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��� <br /> ���E� ��C ��� �T�. � � <br /> 23489-The Augnatine Co., (irand Island, Nebr. <br /> R�soLU�rzoN <br /> '�1HEREAS, t��e City of Grand I�1a.nd, Nebr�s'���, is tre o?aner of the real estate described as L�ts <br /> Fifteen �15) and Sixteen �16) , Block Twelve (12) , Ashton Pl<ace, an Addition ta thP City of Grand ., <br /> ��lan�?, Hall County, l�Pbr<�.�?c,�, anc�, <br /> �^�HFR^�.AS, B�tte�^ H�mes Znc. dAs�ire to ��urchase t��P ��rith�n de�cribed r�a.l e�ta.te an�. h��.s o�'fered <br /> I, to p.�y t;rLerefor� trlP ;�;a.m of Five Hlzn�_r�d ��500.00) Dollar.�, �I�cl h<�s paid t}�le f�all amount �f said <br /> offer to t'Ze Ci�y C�_P��k, �.nd <br /> !�;rHFR�'A", t}�e CI.ty s"��7_1 not �e to furnish an Abstr�ct of Title �.nd tre conveyance of <br /> s���. ��e<�l e:�t:�te s����11 bP by '��zit Cl��.im De�d. <br /> Z�H�RFFOR�' l�3E Zm RF50LVED BY THE i�IAYOR Ai�1D CI`I'Y COU''�CIL of the Ci�y of Gr�.n� Island., Nebr��srLa, <br /> th:-�t t'rze s�1e of Lots Fifteen �15) anc� �ixteen tl6) , Btock '�?�relve �12) , Aghton Place, an �c3ditian <br /> tc� t?�P Ci�y c�' Gr��nd Z�l��nd, Hall County, NPbr<�.s'1�=, �o �etter Homes Inc. , be and the i.s hereby <br /> o.rdere��., c�.,ir. �ctPd, <>u�'r?ar�zed, ar�d confirmed according to the terms of s�.id offer herein e�cpressed. <br /> Tn;�t a Q�.�it C�aim DPed therp�'ore be exeeuted by the I��I��yc�» and City C1Frk on beh=�.lf of s�.ic� City. <br /> Res�ectful.�y ���brnitted this llth d��y of Au�^u�t, 19�4�-. <br /> Jchn Sander <br /> H.A.Krie�er . . <br /> �ity��roperty ommittee � <br /> T� *�rhom i� ma,y conrern: . <br /> I, F. S. C'�hitP, d���y e�ectpu., G��<�lifie� and actin; C,.ty C1.��°k of t1�e C�_r�y of Gran� Isl<�nd, Nebr��sl><� , <br /> hereby certify t:he fore�oin� to �e a. t.r. ��e. a.1d correc-t cc�py of Reso1'ation passed by the P4�yor and <br /> City Council Meetin� in �d�ou:rned �ession on the llth c?�y of Augu^t, 191�!I. <br /> In ?��ritnFS� ��•?�i?reaf I s�t my h�nc? ��nd a.fTix the cf�'ici�.l. seal o�' the �bove � mentioned Ci�y this � <br /> �C'r�}'1 11'�.v ��f' At�L7"I�<:�t' yQi�..i�..� _ � <br /> � � F. a.t�hite <br /> ( SE1�L) City C?erk <br /> Filed. fo�' reco.rd this l��-th �?.^.y of A�zg�.��t, 19'���, at 10: 20 o ' c7_�ck A. M.� �)����� <br /> �/� <br /> Re�i�ter of D eds <br /> �_r�_r�_�_r�_n_n_,,_� _!l_^_!1_n_n .,,n._!l_'1_ ,-^_� ^_;� ')_^._� r1 n_r�_r�� ^-�%-�-�-._i-�-�-��-�-n-'I-n-n-^-r�-�i-•�-�-� <br /> ��ARRANTY DEED .-�IOTNT TENANCY (Nebras�a) <br /> KNO?�� ALL 2�EN BY THE�;E PRFSEr�TS: <br /> THAT ��ilhel.m Tiemeyer ancl T�Iary A. Tiemeyer, hu�,band arzd t�Jif e, of the County of Set�ard ancl StatP <br /> of Nebraska, for ��nd in consic'eration of the sum of `3�ven Thousand T?