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. <br /> 3�� ' <br /> �]E�� ��C ��.� 1�T�. � � <br /> 25489—The Augustine Co., Gra.nd Island, Nebr. .. <br /> , �- � � ^ � r��ly commi� �ionPd �nc� qu��.lif ied i or �nd- rPSi�lin� in s�.id. county, <br /> unc�Prsi�nAc�, a. No �„r�r Pu'�:ii.,, <br /> per�on�lly ca.rne Joanr�a T�i. Spahr and Ilo Sx��.h�, hP:r n>>saaz7c�, to me kno���Tn to be the i��.entic�l Y�er�on� <br /> r��r�o Ax�ct.��s-� t��° fo-��Pgoir7� �eea. in my Z;�resence a.nd �ckno�^,Tle�.gec� the s�.me to �e their frPe volun- <br /> tary act �.nd c� e?d. <br /> t�itnea� m�T h��nd ��nd. sPa1 tna d�Y ��,nd ye��.r l��ct T.�rritten above. <br /> � Jumes Rich�rds <br /> ( ����,) Notary Public <br /> My c^mmission exnir�s 11ovPmbAr ?0, 1��+4. <br /> FilP^ for r�corc�. t�iis 11 c��y o�" January, 1��-'!, at �: 30 0 ' clock A.2�. '��; . � <br /> .. � ��� <br /> Regi�ter of Dee s <br /> n n_�-�-0-'�- � ��_`?-!1_�1_�_r)_.,-�,�-;:}_!;-�:�-n-.J-i:-Q-O-�?-�-"�-7-�-��-7_:1_,�_;�_';_.')_��_0 ���0-0-�-7-0-��-0-0-'7-O-0- <br /> -� , .. _ <br /> '�'IARRAI�TY DE�D <br /> Knova A1I i�Ien By Tl�.e�e Presen�s ; <br /> That <br /> P�Iartha 1�"�estphal and Oscar C.Westp�zal,�`Ti.�e & HLZa�and;Eva Beem�.n and Abra.�zam Beeman,�"Jife ,Fc Husband; <br /> 01r.;a Peters and ��arr.ST Pe�ers,���ife & Husbancx.;�'reida House and Erc�rin House,lrtlife & Husband;Hugo <br /> Wiesner, Single;Reinhold Vriesner and G1.a�.ys Vvriesner,Husban�. �C �nJife of-- County, and S�a�e of Neb- <br /> ras&a and CaI?forziia in consi�.e��ation o� �I:�� sum of' One Do�lar and ��kier ValuabZe Considera��.on <br /> DOLL�RS, in lzand �ary d by La�Frx°ence Ed`f1in �;eyers o� �iall Count,y,�.nd State of Nebra���a do her. eby <br /> gr�nt,barc,ain, sell, convey,�,nd confix� unto tlle sa:id La��rrence Edwin l�'ieyers t��e f ollc�v�in� described <br /> premisPS, situa�ed in t1�we County of x�all and S�ate of T�Te��-rasl�a to-v��it: <br /> A piece or p�rcel o� land cor�mencin� at tlie Sout.1�-�'les�erly corner o�' Lot Five � 5) in Bloe� Pdinety- <br /> Tl�ree ( �3) in t11e Original Tov�m,noVr City, of Grand Islarid,rdebras��a; tlience runnin� from said corner <br /> in a Nort�-�erly direction a1o�� on �1ie ��des�erly bounc?aary lir�e of said lot for a distance o�' Forty- <br /> Four ( 44) �eet, t��ence turnin� a right an�;le ir; an Eas�erly direction,parallel �dith tlle SoutFlerly <br /> bounaary line o�' Lo�s Five � 5) and Six ( 6) in said Bloc�� Plinety-Three (�33) f'or a dis�ance of 120 <br /> feet, thence �urr�in� a� ar;le in a Sout��erly direction and parallel. witli t�Ze V`lcsterly bound- <br /> ary line o�' s�id Lot ( 5) f'or a�t�,�stance o� Forty-Faur ( �-�) �'eet, ard t}�ence turnin� a rigl:l� <br /> angle in a VVesterly direction alon� on tize Soutl�er?y boundary lirie of said Lots Five and 5ix (5 & � <br /> �'or a dis1�anee of 120 �'eet to ti:e place of 1,e�; <br /> To�ether tivitl� all �lze °te�r�er:�e-�ts,l��r��.