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���� �]ECC��� �T�. �� <br /> 37�. <br /> 25489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> UII' CLATIyS DEED -Corr�ora.tion <br /> THIS IivDEivTURE, t.�is 7�� d�y o�" J�a.r�uary, A. D. 19�-t�-, bet?.aee n Union Loan �.nd Savings �sso- <br /> ciation of Lincoln, Nebrask�., r, cor�zor�.�ion or�� ed and. existin; undPr and uy virtue of the la.TtiTs <br /> of thF State of Nebras?�<�, ?�a.rty o�' t��e �irst vart, anci Norvin F. Davias of the County of Hall �nd <br /> St�te of Nebras�i�., pa,rLy of t��e seconc� part. <br /> WTTI�ESSETH, th�i, �':iA s�i�. party o�' t�ze �'i_r�� r��rt, f'o�� a�d. in consiaeration of th� sum of <br /> On., { n �0�100 ---� �1. 00) D�LZ.�AR�, in h<7.1�; z>>i� , receipt �,rtlereof 1� here'�y ackno?�T1P��ec� n�.s <br /> a � ry " � <br /> �;��t" �`':iC` UV t�i?t?? 'Jr':',y°t1t8 (�,O°S C1i,z1.t—C�.,c'3_1Til� �x"-3.T7�+� COI1VPy 1�-.T1a. COr111'r'I:1 t�11i3O i+�12 S?1C� '"Jc7"��J O�' ti1C' <br /> , �F�,�1,;, ���„rt, t;1A f�ll._oTtiiii;; c�.e=eri�ed ��rPm':_�,es, sit�.z��ted in H�11 County, �nc? State of i�ebr�ska, <br /> t0—?J1�� <br /> All or tne North 66 Feet of t'��e ��esterly �0 I''eat of Lot Five (5) , in Block 62 oi ti�e original <br /> toT�*n, no�� city, ow' Grand Isl�nd, Hal1 County, Nek���aska. <br /> The intention ard Uur��ose of this c�.ePd is 'to contrey to tne grantee a.ny right, title or <br /> interPSt =�rn.ich the grantor may :��.ve acquired in sai�� a.bove descri�ed. property by v�rtue <br /> o� a:ny mort��,a�;° �iven �o s�ic� �vra.ntor at any time on s�.id pro��erty. <br /> Tp HAVE A:�'D TO HOLD the s�id premises above described, togethe�' ?.tirith �11 t�ie TeneMents, <br /> HPre�it��.ments and Appur�Pnances t?�iereunto belon�in�; unto t'�ze s�<.ia Norvin F.Davis <br /> And. �i�P s�,ic� Union Loan and Savin�s Associ�.tion, of Lincoln, Nebraska, f'or itself o�� �ts <br /> ' succPS�ors, does hereby a�ree to a.�:c� T•�rith tn.e s:�ic. p�.r�y o�' tne second ;�art ana his h�ir. s �nd <br /> asA>i�.n�, that neither it no�� �ny person in its n�.m� an�� ben��l�', �lz�=-11 or -�ri11 hereafter cl�im or <br /> dem�.nd �..Zy r�;;ht or ti�le t� thP s<aic.� ;�rernl5�=��, or a.iy X���-rt tliereof', but tiiey arid every one of them <br /> sl���.11 ':y tti�_PSe pr?sents be exclude��. anc�. forever barre��_. <br /> IN T�S::INOi�?Y ��I.:FREOF, the Union Loa_n and. S�vin�s Associ��.tion r�as c�used these presents to <br /> be executP�. b:? its pre�i�.ent ��,nd its Cor��or. �te Sea1 to i�e �fyixed hereto this 7�h cla.y of Janu�.ry, <br /> �9�;�. <br /> Witnes�: ( CORP) Union Loan an�. Savings Association <br /> Elizabeth 2dorr�5 tS�L) by E. C. Boehmer, President <br /> Atte�t : H. T.PickP�t, Secret��ry <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � SS, On this ?th c':_�.y of J:�nu�ry, 194�+, before me, the undersigned, a. Nota.ry <br /> LAVCASTE�, COUN`I'Y ) Pu'�lic in �nr�. for a<�ic� C�un�y, t�er�,on��lly came E. C. Boehmer, Presi:��ent <br /> of tY!P Union Lo^n an�� �avin�;s As�ociation, to me per:~�l�ally isno����rl to �e t'_�e Presi.�_ent and the <br /> iden�ical ?�erson �.,rhose n��me is a.fiixed to t�iiP above conveya:ice and acknoT�rled�;ed ti:le �xecution <br /> t:�Preo� to bP h�s vo.luntary a.ct a.nd c1e�d �s -:uch of�"icer axld the volunt�; .ry act az;d. deed of the <br /> sai�� Union Lo��n and ��s As:�ociz�tion, �nc. t.