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�� � <br /> ��E�� ��E� O�� No. 8 � <br /> 23489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, M�,de this 3rd d�y of June, in the year Or.e Thousand Nine Hundred a,nd Forty-four <br /> . POOR SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS SERAPH OF THE PERPETUAL ADORATION INC. ' r r t n z d <br /> bet�aeen , a co po a io organi e <br /> under the latias of trie State of Indiana, of the first n�.rt, �nd THE POOR S�STERS OF ST.FRANCIS <br /> SERAPH, a cor�oration or. ganiZed under the laws of the St�te of Colora�.o, of tne second part, <br /> WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars <br /> t �10.00) �r�d other good and valua.ble cor�sid_era_tions, to it duly paid, the receipt tahereof is <br /> hereby ack_nowledgPd, has remised, released, and quit-cla.imed, and by these presents does for <br /> itself, a.nd itg successors, remise, releage and forever q�zit-cl�im and convey unto the said <br /> party of the second part, and. to its succeasors and as�igns forever, all its right, title, in- <br /> terest, est�te, claim a.nd d.emand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to any premises and real <br /> estate situated in the Counties of Dougl�s, BuPfalo, Platte and Hall, St�te of Nebr�ska, together <br /> kTith all a.nd sin�;ular the herec�it�.ment� therevnto belon�in�. <br /> �'0 HAVE Ai1D TO HOLD the aY�ove described premises unto tre said THE POOR SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS <br /> SERAPH, its successors and assi ns so that neither it the said �rantor nor any person in its <br /> g , , , <br /> name and beha.lf, ghall or t�rill herea.fter claim or demand any right or title to the s�id premises <br /> or any pa.rt thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever <br /> <br /> The grantor nerein z,raQ formerly The Poor Sisters of St. Francis, �eraph of tne Perpetual Adoration <br /> of LaF�yette; Indiana. The n�me of said corporation was changed to that of the grantor herein by <br /> Articles of Amendment of Articles of Incor oration of said corpora.tion executed December 2 1 4 <br /> n , 9, 9 3� <br /> and filed ?.aith and apbroved by the Secretary of State of the SJate of Indi�na, under the laws of <br /> which t�. �e s id cor�oration is chartered on the 1 th c1at of anu�r 1 � . <br /> s � a , 3 .l Y, 9 <br /> . <br /> Tne consider�.tion herenf is less than One Hundred Dollars. <br /> IN WITNESS �.�HEREOF, said POOR SISTERS OF ST. FRA�JCIS SERAPH OF THE PERPETUAL ADORATIO�T, INC. has <br /> causc�d thPSe presents to be si;ned by its President and Secretary, and its corporate seal to be <br />' hereunto afiixed, the day ar�d year first above t��ritte:i. <br /> ( CORP) POOR SSSTERS OF ST.�'RANCIS S�APH <br /> In Presence of ( SEAL) OF THE PERPE'�UAL ADORATION, Ii1C. �--�._.. <br /> Paul M.Butler By Sister M.Beni�na Malin <br /> President <br /> Attest: Sister M.V�ra Hau <br /> Secretary <br /> STATE OF INDIANA ) s�. On ttiiis 3rd day af June, A. D. 194��, before me, a Notary Public duly <br /> COUNTY OF ST.�TOSEPH ) commissioned anu qu<�lified in �nd for said County, personally came <br /> tne above na,med �is�er M.F3enigna Malin, President, and Sister M.V�ra Hau, Secretary of POOR <br /> SISTERS OF ST.FRAI�ICIS SEr�Ai'H pF THE PERPETUAL ADORATIOI�1, INC. , ��rho are personally knoT�n to me <br /> to be the ic�entical persons �1�hose names are affixed to the above Deed as President and Secretary <br /> of said corpora.tion, a.nd they ackno�aledged the instrument to be their volunta,ry a.ct anc� deed, and <br /> the voluntflry act a.nd deed of said cor7�or. ation. <br /> t�rITP1FSS my h��nd �nd officia.l sea.l, a.t r'�isha?�laka, in said �o�.�nty, tne date afore�aid. <br /> Paul M.Butler <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> Filed�f orrrecord this 2 day of AuFJust, 194%�, at 11:00 0 ' clock A.M. �,� . � <br /> Register of eeds <br /> 0-0-C)-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-,�_n_��_0-0-��-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�- <br /> DEED <br /> THIS IPdDENTURE, made this th�enty-ninth day of May, 1�����, BETZVE�N, THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE <br /> INSURAf�CE CGMPANY, a corporation under the laws of New Jersey, located at Newark, Essex County, <br /> New Jersey, party of thP first part ar:d FRED V.AMICK and LILLIAN R.Ar�ICK, husband and wife, <br /> of the County of Hall and 8ta�e of �ebraska, p�rties of t't�e second part: <br /> ti�tITNES"ETH, Tn<�t tne said p�rty of the fir;t part, in consideraticn of the sum of Four Thousand <br /> R� N��/100 Dollars, ta it duly uaid, does hereb3T gra.nt, bargain, sell, ccnvey and confirm to the said <br /> parties of the second part, �.s ,joint tenants and not as terants in comrnor., their assigns, the sur- <br /> vivor of saic�. partie�, and the heirU �nd assigns of the survivor, all the f ollot�ing described <br /> real e sta.te, situate in the Count,y of Hall and State of Nebrasl�a to-�ti�it: <br /> The 5outh H�lf of' tne Southeast Quarter ( S� SE�) ( except railroad ri�;ht-of-tiaay of Section <br /> �hirty-tt�ro (j2) , Tozf.*nship Ten �10) , North, of Range Nine �y) , west of tne 6th P.M. , containing <br /> 77 ��.cres, morP or less. <br /> Being the same premises conveyed to the part� of t:�ie first �:�art by Daniel Sanders, �heriff of <br /> Hall Gounty, Nebraska, by deed dated April 1�-, 1939, filed for record on Apr1T £�, 1939, and recorded <br /> in Book 79, at Page �5� of the Deed Records of Ha.11 county, Nebr?ska. <br /> THIS CONVEYANCE is ma��e expressly sub,ject tn: <br /> ' l. Right of ways for t>>?b�.�c rc�ads �r other ���.�,�oses, heretofore lai� out or established and <br />' � ot?�e�^ easements, if any, �n���T existin�� over° �na ���ress any �art of the above described premisPS. <br /> 2. Taxes �.ssessed or to be ass�ssed for t��e year 1j��1-, �nd thereafter any special taxes, <br /> �ssessments or ir.stallments thPreof, now a lien but paJable hereafter, and any s�ecial taxes, <br /> assessmer.ts or installments thereof, to be as^essed or imposed hereafter. <br /> 3. Ri�;ht� of tenant�, if an;,-, under l�ase expiring Febru��ry 2£�, 19�+5, under tJhich s econd <br /> pa.^ties shall have �hTithout recourse on first party, a,ll rents, issues, and profits from said <br /> premises �'or the crop ye�r 19�+��. <br />� " rr0 i-iAV�' AidD TO HCLD Tri�' SAID PnErJiISEa, tagether ?tirith ��11 the hereditaments and ap��urtenances <br /> thereunto belonging or in �ny wise appert�a.ining to the parties of ti�e second part, t�ieir <br /> I <br />