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�4� <br /> ���� ��CO]E�.� �o. � � <br /> 23469—The Augnatine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> Q'JIT CLAIM DE�'D <br /> KNOj'.� ALL PYIFN BY THESF l�RF�ENTS: <br /> That, the City of Granc3 Isla.nd, a municipa.l corper. a.tion, of the Coun�y ofk H��11, and State of <br /> l��braska, t'or �ne con�icieration of' the s�.am o�' T?:tiTo �undred FiPty Dolla.r. s ���50) does hPreby Quit <br /> a.n� eonvey unto L.G. Z�entzer anc� Marie P. I-'ient�er, hu�-band anc� �aife, a.s ,joint ten�nts, and not <br /> a.s tPn�nts in common, of the County of Hall ar.c' Sta.te of Nebraska., all its rignt, tit1P and interes� <br /> of ��ahatsoev�r na��.zre, in ��n�. tc t�iP f^llo?�tiTinh described re�l es��e situated in the County of Hall <br /> a.nd. St��te of i'1ebr�.sk�., tc-?ait : <br /> The j^lest�r. ly one-half (�rz) , �approxiM,:�tely 26 feet) , of that fr�ction�.l part of Lot Nine �°) , <br /> � 5) of Ch<<rl�,� r�.smer ' s Adc'aition t� Urand Island �,rh,ch �aith <br /> ir� fr�-ctiona,l B1ock T�,rPr.t� -five �2 � � t' . <br /> it � s cemp.lement viz� Yr�:,.ction�l. Lot �ine ��) , �� i��smer' s t��ne�c xo � , ' <br /> first Adr;tion <.nc� fra.eticnal Lot Nine (°) , iri �r�ctis���1. 1��.�e� ���'er��y-five �25) , of' HtiPSe' s <br /> Ac��ition to Cit,y of Grand Zsla.n��., ?•rhich to�7;Pther fo.rm one lot Fifty-tt�ro �;�2) feet by One <br /> H•�nc?sec� Thirty-tT��o �152) fpPt. <br /> It beir.�; tne intentic�n of ��11 par. tiea Y'iPY'F�O� tnat in t�ip �vent of trie de�.th of either of <br /> t�;e s��,.c G;"r'3T1tPP�3� the Gr�tirP feP �imx�le title to thP real est�te described hPr. ein sh��1 vest <br /> iri tri? �,u .rvivin�, Ur�.ntee. <br /> T:�P Gr�ntor s'r.a11 not be rAc�uired to fu,���_isii �n Abstr. �et of Title. <br /> IN �'JITNESS ?�THF_}=:�0�', t�ie Grantor, t�:�e City of Gr�ncz Islai:d, in Ha11 CountJ, �ebras?�a, h�s <br /> causec� thPse ��rAsen�s to 'r�e si��nPd. by it �s l�•aycr �.r.d. a.ttested to Uy trie City Clerk ar�d nas c��_?sed <br /> the of�'icial �eal of �aid Cit;; to be her� .,nto afi�xed trii:; thp 17th da.y of August A. D. , 19'���. <br /> C�`'�'Y OF GRAivD ISLAND <br /> M�rie Blain � COR�'} By `H��+�+zT Grir�min�er• � <br /> Witnes� ( SF�L) Ma.yor <br /> AT'PFST: <br /> Mt�_riP Bl��in F. S. y'�'hite � <br /> Witn�s:� Cit� C1.erk <br /> STATE OF T�TBRASKA ) SG. On th�s 17th c���= c�f Aut�.�st, A. D. , 19����, before me tre un�?ersi�ned, a, Notary <br /> COLTNTY OF HALL ) P�_�b1ic, d��1y commissioned a.nd q�i��i":iec� for anc�� r�s�c?inU in sai:°, county, <br /> person�.11y camP H��rry S. Grimming�Y�, Mayor, of the Cit;r of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, ar�c� Floyd S.ti"7hite <br /> City Cle-�k of ��ic� City to rrie ��ersor.r.11y kno�tm to '���e the iner,tic��l r�er;�on,3 who�P n<�.mes are �fiixed <br /> to t'.p above instrument ?s Mayc�r anc� City Clerk of triP Gra.ritor, the� Ci�y of Gr�nd Island, and to me <br /> pprsanally kno�tiTn *o be s�.�ch of°ice .rs of saic? City and they sever�rylly �ckno�tiTled,�ed the exec�a.tion of <br /> s�ic�. instrunAnt to be tneir valunt�.Y�y act an�? c�eec�. �n� tre official act deed on the pa..rt of <br /> s�id City o_f Gr. nnd Isla.nd. , <br /> ti�itnPs:- my hand ar_d No�<^ri�l Sea.l a.t Gr�nd I�1�.izd iri said County, the da.y a,nd. ye�r fi-��st <br /> above z�rritter�. . _ <br /> ( SEAL) A. W.Larsrn <br /> My commission Fx�?i.rPs t1�P ?�rc� day of' �ec. Z949 No��_ry Public <br /> Fil?�1 f or r�c�rd thi s 17 day of Aus��i r t, 1�44, ��t �-: �0 0 ' clo ck P.I�, " <br /> �-�--� °'�`y,�, <br /> RP�;iater of Deeds <br /> � � ', ,� .� ��, � � "-'�-�-�-�'-�-..-�- -r-.. -0-0-0-C-�-�-C-�.