<br /> ���D A��C ��� �T�. 86
<br /> 25489—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr.
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, M�.de this 12th da.y of November, in the yea.r one thousand nine hundred and for�y-
<br /> two, be��aeen Ed.ward C. Neumann, a Widower, oP Ha11 County, State of Alebraska, of the first part, and
<br /> �elle R.�c�sek, arand Island, Sal1 County, Nebraska, oP the eeconci part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first p�.rt, in consideration of the sum o� One Dollar, Love
<br /> and Affeetion ----DOLLAR�, to him duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledged, ha.s remised,
<br /> released, and quit-claimed, and by these presents doe� for himself his heirs, executors and adr�inis-
<br /> trators, remise, relea.se and forev�r quit-claim and convey unto the said party oP the second part,
<br /> �and to her heirs and assigns forever, �Il his right, title, interest, esta.te claim and dema.nd,both
<br /> at law and in equtty, of, in and to all
<br /> Lot Four ( 4) , in Block ���renty (20) , in Wallichs ' Addition to the City oP Grand Isla.nd,
<br /> Nebraska, �.s the s�me is surveyed, platted and rscorded.
<br /> Together with a.11 and singul��r �he hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HQLD the above described premises unto the said Nelle R.HOBek, her heirs anc�
<br /> assigns; so that neither Edward C.�euma,nn, the �aid gr�.ntor, or any person in his name and behalf,
<br /> shall or will here�.fter c7.aim or demand any right or title to 'Che �Aid pr�mises or any part thereoP,
<br /> but they and every one of them sh�.11 by thes� presents be exc2uded and Porever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEBEOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the
<br /> day and year a.bove written. Edward C.Neumann
<br /> Signed, sealed a,nd delivered in presence of
<br /> C. E.Grundy �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 12th c�ay oP November, A. D. 1942, before me, the undersigned, C.E.Grundy,
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) �5•a No��.ry Pub11c, duly commissioned and qut�.lif ied Por and residing in �iaid county,
<br /> personally cam� Ed�ard C.�leumann, a wldower, of ha11 Ccunty, Nebraska, to me known to be the identic�.1
<br /> pers�n whose name ig affixed to the foregoing instrumsnt as gra.ntor and acknowledged the same to be
<br /> his voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> Witness my hand and Not�.ri�.l �eal the da.y and year last above written.
<br /> C. E. Grundy
<br /> ( SEAL) • Notary Public
<br /> My commlSGion expires t�ie l�th day of June, 19�-�+.
<br /> Filed for record this 21 day of August, 1944, �.t 10:15 o ' clock A.M.�,,s �G�Q� �
<br /> Register of Dee s
<br /> 0-0-0-Q-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-^-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we Frieda K1enk and Albert Klenk, her husband, Louiee
<br />! s�obbe and E��ra Stobbe, her husband, 01ga fiillman and Charles Tillman, her husband, E�ma Moeller
<br /> and Albert Moeller, her husband, Lena �toYfregen and Fred Stoffre�en, her husband, Alvina Ewoldt
<br /> and Fr�nk E.Ewoldt Jr. her husbanc�, Alma �legner and Vanair We�ner, her husband, Anna Niedfelt, an
<br />� A N d ara a h Ten of
<br /> A N d l t T r u s t e e P o r n n a i e d f e l t a o i n t e u n d e r r
<br /> u n m a r r i e d w o m�n a n d u u s t i e f e p A P � P
<br /> , � �
<br /> W T
<br /> L w
<br /> the LaBt Wi11 and TeJtament of �ledrich Niedfelt, deceasel, which ast ill �nd estanent a.s
<br /> duly admitted to prob�.te in the County Court of Merrick County, Nebr�.ska, on January 25, 193�, in
<br /> consider�tion of the sum of One Doll�r and other valuable consideration, in hand p�,id, do hereby
<br /> grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Marian E.EY�rsam and William H. Ehrsa.m, as J�INT
<br /> TENAN`��, �nd not as tenants in common, the Pollowing described real ��tate, situate in the County
<br /> of Hall a.nd Sta�e of Nebra.ska, to-wit:
<br /> Lots six ( 6) Seven ( 7) Ten �].0) Eleven �11) , Twelve �12) , and `�hirteen �13) on Island, in
<br /> 8ection �'hirty-three (33) , also, the North Half of the Northeast �u�rter (N�NE�) , and the
<br /> Northeast Quarter oP the Northwest Qu�rter (NE�NW�), and also, the Northwest Quarter oP the
<br /> � wn L t One on I�land All in section
<br /> N t a.rter �NW NW (Said NW of NW� aleo kno as o ) ,
<br /> or thwe s Qu � �� �
<br /> �hirty-four t3�) , all being in �'�wnship Ten �10) ,North, Range 'ren �10) , '�est of the 6th P.M.
<br /> toge�her ��rith all the tenPments, hereditaments, and appur'�enances to the same belonging, �nd all
<br /> ri ht of homestead cl�im or demand whatsoever oP the said grantors, of,
<br /> the estate, title, dower, g ,
<br /> in or to the sa.me, or any part thereof.
<br /> VIVINa GRAN'�EE.
<br /> To have �nd to hold the above described premiges, with the appurtenances, unto the s�id grantees
<br /> a$ JOINT TENANTS, and nat as ten�.nts in eommon, �.nd to their as�igns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and we, the grantors named herein, for ourselves and our heirs,
<br /> executors, and_ administra.tors, do covenant with the gra,ntees named herein and with their a��i�ns
<br /> and t�rith the heirs and as�igns of the survivor oP them, that we are lawfully seized of said
<br /> premises; that they are free Prom inc��mbra.nce except as stated herein, and that we the said
<br /> rit t sell the same and tha.t we will and our heir�
<br /> grantors have good right and lawful autho y o , ,
<br /> executc�rs and administrators sha.11 �.aarra.nt and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and
<br /> unto their assigns and unto the heirs �.nd. assigns oP the surnivor of them, forever, agains� the
<br /> lawful cla.ims of a1.1 persons t�rhomsoever. , excluding the exceptions n�.med herein.
<br /> In witness whPreof we ha.ve hereunto set our hands this 20th da.y of July, 19�-�►-.
<br /> In Presence QP� Frieda Kl�nk Albert K1enk
<br /> 0�to F.John
<br />' � �ouise�bbe Ezra Stobbe
<br /> ( 1�.�5 .R, g���p$ ) Ol,ga i�11mRn harles illman
<br /> ( Cancelled ) Emma Moeller lbert. oeller
<br /> ' ! Lena StofPregen red toffregen
<br /> Alvina^�aoldt ran o r.
<br /> Alm�_a__�___e�ne_r ��n'n�,�e3�e��—
<br /> Gladen C.Qualy Vanair_ �e ner ��
<br />�, A��st iedPelt Trustee for Anna Niedfelt
<br /> appointed under �Pr��raph Ten of the Last
<br /> ':*�'�11 and Te3t�ment of Diedrich Niedfelt,
<br /> � dPceased.
<br />