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,'�r 7��?� <br /> ���� ��CO�.� �T�. � 6 <br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr. <br /> assi�ris, the survivor of s<�id narties, �,nd the heirs and assigns of t�le survivor, Forever, the said <br /> part�ies of the secor.d p«rt takir�g as ,joint 'tenants ar,� not as tenants in common. <br />, And the said pa.rty of trie fir;:�t pa.rt does hereby covenant and a�ree th�,t it taill Warrant and <br /> Defend tlie s�me in tlie quiet and peaceful pOSSGJSion of tlie s�id �arties of tne secor�d part, their <br /> assi�;ns, the survivor of s�id narties and the heirs ana. a�r,igns of the survivor forever against <br /> all persons z�rhomsoever laz,rfully cl�imirg trie same, from or under it and not otherwise. <br /> IId vaITNESS ?�JHEREOF, the said ;�arty of t:rie f�rst n�rt has caused thses ��reser.±s to be subscribed <br /> by its Vice Presid_ent �nc1. its corporat� seal to be hereto aP°ixed and �ttested by its secretary, <br /> the day �nca ye��r first �bove ?�rritten. <br /> Attest: ( CORP) <br /> THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IIvSURANCE COI�-�PANY <br /> ( �1�. 1�0 I.R. ,�tamps) ( SEAL) By �liver jhurma.n <br /> H�,�►�� H.Al1en ( �ancelled ) Vice President <br /> 9ecretar� <br /> STATE OF NEW JERSEY � Qn this 1�� d�,�� of June, 194l�, before rne, a Not�ry Public in and f'or <br /> ) ss. s�id County and Stute, personally �13.ver Thurman to me per- <br /> GOUNTY OF ESSEX ) _. son<�IIy kno-�rn to be tr.e identical person �arhoGe name is �ubscribed to <br /> thP faregoing instrumen� as Vice-President of The Mutual Benefit Li£e Insurance Company, the <br /> gr<�ntor therein n�med, and a,ckno��lled�;ed ths�t he signed the same as t'rle voluntaxy �.ct and deed of <br /> saic'. corpor�tion, and caused its c�rporate seal �o be affixed thereto by its direction. � <br /> ��Titness my har.d and offici��l 5��1 the day� year above iaritten. <br /> selwyn L.Birrell <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public of New Jersey <br /> I'd01A��'.Y PUBLIC IN I4Ew JERSEY <br /> MY COMMISSION EXPI�RES Sept. 9, 1947 <br /> Filed for r�cord thia 3 d�ay of :�u�ust, i9u4, at 1:OC o ' clock P.M..r., - � <br /> �:�� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 7-�-�%-',:!-!�_n_CJ-'�-n-�-n-n-�-�-�%-n-i�-�-�-�-Q_�l_L'-�-n-�-n-Q-?-n-'1-�-ri-Q_rl_�-7-(i-�-�-�-n-Q-�-�-�-�-�-n- <br /> �UIT CLAIM DE�D <br /> iHI� IT�IDEN2?JRF, P��de this 27th day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-four <br /> betTnTeen William RobPrt Goff and Lorr�ine Gof�, his wif'e, of' �lalley County, r`�ebraska., parties of <br /> tne first part, �nr Ella Edna Schoaley, p�.rty of thP second part, <br /> �+1ITNES`�ETH, tn?t the said parties of t�p first pa_rt, in consideration of' the 5um of One Dollar <br /> anc� lc�ve and affPetion, to them duly ��aic�, the reC��:�t tahereof is hereby aeknot,rledged, nave <br /> remisec'�, released, and qi.�, ar.d by trieJe p.rpsent� do for them�elves, their heirs, execu- <br /> tors a.nd administr��.tors, remise, re7.ease and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said p�.rty <br /> of th� second part, and to her hPirs and assi��ns forever, all their ri�rit, title, interest, esta.te <br /> cl^irn and dem�.nd., both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br /> Lat Four ��-) , in �lock TT,ro �2) , Dodc; & Ma.rshall ' s Adaition to the Village of ��Jood Hiver, Hall <br /> County, Nebr��ska. <br /> Together with �7�1 <.