county, the day and year 1QSt al�ove writt�n. <br /> ( SEAL) B.J .Cunningham <br /> My Corin Expires Aug.S-19�7 . Notary Public <br /> Filed f'or record thi� 37. day of August,1944,at 9 0'eloek a.�I..� <br /> ���,�� � <br /> Register oP Deed <br /> -�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-v-m� <br /> REFEREE' S DEED IN PARTITION <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WherPas, in an action oP partition pending in the District <br /> Cou.rt of Hall County, Nebr�.gka, wherein Arthur A. Nielsen and Ella Nielsen, WE'?'P. pl�.intiffs and <br /> Ainer H. Nielsen, et a15, were defendan�s, being Case No. g464 in s�.id �ourt, for the pArtition of <br /> the premises hereinaPter described, the undersigned Referee, appcaintPd by said Court to make <br /> partition of said real estat�, made his re�ort in writin�, duly signed, setting Porth that partition <br /> of said lands could not be made without great pre,judice to the ot�rners thereof, which report was <br /> duly examined by sa,id Court, and said Court being satisPied there��aith confirmed the same, and <br /> thereupon made an order and caused the s�me to be entered, directin� me as said �eferee to sell <br /> said premises on the following terms, to-?ait� At public sale as upon execution, at the North Front <br /> Door of the Ha11 County Courthouse at Grand Island, Nebraska, tne terms of sale bein� 15� <br /> on day of s�Ie, and balance upon confirmation. <br /> And in purs?a.ance of' said order, I cau9ed a notice of said sale to be published in the Grand <br /> Isl�nd Independent, a. legal neraspaper printed and in general circulation in Ha,ll County, Nebraska, <br /> that I wo�ald offer said lands for sale at the North Front Door of the H�11 County Courthouse at <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska on Saturday, thP �th da.y of July, lg4!+, at 2 o ' clock P.M, of said day, and <br /> at the timP and. place st�,ted in s�id notice,� and afte.r said notice h��d been published for more <br /> tha.n thirty d�.ys, I offered s�.id 1a,nds to-?�it: The South Thirt�r-five (35) feet of the North <br /> seventy � 70) fee'� of Lots Five �5) and Six �b) , in B_lock �'hree �3) , of Lakeview, an Addition to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Hall County, �ebraska, for sale at public auction and sold the same to <br /> G�rdon L.Evr�ns and Mildred L. Evans, Husban d and �ife, as ,joint tenants and not as tenants in <br /> common, with right of' survivorship for the sum of �5, 250.00, they being the highest bidder thPref'or. <br /> And afterwards, on the 2�th day of July, 194��, said Court approved anc� confirmed said s�le, and by <br /> �n order directsd me as Refere� to execute to s�.id GQrdon L.Evans and Mildred L. Evans, Husband <br /> and Wife, as ,�oint tenants and n�t as tenants in common, with ri�ht of survivorship, a deed convey- <br /> ing said l�.nds to them in f ee aimple. <br /> No�.�, therefore, I, Thomas W.Lanigan, Referee, in consideration oP the premises and thP sum <br /> oP �5, 250.00, 5o bid and by said Gordon L. Evans and Mildred L. Evans, Husband and wife, as <br /> ,joint tenants and not as tenants in common, ?.,rith right of survivorship, and by virtue of the <br /> powPrs vested in me by 1a?a, do by these presenta grant, sell anc� convey unto the Gordon L. <br /> Evans and MildrPd L. Ev�ns, Husband and Wife, as ,joint tenants and not as tenants in common, �aith <br /> right of survivorship, and to their heirs and as5igns, t'��e real estate described as follows: <br />