�,^_t t:ie Cor��ora'te se�a.l of t��� s�ic� Union Lo�:�_n �nd <br /> S�vin�� Ass�oci�tion wa.s ta�ereto afiixed by its avthor3.ty. <br /> � u'�itnes� my n.�nc�. �nc7. No�arial Seal at Lirlcoln, in s<�.id. county the day ancl year la_st ?bove <br /> 1_n?r�1�'L P�1. <br /> Elizabeth Morris <br /> ( ��L) No�ta.ry Public <br /> r�Iy com;nission ex��ires �'rle 6 c�.��,y oi Oct. 1Q�E�. <br /> Fi7_P:;. for rPcor. c��. this 10th ���y of January, 1��-::�, <�t 4t00 o ' clock P.M.�,,� ��;`��C � <br /> Register of� <br /> � �� ^;..��_r` :'} n n n r� '1_(� `.'-7-J-�-.,-_,-�-7-i-.,-.�-.. -..-,�-.,-�- ,-7 ..-,,-..- .- �-.�-7-�. � .,-�-..--,-? .,-.,-.�-..- <br /> ,� ,•� �l R ,"� � (l (l �1 '� !� r�, r, .n r�, � (1 �� !'� �!1 n r� <br /> —. „ . .,— --..1— —,_ —.. — <br /> ��,rAR.:.AIVTY U�"�D . <br /> KiVOW ALL PdEI�1 BY TH�SE PR^S�NiS: <br /> Th��t Joann� M. S��ahr and Ilo spahr, her husb��nd., of Los Angeles, Ca.liforni�:., for and in <br /> consi�er�tion of tii� sum of �110�. 00, in ha.nd ��a.i��z, do hereby �rant, bar;, sell, convey <br /> ��nc� confirm unto Don�.ld J. "�V�1ker of Shelton, ldebr�.s���, al]. our ri;�t, title and inter�st in <br /> a.nd to t'ne f'o1l��Arin;,.; ��scribed real egtate , to-���it: <br /> Lot� 5 a.nd 6, in Block 10, P�rkviP�tir Addition to th.e village of Shelton, Buffalo �ounty, <br /> N Pbr. a ska.. <br /> 37�s in tnP T�+Test half of the North?�rest au�rt�r oz �ection 1�, in To?�mship 9, North <br /> of Ran�;e 13, '�'dest of thP 6th P.M. , in Buff�-�10 County, ��eoras?ia, describPd a.G follo��s: <br /> Corn;nencin�T at a ,�oint on triA �ection lin� be���Teen �P,CtlOI1S 1 �i�d l� oi s�id To•anship <br /> ?nc? I�an��;e, 1�3 rods t�rQ�-t o.f tile northeast corrz?r of �<�id c�v.artPr sPction, �a,nd running <br /> south 1b0 rods to t�le south linP of s��ir�. au<�rter s�ction; tiience tlrest 37 rods to the <br /> s�ction linP nFt�.aP�n Sections 11 .��rlc� 12 of s��ic� To?��nship �n� R�-�.nge; t'1°nce north 160 rod.s <br /> to tne nortn-�.r?st corner of Section 12; �.-�ence P<�;.st j7 rods to the ��lnce of bPginninE�, <br />, cont�.inin� �7 �.cres R10Y'P or le�s, ac^ordin� to the �ovet�nment G!.�rvey. <br /> The Soutn n�1f' o�' th? Soui,���1e�t qu�rter of �ection l�, in Tot�,rn5hip 9, North of Range <br /> 12, ��e:;t o�' thP �th P.Z�i. , in Ha.11 Coun�,y�, Nebra.s'�a.,. <br /> TO HAV� AiJ� TO HOLD the x�remises above describecl, toget�lPr ?�ith �11 the tenements, <br /> heredit��ments �nd ��nurten�nces tnereui�to belon�in�r, unta tn� ,^�� �on�1d J. 'a�lker, ana to <br /> his heir:=� �rld. �s-i�,n9 f'C'!''PV°2'. And �1re �o hereUy covPn��nt ?�!ith t�1e saic�. gr�ntee �nd �1�ith hiG <br />, h�irs r.nrl ���"i�;:��= t��i��t ���e �rP l���full.y �ei7,ed o�' s-�ic� ,>rPmi�,es; th��i, t:hAy are free from encum- <br /> br�nces; th�t ?�r� h�,ve goo� ripnt �.nd l�.T��Pul �utnority to �ell t:�e ��%me, a.nd ��re do hereby <br />� cos��n��nt to ����r�ant and defend t:�e ti�le to s�id nremises a.�<�in;t thP lataf�al cl��ims of all <br /> persons t�Jnomsaev�r. <br /> Anc� the s�_id Ilo �nahr herPby conveys �.11 riis ri��nt, title an�� interAst in and to the <br /> _ <br /> a�ove de5cribed ��rPmi�es. <br /> 5igned this --- ca_�.y of Dec. 27, 19�3, A. D. , 19� <br /> - Ilo Spahr <br /> Jo Anna. M. Spahr <br /> ( l. 5 I.t�. St��m��s �) <br /> ( C�ncelled J) <br /> ST��TE OF' CALIFOnNIA ) On t��ii.� --- d�y of Dec. 27, Zg43, A. D. , 194--, �efore me the <br /> LOS A�v1�ELES COUNTY } �`�• <br />