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�`�C� _ <br /> ��E�� �)ECC��� �T�. � � <br /> 23468—The Augustine Co., (3rand Ieland, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA : On this 21�t day of August, 1944, before me, the undersi�nPd, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL : SS' Public in �,nd far said County, personall� Herman �e18on, president <br /> of th� N��son Lumber & Supply Company, a cdrporation, to me personally kno�rn to be the PresidPnt <br /> and the lden�ical person whflse na.m� is af�'ixed to the above Qonveyance, and aoknowledged the execu- <br /> tion thereoP to be his voluntary act and deed as such of�'icer and the volunt�,ry act �,nd deed oP the <br /> said Nelson Lurnber & 3upply Company, a corporatlon, and that the C�rpor ate Seal ot' the gaid Nelson <br /> Lumber & Supply Company, a corpor�tion, w�,� thereto afPixed by its a�athority. <br /> �itnes� my hand and Notarial 3eal at (�rand Island, N�braska, in said CQUnty the day and year laat <br /> above written. <br /> Llo.yd W.Kelly <br />' ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commis�ion expires 10�27��5 � <br /> Filed for record thie 22 day of August, 19��, at �:�J� o' clock P.M.� �j <br /> �.ti���L. �..J/ <br /> Register of eed <br /> 0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0--0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-:�-0-�-0-0=Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> ADMINISTRATOR'S DEED <br /> T0 ALL TO 6VH4M THESE PRESEi�TS SHALL COME: <br /> I, Max J.Loibl, Administrator of the Egtate of Anna Loibl, late of the �ounty of Ha,ll and 3tate <br /> of Nebragka, ��ce�,sed: � <br /> WHEREAS, by an o .rder of license made by the District Cour� of HaI1 County, Nebrask�, on the l�th <br /> day of July, 194�, I, the said Max J.Loibl, �n my cap�.city and �.s adminis'Cra.tor aYoresaid, Bertha <br /> Baldwin, Co-Administrator, having resigned as such co-adml.nistr�.tor, was authorized and empowered <br /> to sell at pu��lic sale, the real estate of the said Anna Loibl, Deceased, hereinafter described; <br /> AND WHEREAS, I, �he s�.ic� Max J.Loibl, having giv�n the required bond, and having taken the oath <br /> as required by la�� and having given due and proper notice of sale all as shown by the proceedings <br /> in case no. 9049 in the District court of Ha.11 County, �ebraska., �,nd have in all things �'ully <br /> complied i�aith s�id order and �aith re�uirements of the Statute in such case made and provided, and <br /> on the 5th day of August; 19���, at tnP hour oP 1�:O�J A.M. in the Corridor of th� Hall County Court <br /> House in Grand Island, Nebra,9k�., pursuant to the said order and nc�tice of sale, sold by public <br /> vendue, the real estate hereinafter described, to John H.E1lis and. Ruby I. E11i�, Grand Island, <br /> Nebr�.ska., for the sum of �1, 000.00, they being the highes'� bidder therefor; <br /> A�iD WHEREAS, thereafter, I filed a rPport of said sale and the Honorable E.G,Kroger, District <br /> Judge of Hal�. County, Nebraska, after being Pully advised in the premi�es, confirmed -��id aal� <br /> and proceedin�s in full and ordered execution of Deed to the highest bidder above se�t for�h. <br /> NO��J, THEREFORE, kno��a you that I, the sai.d Max J.Loibl, . as admini�trator aforesaid, b�r virtue of <br /> the �ower in me vested a� aforesaid and in congideration of the s��m of �1, 0OO.00� to me in hand <br /> paid, by the said pur°chasPrs, John �. Ellis and Ruby I. E11is, receipt oP which is hPreby acknowledged, <br /> do hereby ant , baxgain, gell a.nd convey unto the eaid John x. Ellis and Ruby I. Ellis, the follow- <br /> �' <br /> ing descr�bed real est�te� <br /> Lots Fifteen �15) and. Seventeen (17) in �lock Four �4) in College �ddition to the City of� <br /> Grand Isl�nd, Nebrask�., <br /> TO HAVE AI�1D TO HOLD thP unto the said John H. E111� �.nd Ruby �.Elli�, ae ,joint tenants and <br /> not as tPnants in common, wi�h the right of aurvivorship, and to their heirs arad assigns forever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have her. eunto set my h�znd on this 23 da�r of August, A. D. , 194�+. <br /> Harr Qrimmin er I. 10 I. R. Stamps) Max J.Loibl <br />'I WITNESS � Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) S�. On this z3 day of August, A,D. , 194�4, before me, a Notary Public, ln <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) and for said County, peryonally e�,me thP above named Max J. Loibl, Admin=� <br /> istrator oP the Esta.te o�' Anna Loibl, neceased, who is per. sonally known to me to be the identical <br /> person u�hose is a,ffixed to the above instrument as �rantor an� h� acknowledged eaid instru- <br /> mer,t to bP his voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hanc anc? Notaria.l Se�,1 the date, last afore5aid. <br /> Harry Grimminger <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commia5lon expirea the 22nd d�.y of July, 1945 <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of August, 19�+�-, at 10:15 0 ' clock A,M, �:�, . <br /> ����� <br /> � <br /> Regist�r of eeds ~ <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> WARR.ANTY DEED -Cor�oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 23rd day of August, A. D, 19�+4, between The First National Hank oP Grand <br /> Igland, Nebrask�., �, corporation organiz�d and existin� under and by virtue of the lasas of the <br /> United States of America, party of tY1e fir�t pa.r'�, and Loucille C�lover of the County of Hall, and <br /> State of Nebra�ka, narty of the �e�ond part. <br /> WITNESSETH, That thP s�id �arty of the first �p�rt, for and in consideration oP the sum oP <br /> ONE DOLLAR and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed, <br /> ha� sold and by thPSe presents doe� grant, convey and confi .rm unto thP said party of the second <br /> part, the following deacribed premiges, situated in Grand Zsland, in Ha11 County, and State of <br /> Nebraska, to-7�ait : <br /> All of The NorthPrly Forty-four (N. 44} Feet of the Boutherly Eighty-eight ( S.sS�) Feet of Lots <br /> One �1) and Two (2) in Bloek Thirty-ninP (39) of. the �riginal �'vwn, now City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebra.ska, but sub�ject, however, to the e�sement over the Westerly Twelve �12� �'eet of said Lo� <br /> Two �2) . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, toge'Gher with all the T�namenta, H�reditaments <br /> i <br />