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37:3 <br /> ���� ��� �R� �T�. � � <br /> 23489—The Auguatine Co., 6rand Island, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ��. On thi� 23rd day oP Deeember �943, before me, W.R. Crane, a Notary <br /> �OUNTY 0�' LOS ��1�EL�S ) 1'ublic within and �or said County, personally came Olga Petera and <br /> arr. y Pe ers, e Husband., to me known to be the 3.dentical persona whose names are af�ixed to the <br /> att�ched instrument a� grantors and sever�.11y acknowledged the execution of the �ame to be their <br /> voluntary act �.nd deed 2or the purpo�es therein expre��ed. <br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, I have hPreunto eub�eribed my name and aff.ixed my official seal at L�ng <br />' BPach, Cali�'. on the date l�.�t above written. <br />� W.R. Crane <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commi�sion Expirea June lOth, 19��. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this lb day of Dec. 1g�+3, before me, B.A.Rose, a Notary Public, within <br /> COUNTY OF GARFIELD ) S$' and for s�.id County, personally carne Freida House and Erwin House, '!�ife <br /> and H��sb�nd, tc� me known to be the 3.dentical persons whose name� are aifixed to the attached in�tru- <br /> ment a� gr�.ntors r�nd severally acknowledged �he executlon of the to be their voluntary act and <br /> d�ed for the �aur�oses therein expre�sed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereu.nto subscr. ibed my name �znd affixed my official seal at <br /> Burwell, on tne date laet above writte:i. <br /> ( SEAL) B.A.RoSe <br /> My Commi�sion expires May 10, 194� Notary Public <br /> 9TATE OF CALTFORNIA ) ss. On this 23rd day of December, 1g43, bePore me, w. R. Crane, a Notary <br /> C(JUNTY OF LOS ANQ�ELFS � Publie, within and for said County, pereonally came Hugo Wie�ner, <br /> Single, to me known to be the identical person whose name is �ffixed to the attaehed in8trument <br /> a� �rantor and severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be his voluntary act and desd <br /> for thP purposes therein expresged. <br /> IN WITNESS WH�RE�F, I h€�.ve hereunto subseribed my name and aPfixed my ofPicial seal at Long <br /> Beach, Calif. on the date last above written. �1;�; Crane <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commisgion Expires June lOth, 194�. <br /> Fi.led for record this 11th d�y of January, 19�+�+, �.� 1: 30 o ' clock P.M. � �-������t <br /> Regi�ter of Dee g <br /> 0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-:�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: �h�t We, �innie Rauert and Arnold Ra.uert, her husband; Hertha <br /> Schuett and Hans 3chuett, her husb�.nd; Elizabeth Nelson and Ivan A. �telson, her husband; Ella <br /> 5chmaltZ and John H.W. Schmaltz, her husband; and Pearl Niemotht a $ingle person Por and in con- <br /> eider�.tion of thP sl�m of Two Ht�ndred Fifty and no�100 ��250.001 Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby <br /> �r�nt, b�r�ain, sell, convey and con�'i.rm unto the United States of America and its assigns the <br /> following de�cribed re�.l estate situated in Hall County, and State oP Nebras�a, to-wit: <br /> A tract of land lying in the Southeast Quarter ( SE�) of' �eetion Twenty-Seven �27) , trownahip <br /> Twelve ( 12) North,Range Nine (9) �est o�' the 6th P.M. , and described by mete� and bounds as <br /> follow�: <br /> Commencing at the Southe�st corner oP the �outheast Quarter oS the Northwest Quarter of the <br /> Southeast Q�uarter of s�.id Section 27 and running thence North 0 degre�s 19 minutes �5 �econda <br /> we�t, 657. 7 Peet to the Northeast corner thereoP; thence South 45 degrees 42 minute� 55 second� <br /> West, 929. 97 feet to a point on the �outh line oP the Northwest Qu�rter of thP �outheast Quarter <br /> of 8ection 27; th�nce south �9 degree� 17 minutes 05 �econds East, 669. 5� Peet, more or lesa, to <br /> the place of beginning, �nd containing �j.05� acres, more or less. <br /> TO HAVE A"JD TO HOLD the premises above described, together with �11 the Tenements, Hereditament� <br /> and Appurtenanees thereunto belongin�, unto the said United State� of America and �o its assigns <br /> forevPr. And we do hereby covenant with the said Grantee and with its assi�ns, that we are law- <br /> fully �eized of said premises; that they are free 1'rom encumbrance; th�.t we have good right and <br /> lawPul authority to se11 the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to <br /> �aid premise� against the lawrul claims of all per�ons whomsoever. <br /> And �hP said �rantors hereby relinquish all right, title and interest in and to the above <br /> described premises. <br /> Signed thi� 22nd day of November, A.D. 1943. <br /> In Presence of A, J,Luebs � Minnie Rauert <br /> (55 �. .�tamps � ( Arnold Rauert <br /> A, J.Luebs ( Cancelled ) ( Bertha sehuett <br /> ( Han� Schuett <br /> Charles V. Underwood Ella Schmaltz � <br /> �litne�s John H.W. Schmaltz <br />, Irene Sneddon Pearl Niemoth <br /> Witne�s IvanaAeNelsonson <br /> Cecil Tooley <br /> �itness as to EZizabe�b Nelson and <br /> Ivan A. �ielson <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ��� On this 20th day of November, A. D. 1943, before me the undersigned, <br /> HALL GOUNTY ) A.J.Luebs, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualiPied Por and <br /> res�.ding in s�id county, personally came Minnie Rauer. t and Arnold R�.uert, her husband, and Bertha <br /> Schuett and Hana Schuett, wife & husb�.nd, to me known to be th� identical persons whoge names are <br /> af'fixed to the forP�oing instrument as �r�zntors and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary <br /> a�t and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Se�l the da,y and year l.ast above written. <br /> A. J.Luebs . <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commi�cion expires the 6th day o�' July, 1945 <br /> STATE OF MICHIGAN ) S�. On this 16 d�y oP December, A. D. 1943, bePore me the undersigned, <br /> WAYNE COUNTY ) Ch�.�^le� V. Under�r4od, a Not�ry Public, duly commissioned �.nd qu�liPied ior <br /> and residing in said county, personally came Ella Schmaltz and John �.W. 3chmaltz, her husband, and <br /> pearl Niemoth, �, single person, to me knoT�n 'Go be the 1d�3�itioal pergons who�e nar��� are affixed <br /> to tne foregoing in�trument as grantore and acknowledged the same �o be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. G'k�a 1 s � L�n����d <br /> `�'itnes� r�y hand and Notarial Seal the����L�nd year last �.bove written. - �p�ar�� ��b3:1.� <br /> M�,y Commigsion ex�ires the 6th d�y of Oc o e�� ,.�,94� � <br />