�ao xundred and no�100 DOLLARS, <br /> � �7, 200.00) , to tnem cash in hand paid, co hereby gr�.nt, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> Andrew F. Swanson �nd Ila �GOa.nson, husband and t;rife, �s ,joint tenants i.vith right of survivorship ar�d <br /> not as tena.nts in comrnon, of the County of Hall and Stnte of Nebr�.sr,��,, the followin� described <br /> real est�te �ituate�. in the County af Hall and State o�' NPbraska , to-w�it: <br /> I� The '^lest Half . of the Northe�st Quarter �W�NE�) and thP Northti,rest Qu�=rter of the Southeast <br /> Quarter �N�:�T4SE4) of Secti^n ThirtePn �13) , To��mship Ten �10) North, R�an�e Eleven �11) , West <br /> of tne Sixth Principal ��eri�i�.n, � <br /> It beino the 3.ntention of a.11 partiPS hereto, tha.t in the event of the death of either of said <br /> �rantees the ent�.re fee simple title ta the real estatn c�escribed herein sha11 v est in the sur- <br /> viving gr�ntee. <br /> TO HAVE Ar�ID TO HOLD the c�remises above described togethe-r ?,rith all the T�nements, Heredit�ments <br /> �nd A���urteriances tnereunto belon�inr�„ unto tre � grantees a.s ,��int tenants and not as tenants <br /> in ccmmon anc�. to their as�;igns or to the hPirs ��nd. as,,i�ns of the survivor of them, farever. And <br /> the said W�lhelm Tiemeyer a7� �'�ar�T A. Tiemeyer do hereby covenant ��7ith the s��.i� gra.ntees named <br /> hPrein a.n�. ?ai�h tneir assigns �nd with the heirs and as:�i�ans of' the survivor of them th��,t they �re ' <br /> lat�rfully seized of s<aid pr. �mi�es; tha.t they are free from encuMbra.nces; that they good right <br /> an� la?�Tful �uthor. ity to >ell t:�� same; and d.o hereby covenant to ?aarrarit and defend the title to <br /> said. 7�remises ag�inst the 1t�saful claims of all persons T�homsoever. And the sai3 d�Tilhelm Tierneyer <br />� Mary A, Tiemeyer hereby relinquish a11 cl:�im dem-�nd to homestea� rignts and righ�s of in- <br /> herit��nce in ��nc�. �o t��� �pove �.e�acribed premise;�. <br /> Signed t;:zi�. 11;-th da.5r of Au�;ust, A. P. , 191}1}. Wilhelm Tiemeyer ` <br /> In PreSer:ce of� <br /> D. T.Virgin ��. 25 . . tamp� ) Mar.y A. TieMeYer <br /> �alph W. Steyer � Cancelled ) <br /> ACKI�tOWLEDGMFIdT <br /> SiATE OF NFBRASKA ) r On tiiis 14 da.y of August, A. L�. 19��1'�, befere me the unc�ersigziec3., a �atary <br /> CO�J:'�`�Y QF SE'.��ARD ) �''' Public in a.nd. for s�ic county and state, t�er�onally a.ppeared �'Jilhelm <br /> miemeyer �s,nd Mary A.�liemeyPr, 'tlusb��.n��. �.nd ��rife, to me per:�enally knoTan a.nd known to me to be the <br /> s�.me persons �.,r'�.o P,XPCUtPC� thP r�rithin and foregoing ingtrument and acknowledgec� to me th�t they <br /> executed t::le s<,me, as tY_eir free �...d voluntary �ct anc�. c�eec�. <br /> Llo;�d �"�.Ke11�t � SEAL) <br /> ( SEAL) Not<�ry Pul�lic <br /> P�y cornmis,ion ex��irPs � Oct. �?, -�-� <br /> File�? fo�' r. ecord this 14th d�.y of Au�us�, 19�-�1, at 3 � 30 0 � clock P.P�. - � <br /> eg�ister of eeds <br /> � Ci-� !1 ,-, •l (� r•, n '�-n i �-�-._,- ,-�-7-��-`'1_�)-�-n-�!-�.-(�...rl_(1_,.� �i-ii- )- ..- ,i (i-(>-':.)•�1J-..:- .-il�'�l-�J-�41-C1"�i-J�.�� <br />, _n_ !� .l r.l � f" '� :,-1 !� '� '� !1 <br /> �"� , l: ..-..-.,� '.���- ..-'._, ...�-- : <br />