<br /> �7E�ED ��� ��� �T�. 8 �
<br /> 28469—The Augustine Co., Grand Isl�nd, Nebr.
<br /> ORDTNANCE N0. 19��+.
<br /> An Ordinance a.uthorizing and c�irecting the sa.le of certain real estate belonging to the City of
<br /> Grand Isla.nd �ebraaka• t�rovidin i,h mann r i T�n' t� n
<br /> , , ; � e ti e n lch �e s�me s��all be s _ ld and trle terms of sa.id
<br /> sale; providing for 'the giving of notice of the s�1e of sa.id real estate �.nd the terms tnereof; and
<br /> ��roviding for. the ri�;ht to file a remonstrance against the sa�le thereof, signe� by lega:l electors
<br /> of tne City of Gra.nd Island, Nebra.ska; eaual in number to thirty per cPnt ( 30°0,� o�' the electors of
<br />' said City, votin� at the last regula.r municipal election held in said City.
<br /> SEC7ION l. The s�1e and conveyance of re�l estate hereinafter described is hereby directed
<br /> and �uthorized to James R,Travis, Edmond W.Byrum and Stella L.Byrum, husband and �ti*ife, of the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Nebr��ska.
<br /> The pronerty directed �nd a�_�thorized to ��e conveyed is described as follows:
<br /> Lot Eight (�) , Block Eleven ( 11) , Lambert� s Addition to the city of Gra.nd Island, Ha.11
<br /> County, Nebra.ska.
<br /> SECTION �. `�'he ma,nner and terms of sa.id s�le os su.ch real estate are a.s follows� The Uurch�sers,
<br /> James R. Tra.vi� Edmond W, Byrum and Stella L.Byrum, h��sband and wife, �gree to x�ay Three Hundred
<br /> Forty ( �3�0.00� Dollars for the within described real est�te and have paid to the City Clerk of the
<br /> City of Grand Isla.nd the sum of One Hundred ( �100. 00) Dollars as a do�an payment therefor, and the
<br /> balance of Two Hundred Forty (�2�-0. 00) Dolla.rs will be paid in full unon the execution and delivery
<br />, of a Quit Cla�m Deed by the City to the 1�urchasers. The Ci�y sn�ll not be reguired to furnish a,n
<br /> Abstra.ct of Title.
<br /> SECTION 3. As nrovided by 1aw, notice of' such s�le and tne terms tnereof sha.11 be published
<br /> �'or three consecutive �tireeks in the Grand Ialand Dailv Independent, a. newspa��r published in a_nd
<br /> of general circulation in the City of Gr�.nd Island, Nebraska, imMediately after the ba_ss�ge and
<br /> nublica.tion of this Ordinance; �nd the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and
<br /> publish said notice.
<br /> SECTION 4. Autnority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, l�ebraska,
<br /> to file a. remonstrance a.gainst tne sale of the �aithin described real estate; a.nd if a remonstrance
<br /> against such sale, signed by legal electors of said City equal in numoer to th`Lrty per cent ( 30`�)
<br /> of tile electors of' the City of Gra.nd Island, voting �t tize last regul�r election held in said
<br /> City be filed with tne Mayor and City Council within thirty ( 30) days after tne passage a.nd
<br /> �ublication of' this Ordinance, such property sh��ll not then, nor Taithin one ye�r thereafter be
<br /> sold.
<br /> SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, a,uthorized �nd confirmed; �nu if
<br /> no remanstr�nce oe filed a�;ainst s�zch 5ale, the Mayor and City Clerk s:�all ma.ke, execute and
<br /> delizrer to James �t.Travis, Edmond t�d. Byr��m and Stella L, Byrum, r�usband. arid ?aife, a Q��it Claim Deed
<br /> for s��id z� .roperty, and trle execution of gaic� Deed is her��y autnorized ?�aithout furtner action on
<br /> b ehalf of the City Council.
<br /> SECTION 6. ��'his Ordinance sha.11 be in force� a.nd t�ke eff ect from �nd after its pas �age, ap��ro-
<br /> val, and publ.zcation as �rovided by laTa.