-._� ^-'�-0-%-�-0-7-,,- '?-..-� - ,-0-�- �-:�-�-�-^-n- <br /> _,,-,_-.. -.,-,.- --.�-.� �. <br /> r� n �; � n n r .� „ <br /> SHERIFF' � D��D ON FOR�CLOSURE OF MORTG�GE <br /> KNO'�J ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That Wh.�reas, in an action in the Dist .rlct Caurt o� the E1PVenth Judicial District of Nebraska, <br /> �aithin and for Hall County, t�rherein Christ Miller �vas Plaintiff, and Lillian Kutcher, �et al taere <br /> Defendantg, it wa.s by said Court at the Febru�.ry �'erm thereof, A. D. , 19�4, t�-wit, on the 31�t <br /> day of May, A. D. , 19Z�4, considerec�, �d,judgPd, a.nd decreed that in defa.ult of the p�yment to the <br /> Clerk of thP Distriet Court of tne costs of said action, and to na�r to the plainti�'f the sum of <br /> Three Thous�.nd, four H�_xndred Seventy-2hree and 96/100 Dollr�.rs, ( �3, 473. 96) with interPSt at five <br /> per cent �5i�) from May 31st, 1944, within 20 days from the date of such ,judgment �nd decree, th�.t <br /> the equity of redem�tion of each and all of s�id defendant� in and tc� the lands and tenements <br /> hereinafter described be for�closed anc�. Porever ba.rred, and th�.t the 8heriff of' Hall County <br /> cause the la.nds and tenements hereinafter described to be advertissd, �nd sold accordin� to law; <br /> �nd. whereas thP said defendants having made defaul'� �Gherein, �ierbert H,H�,nn, as Sheriff oP saicl <br /> County, under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him directed, did, on thP 24th day of <br /> Ju1y, A. D. , 1g44, at the north door of the Court House in the city of Grand Island, in said �ounty <br /> of Hall, �the same being the place taherein the District Court was last held in said County) , having <br /> fir. st given due and legal notice of the time ann �lace of sai� sa,le, for not les� than thirty days <br /> pri�r thereto, in the Grand �sland Daily Independent, a leg�.l newspaper printed and in gener�,1 cir- <br /> culation in County of HaII, sell thP said premises at public auction to Christ M111er. , s�.id <br /> bid. bein� as.signed to John Wieck �he being the highest and best bidder ther. efor) for thP sum of <br /> Four Thousand Six HtzndrPd Forty and No�100 - DOLLARS, which sale taas afterward.s a.t the February <br /> TPrm of s�.id Cour. t, A. D. , lg�-!�, ex�.r!mined �and confirmed, �.nd the said H�rbert H.Hann, as SheriPf of <br /> said Cc�unt,y, taas orderpd to execute a deed of sa_id premises to the s�.id John Wieck �as�ignee of <br /> the purchaser, Christ Miller) <br /> NOYa, THEREFORE, I, the said Herbert H.H�.nn, �.s SheriPf of Hall County, �ebr�ska, in nur. sua.nce <br /> of the o.rder of, said Court, as aPores�id, in consideration of the oremi�PS, and by virtue of the <br /> no��rers in me ve5ted by la?ai� do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the John Wieck, the premises <br /> sold ag af oresaid, to-wit: <br /> All of �he North west quarter of �ection Two �2) , in '�own�hip Tt�relve �12) North of Ran�e <br /> Ten (10) , Y�'�est of the sixth Principal �eridi�n, in H�,11 Counr,y� r�ebraska, containing one <br /> hundred f iPty Pour �,nd thirty t�,�o one h�zndredths acres more or 1ess. <br /> with a.11 a.nd singula.r thP appurtenances tY1P,T'P,�znto belonging, to have and to hold unto him the said <br /> John �lieck a.nd his heirs and assigns forpver. <br /> IN '�ITNESS `�FIEREOF, I h�.ve, as ��zch Sheriff of Hall County, Nebr�s;�a, herPUnto set my hand <br /> this 16th da.,y of August, A. D. 19t�4. <br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of � <br /> Helen Grennan 5. �0 Z. R� ���pg Her.bert H.Ha.nn <br /> C�,ncelled ) sher. iff of Hall County, <br />