�_tar��ents and �,e�pur�enances to the same belon�ing,and a11 the <br /> Es�ate,R�.ght,Tit7_e, Interest, �1aim or �er�and wl�atsoever; includin� Dovaer, Curtesy and �Iomes�ead <br />' Rig�zts of ���e sazd gran�ors of, in, or to the sarne, or an�,� part tt�ereoi. <br /> TO HAVE AP?D TO HOLD t1��e al�ove describec� premises,paith tfie appurtenances,unto tkie said �rantee <br /> and to his heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And. ti�re hei�e���r cover�ant w3.tli t�le s�.id grantee t��1at we hold sa3.d premises by good and per�ect title; <br /> tk2a� wre �3ave r;ood right and lay�r�'uI autliori�y �o se�1 and convey sar:ze; tlla'� tfiey are iree and clear <br /> of all liens and incur,zbrances w�l��,tsoever. <br /> o ��a-r. rant and de�en.d the said �rernises agains� tlze lav�ful claims o�' �,1.1 persons <br /> And we covenant �G _ <br /> whomsoever. <br />' Si ned thzs 9i�h cay o�' Decer�<ber A. D.l��j. <br /> g , <br /> i;iartha V'restphal <br /> I In presence oi ------------------- - Oscar C.Westphal <br /> Ro�er�G B.Crasby ( �p3.�0 I.R. Stamps ) Reinhold V'diesner <br /> J.H.Nitzel ( Cancelled ) Glaays 6�liesner <br /> Eva Beer:lan <br /> V'. E. �oren�en HarrhaPeBerSan <br /> Y <br />� 01_�,a Peters <br /> Freida House <br /> Ez�in House <br />� <br /> Hu�o ti�lie�ner <br /> T1�e Srate o� T�e�%ras��a ) <br />' }�s. On this �tlz czay o� Decernber l��?�j be�'are ne,J.H.�ti�itzeZ,a No�ary <br /> r Public within and for said Courty,person�lly ca.rne Reinhold <br /> Hall C oun� ) <br /> � <br /> . <br />' �"��.esner and Glac�,ys �Iie�ner,�iusband & Wife to rne l�:nown. to be tlle <br /> persons �njl�cse �laries are aj'f3.xed to t�ze above insi�rument a5 ;rantors, and severally <br /> acl>novrl.e��;ed tlwe exec�.��iorz of t�ze sar�e to be t}a.e�r voluntary act and deed for the purposes �l�erein <br /> expressed. <br /> IN UVIT"!`rESS WH'E�EOF, I llave hereunto subscribed my na.rie and affixed rny o�ficial seal. at Grand Island <br /> on tl�e date Ias U a?�ove v�rrit ven. <br /> ( SEAL) J,��.Pd3.tzel <br /> NZy commission ex7�ires Dec.26,1��E5. Plotary Public <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On �liis 1�t�1 day of Decer:���er 1��F3,before me,Robert B.Cros��Y a Pdotary <br /> County of Linco?n ) Pu��1ic w7'tii�.n and for s�zid County,personally came l��IartlZa W�stphal <br /> and Oacar C.V�e,stp}:lal,���ife & Husband to rne �tno�vn to be the identic�,l <br /> persons �°rhose na;��es are affixec� to t�•ie a,�t;aclled ins�rument �,s �;ra.ntors and severally acknawledged <br /> ti�e execution of t�a.e sa.z:�e to be tizPi.r valun�ary act and c�e�d �or tlze purposes tliex°ein expressed. <br /> IT' WITi��ESS V1�IEREOF, I liave :i�re�.;:nto subscribed rny nam,e and affixed my official seal at Nor�h <br /> Pla.tte,Nebr. , on t.�ie date last above wri�ten. <br /> ( SEAL) Robert B.Crosby <br /> P�-iy conr:lission expii�es July 7,1�4�. Tdotary Public <br /> S fi..�.te of I�?ebr. � <br /> ) ss. On thls 14� day oP Dec.1�4j,before m�,�'J.E.Sorensen �� Notary Publ.ic critlzin <br /> C ounty of H.a11 ) and Por said C�unty,personally came Eva nesr��,n and �,bra,��am I3�e;;�an,Wi�'e <br /> and �-Iusband to me l�n�wn to be tiie identical persoris tivhoae rlarnes are <br /> affixed to ��e a�taclled instru;�en� as �ran�ors and s�veral7.y ac�ynowleu.ged tYze execution of �Ghe <br /> sarne to �e tl�eir volurz��zry ac� and d�ed f or tlze purpos�s tixerein expre5sed. <br /> I�; t"1I11`1ESS Wf��uEOF, I lzave iieL�°eun��r� subscribed r:iy nar.�e and affixed rny o�'fi.cial seal at Ca�rn,]�Tebr. <br /> a n the date la•st arove vrritten. (SEAL) S"l.E.Sorensen Notar�r Public <br /> i��7y cornmission e�.pii es July 20,1��-�. <br />