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<br /> + .R Cr�Ck oE lsnd coe�pr.�s�n� a part of thu tiorth Half of thc NortheasC Quurter L
<br /> (N} NE}) of Section Twenty Six (26). To�+nshi.p L�le,en (11) 'orth, range Nine _
<br /> .� (9) Weat of the 6th P. M.. Hall Couaty, Nebraska, and morc particularl�
<br /> described as follows:
<br /> t �� Begiaaing at the northvest corn�er of said North Half of the Northe�at _
<br /> f� 1 alo and u on the north line of said
<br /> Quartex (N� NB}); theace easter y. ng p
<br /> NorCh Ha�f of the Hortheast Quarter (N} NE#). a distaaae of �iglit Hundr.ed
<br /> . �_.,.� Zwenty Oae (821.Q) feet; thence deflectiag right 89' S4' 03" and ninnin�
<br /> ,. �_.;�::,, southerly. a dfstaace of Oae Thousaad 1wd Hundred Seventy Tt►ree And Fifty
<br /> �: Six Hundredthe (1.273.56) feet; thence de�Electia$ righC 90� 34' Z9" aad
<br /> � '��� � running veaterlsr. a dietaace of Five Uund�ced Thirty Ztro and Thirty Eight
<br /> � � '"`�"�� • Hundredths (532.38) feet; thence deflectiag left 88' 42' 34•' and cunning
<br /> •� �°��%�', southerly. a distancc of Forty Seven and Eighty Nine Huadredt'ae (47.89)
<br /> feet to a potat on the south line of eaid North Half of the Northeast
<br /> .:,j�;;;w�;`' quarter (N} HE}); thence deElecting ri�ht 88' 27' 33" a�nd suuning
<br /> '��`� �`��` � Weater].y. along and upon thc south line oE said North Half of the
<br /> . ,;;.
<br /> � t'•" �'957 Northeast QusrCer (N} HE�), a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Seven and
<br />:-•.1WL,:•_�..;.
<br /> �;;���� SiuCq One Hundsedtha (297.61) feet Co the southwest carner oE eaid North
<br /> -- -,_..-«� Half of Che North�ast Quarter (N} NE}); thence def lecting ri$ht 90' 07'
<br /> °�:- -.-'^°' 37" and running northerly. al.on� and upon the west line of eaid North
<br />-:.,.,w.,nr..
<br />_;•,�1h�� ' Half ot• the Nostheast Quarter (N� NE}), a distance of Onx Thousand Threa
<br />___�•�_
<br /> .---�.T--•:� Suudred Fifteen and Eighty Five IIundredths (1.315.85) #eet to tiie point
<br /> Wi y�-_�� o� besgianic�r, and coataiaing 2k.421 acres, more or less. of �rhi.ch 0.622
<br />,_,�-�;��� acres. more or less. is presently occupicd by publ3c road right of Way.
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