�nd sin�ular the hereditarnents there�anto belongin�;. . <br /> rT'0 HAVF A,`D TC HOLD tne above desc.ribed premi::es unto the a<��.d Ella Edn��. Schooley, her heirs <br /> ar.d �ssi��ns; so tnat they the 5��id grantors, nor any �er�on in �heir name a.nd beha.lf, shall. <br /> or ?��ill hereafter claim or dem�nd ar:y ribht or title to tr�e sa.i� premises or any part thereof, but <br /> t:_ey �nd every one o�' them sha.11 by th?se preaerits be exclucted and_ forevPr barred. <br /> TN VJITNF'SS tV'HEf�FCb�', the ���id parties of' the f irst part have hereunto set their hands and seals <br /> the day ��n� ye��r above ��ritten. <br /> �igned, sea.led and delivered in pre�ence of William Robert Goff <br /> __ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ Lorra.ine Goff <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 27tri nay of June, A. D. 194��, before me, thP undersignec�, <br /> HALL COUNTY ) s�' Harold A.� rince a Notar P�.zblic d.z_l cammissioned a.nd <br /> T' , T ;� , � y c�ualified for <br /> and resldin� in � county, person�lly came titiillia.m RobPrt Goff and Lorraine Goff, his t�aife, <br /> to me knoTan to bP the iden�ic�l �er�ons ?ti�nose names are affixed to the fore�oing in5�rument as <br /> gr��ntors and ac�Lno�,>>lec�.�ed the same to be their volunta.ry �.ct and deed. <br /> �'�itnes^ my ha.nd and. Natariai. Seal the d.ay and y�ar lagt ab�ve =,�rittetz. <br /> H�arold. A,Prince <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> �!y commis�ion �x,�i .re� the 17th day of Anril, 1950. <br /> F;.le� for record this �th ��y cf �ug�.�st, 194'�, a.t 11:00 0 ' clock A.M. � ��i��� ���` <br /> Register af Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-�-')-�,-�-'�-�-0-'�-�-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-��-�;_,�)-�-0-`�-0-'",-!�-0-0-i-0-0-�-'�- �-0-�?-0-0-0- <br /> Special VPar-rant:� De�d <br /> Tk�is Indenture,made t.lzis t.ha.rd day of July,l�%��,Bet�veen Tkie i��iutual Benefit L��e Insurance Company, <br /> a corporation under the lav�s of New Jersey,located at Ne�rark,Essex County,New Jersey,party of the <br /> First Part, And 1�Yillia,:� Rupp o�' the County o� Ha11 and State of Nebra�ka,party of the �ecorlc� nart; <br /> Witnesaeth,That the said part;� of. t11e first part, in consideration o,i th.e sum o�' F�.ve Thousand & <br /> No/100 ( �5,000.00) Dol.lars, to it duly paid, does hereby grant,bargain, sell convey and confirm to <br /> the said party o�' the second part,.his �eirs and assigns,all the followin� described real estate, <br /> situate in tkie County of Hall and Sta�e of 11ebraska to wit: <br /> T.he Nortkl Half of the Norttseast Quarter (N� NE�� oP Sec tion Seventeen (17) ,To�vnship Nine (�) , <br /> North, of Ran�e Nine ( �) ,Wes� of�h� 6tki P.:�2. , except railroad right-of-v��ay. <br /> Hein�, a part of ��he sa.rne prernises co�veyed to t'ze party of the fir�3t part by Daniel Sanders, <br /> Sileriff' o� Hall Count�r,Nebraska,by deed dated April �,193�, �'iled for record on April �,193�,and <br /> recorded in Book 7� at Page �57 oP the deed records o� said county. i <br />