<br /> Passed ar�d �pr�roved thi$ 3rd day of November, 19�-j.
<br /> Harry Grimminger
<br /> Attest: Mayor
<br /> F1.oyd S.�nll�.ite, City Clerk. 5-1
<br /> Filed f'or record tnis 6th da.y of Deeember, 1943, a.t 11:00 0 � clock A.M. �j,�^'��-�! �j
<br /> L/C `�,1�-��
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> n_(�--'1_(1_7-7-�-ri-n-`�-�-'�%-�-:7-7-�1-,�_�-�.-�-�)-�-7-Q-�-7-r%-v-'�-�-C)-^_rl_!1-7-,:J-�i-�-�-� �-,� .�-�-�-- 7- �-� �-
<br /> n r n n
<br /> DE�D OF CONVEYANCE ,-,�
<br /> That tne FED�,RAL FARM T�IORTGAGE CO�ORATION, of t�T�shington, D, C. , in consideration of Three
<br /> Thous�nd and No�lOQ Do1.la.rs ��3, �00.00� does herAby �rant, bar�;ain, sel1, convey and confirm
<br /> unto Ernest M. Lepin �nd Ethel L. I�e�in 1�usband and ?�rife, as ,joint te�lat.ts with rignt of survivorshit�
<br /> �nc� not as ter��r�ts in common, of Doniphan St�a.te of Nebrzska, tne folloiaing described real e state
<br /> situ�ted. in the Coun�y of Hall, State of �ebrask�, sub�ject to a.ny exi�tir�g higtiways, easements, and
<br /> any reserv�tion� in �tAe United States �nd State ?�a,tents, to-���it :
<br /> South HP.lf of the South��,�est �ua.rter of Secti�n 24, Totirrnshi�� 9 North, Range 10, '�Jest of tne 6th
<br /> P.M. , excevtir.g ar�l. reserving in the grantor an undivided one-half interest in �11 oil, ga.s and
<br />� miner�l ri�;hts in arid under the �.bove-c?escribed property for a period of 20 years from T�Iay 6, ig�-z,
<br /> and as long thereafter as oil, gas or otn�r minerals continue to be ��roduced therefrom or said
<br /> pro��erty i� being so develo�Pd or oper�ted,
<br /> together �1TZl�� �11 tne tenemen�a, heredit��ments ��:ci a�� ,urtena��cPS to t:�e G�mP belon��:in>r, �nd �.11
<br /> tne Pstate, title, cl�i.m ar demand 5�rha.tsaever of t:�e said FED��AL �'A.�R.�T PdOR'�'GAGE C0:?POFATION of,
<br /> in, or to tne s�me or any part thereof.
<br /> It bein�; the intention of a.11 n��rti�s hereto tnat in the Pvent of tne dEath of either of s�id
<br /> grantees, t:�e entire fee simple title to the real est�te described herein shall nass to the
<br /> . survivin�, �ra.ntee. ,
<br /> TO HAVE AiJD TO HOLD tne above described bremises unto trze said Ernest T�I.Lepin and Ethel L.
<br /> Lex�in, the�r assigr�s, and to tne heirs and assiUns of the survivor forever.
<br /> And 'the ��id FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPOR.ATION hereby cover�ants with the ���.id Ernest P�. Lepin
<br /> I� .
<br /> I and Ethel L. ��pin, their assigns, the heirs and �srigns of tne survivor, th�t it ls la?,�fully
<br /> seized of sa.ia r�remises �.r�d that it has good right and, laTf�ful a.uthority to sell �nd convey the
<br /> same.
<br /> .F'A�iM
<br /> IN WTTPJESS ?JHEREOF , tne FEDERAL„MORTG��GE CORPOt�ATION has caused these presen�s to be executed
<br /> k�y its Vice Presiclent an�. its cor�� ratP seal to be aff ixed hereto this llth day of O�tober, 1943.
<br /> . ,,,. . . �am;�s) ( CORP) FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE COR�O?�ATION
<br /> Witness : Ursula U. Shanahan ( Cancelled ) ( ��aL) By LaVerne C_�. rk, Vice 1'resident
<br /> Attest :wayne E. Smith, Assistant Secretary
<br />