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' 5�� <br /> ���E� ��COR� �T�. � � <br /> i <br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> Q,UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> Tf�IS ITrDET?TURE,Ivlade this ��h day o�' June, in the year one thousand nine hund�ed and Forty Four, <br /> between John Warren Green�'ie1d, single and Mrs.Leona Jones Ta�v, sin�1 e og tkle f irst part,and <br /> William O.R�arquette and Vera 1�?.I�2arquette,husband and wife, of � th� seco�d pa��G, WITNESSETH, �k-�at <br /> t.he said parties of the first part, in consideration of '�he sum of One Do11ar, (�1.00) ,and other <br /> valuable con�ideration DOLLAR5, to t��em duly paid, the receipt w�l�reo�' is hereby acknowled�;ed <br /> remAised, released, and quit-clairned, and by these presents do �'or ourselves and our heirs, executors <br /> and aclrninistrators,remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said part�T of the <br /> second part,and to tl�eir heirs and assi�ns forever,al�_ our right, title, inter�st, estate claim and <br /> demand,both at 1aw and in equity,oP, in. and to all of <br /> Lot Ten, ( 10) ,Block Six, ( 6) ,Evan' s Addition �o the Ci�y of Grand Is�land,Pdebras�;a. <br /> `l�o�ether wit11 all and singular the hereditament� thereun'�o belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AT�ID TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said grantee heirs and assigns; �o that <br /> neither we t��e said �rantors,nor any person �.n our nar�e and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim <br /> or demand any right or title to the said prer.nises or any par'� thereof,�ut tkley and ever� one of <br /> them sha11 by tkzese presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> II�t WITiVESS WHEr�EOF, tYle �.aid parties of the first part kzave her��nto �et tlze.�r hands and seals <br /> the day and year above r�ritten. <br /> John Warren Green�ield <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence o�' �'Irs Leona Jones Tady <br /> State o� NebrasYa ) <br /> )ss, On this g�h day o� June,A.D.1944,before me, the undersigned John F. <br /> Ha11 County ) It2cCarth�T a Notary Puk�lic, duly commiss�oned and quali�ied for and <br /> residing in said county,peraonally came John Warren Greenf'9.eld and <br /> Mrs.Leona Jones TAdy to me knowr_ �o be the identical peraona whose narnes af�'ixed to the foregoin� <br /> instrument as grantors and acknowled�ed the same to be �heir voluntary ac'� and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notar:ial Sea1 the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) John F.��7cCarthy <br /> My Commission expire� the 27th day o�' July,l�4�. ATOtary Public <br /> Filed for record this 2� day of July,l���,at 1 o ' clock P.�.t. v� ��j ����� <br /> \J� <br /> e�fister oP Dee s <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> SPECIAL ti'JARRANTY DE�D;, <br /> This Indenture,made this t��.ird day of Ju]_y,1�4�,Be�ween The P7utual Benef it Li�e Tnsurance Com�any , <br /> a corporation under the lavrs of P1�;�r Jersey,located at Newark, Essex County,New Jersey,par�Gy of the <br /> first part, And SADIE CALD�IELL of. the County of Hall and State �o�' Nebraska,party of t�1e second <br /> Part• <br /> � <br /> n on ration of the sum of Five Thousand Five <br /> 'r t art i c side <br /> r t o t h e f l s <br /> W i t n e s s e t h,T�l a t t h e s a l d p a y P p � <br /> Hundred. & No/?00 ( �5, 500.Q0) Dollars, to it duly paid, does hereby grant,bar;ain, sell, convey and <br /> confirm to tale said party o� tkZe second part,.her heirs and a5signs,a7_1 the following descri�ed <br /> real estate, situate in the County of Ha1.l and S�ate of Nebraska, '�o wit: <br /> The East Half of t.he SOU�.�IZNP,$t Quarte-r ( E2SWQ) of Section Eight ( �) ,Township Nine (�) ,North, of <br /> o the 6t�z P.P.�7. , exce t railroad ri�;�zt-oP-���y. <br /> Ran e N ine ( ) ,�'V e�t f P <br /> � 9 <br /> Being a part o� the sar�le premises conveyed to the party o�' �he first part by Da�iel Sr�nders, <br /> Sheri�f oP Hal1 County,Nebraska, by deed datPd April �,1�39,�'iled �or record on April �,l�j�,and <br /> rec�orded �.n Book 7� at Pa�e �57 of -the deed records of said county. <br /> This conveyance is made expressly sub,ject to: <br /> l.Ri ht of ways for public roads or other purposes,kzeretofore laid out or established,and otk�er <br /> g <br /> i n noro�� existin over and across any par'� of the above de�cribed premises. <br /> easements f a y, �; <br /> � <br /> 2.Taxes asses�ed or to be assessed for the year 1���b, and thereafter,any special taxes,assessrnents or <br /> instalments �i�e-reof,now a lien bu'G pay�ble herea�ter,and any special taxes,assessments or instal,- <br /> ments t�le��ea�,to be assessed or irnposed herea�'ter. <br /> 3.Rights of tenants, if any,under 1Pase expirin� February 2�,1945,under which second party s�iall <br /> have,without,recourse on first party,all rents,, and prof3.ts f'rom '�he above described premiees, <br /> for tF1e crop year 19�Ll-. <br /> To Have and to Hold tkze 5aid Premises, to�et,�er witll all the hereditaments and ap�urtenances there- <br /> unto belon�in�, or �n any wise appertainin�, to the said party o�' the secon.d pa�?�,her heirs and assi�ns, <br /> for�ver.And the said party oP tp�e first part does h�reby covenant and agree, �rlat it will Warrant <br /> and Defend t�ze same in t.he quiet and peac�able possession of the sa�d party o� the sec�nd part, <br /> hPr heirs and asaigns iorever,agai.nst a11 persons whomsoever lawfully claiming the sar�e, from or <br /> under it and not otilerwise. <br /> In Witness WlZereof, tk:e said party oP the �irst part has caused th�se presents to be subseribed <br /> , by its Vice-President and its corporate seal to be hereunto afPixed and attested by its Secreta�°y, <br /> tla.e day and year first above written. <br /> (CORP ) The Mutual T3enefit Lif e Insurance Company, <br /> Attest : ( �EAL) By Milo W.1�:i1'der,Jr. Vice-Presiden� <br /> A �' Harry H.Allen ---------- --------- <br /> O��srsy[ S ecr e tary - <br /> �sro�� ( �6.05 I.R.�tamps ) <br /> �°wD`P ( Cancelled ) <br /> A.A./r. <br /> R� <br /> State of PSew Jersey, ) ' <br /> ) s�, On �his llth day of July, 1�4�, be�'ore me,a. I�?ota-ry Public in and for <br /> County o�' Easex ) said County and State,personally appeared TtiIilo W.WizdPa^:,�r: to, .me <br />