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� 1 P� <br /> 1���� ��CO�.� N�. �� <br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., tlrand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED ,,p� <br /> T1�I5 INDE.d�'URE,Nade this 2�th day oP June, in the year one tlzousand hundred and farty-three, <br /> between Harry M.Grace and ll2ary E.Grace,husbarxd and w�.fe, of the �irst par'C,and Leonie Grace <br /> par�y o�' '�he sPCOnd part, WITNES5ETH, t}.iat the said parties of 'Ghe Pirs'G part, in conslderation. <br /> oY the sum of One Dollar and o'�tier good and suff icient consideration to them duly pai c1, the <br /> reeeipt whereo�' is hereby acknowledged remised,released and quit-elaim,ar.d by �hese presents do, <br /> Por t��emselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, rem�.se, release and forever qu3.�-clalm <br /> and convey unto the said party o�' the second part,and to her heirs and assigns forever,all their <br /> right, title, interest, estate clair� and demand,both at la�r and in equi�y,o�, in and to aIl of the <br /> Southeast quarter o� the Northeast quarter ( SE�NE�) and the East Half of' the Southeast Quarter <br /> ( E25E�) of Section Twenty-seven ( 27y ,Township Ten (10) ,North,Range `fiwelve (12) ,west oY the 6th <br /> P .�?. ,Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> Together with all �nd singular the heredi�aments thereunto belonging. <br /> TD HAVE AA1D TO HOLD �he above described premiaes unto �he said Leonie Grace,and to her heirs and <br /> a.SB��',ri8� 50 that �heither grantor or any person in their name and behalf, shall or wi11 hereaPter <br /> elairn or deMand any right or �i�le to the said premises or any part thereo�`,but they and every <br /> one oP them shall by these presents b�; excl.uded and f'orever barred. <br /> IN WITNE5S WHEREOF, the said parti.e5 0�' the first part have hereunto set their hands and se�,le <br /> the day and year above wr�.tten. Harry M.Grace <br /> Signed, sealed and de�ivered in presence of Mary E.Grace <br /> State oP COLORADO ) � <br /> js�, On th3� 2�th d.ay of June,A.D. ,7��3 before me, tk�e undersigned LilZian <br /> La P1ata County ) C.D�iley a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified f'or and <br /> in said county,personall.y came Harry M.Grace and Mary E. <br /> Grace,husband and wi�e, to me knov�n �o be the identi.eal peraons whose names are afPixed to the <br /> forego�.ng instrument as grantors and acknowledged the sar:ie �Go be their vol.un�ary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (��L) Lillian C.Dailey <br /> IVIy commiasion expires the 1}th da,y of April,l9�5 Not�qq Public <br /> F"iled �'or record this 10 day of November,�.9�3,at 1 :�!•5 0 'clock P.14�. ��;��d �J� <br /> r <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> REFER�E' S DEED •� <br /> KNOW ALL 1t�tEN BY THESE PRESII�?T5 THAT; Whereas, ln an action o� partition pendin� in the District <br /> � Court of Ha11 County,Alebraska,wherein Edwin L.Johnson and Sena Johnsori,husband and wife,v�ere , <br /> plain�if`fs,�.nd Harry P.Bradley,unmarried, et a1. , Case No.g695,were dePendants,For the partition <br /> of the premisea hereinafter described, the under3igned,referee,appointed by said Court to make <br /> partition of said real es�ate,made his report in a�riting, duly signed, setting f orth that partit- <br /> ion of said lands could not be made without great pre,�udice 'Go the owners �i�ere�r�,whic�t report <br /> was duly examined by the Court,and said Cour'� being s�ti�f3.ed therewith eon�irmed the sax�e,and <br /> thereupon made an or�der and caused the same 'Go be entered directing me,as said rePeree, to se�l � <br /> said premises on the following terms, to-wit; 15� cash to be paid on the day of sa2e, and the <br /> balance upon con�'irmation. <br /> And in pursuance of' said order I cau9ed a notice to be published in The Grand Island Daily <br /> Independent,a newspaper printed and in general circulat3.on in Hall County,Nebraska, that I would <br /> off er said lands for sale at the North Frorit Door of �the Court House �.n the Citiy of Graxid Island, <br /> NaI� County,Nebraska, on the l�th day oP 5ep'�ember,lg�3,at two o 'clock P.M. of said day,and a� <br /> the time and place stated in said notice and after said notice had been publlshed Por more than <br /> thirty days, I offered said real estate, 'to-wit; <br /> A reetangul�r piece of ground in the North We�t Quarter (N'W�) oP Section Twenty-two ( 22) ,Town- <br /> sh3p E1.even �].1) ,Nor'Gh,Range ( �) ,Weat of the 6th P.a4. ,Hall County,Nebraska,l.0� Peet in <br /> wid'�h and 360 f eet in length, situated iminediately nortYi o� Lots �ne (1) ,Twent�six (26) and <br /> Twenty--seven (27) oP Haw�horne P1ace,vuhieh is a aubdivision oP part of the North We�t quarter <br /> (NV9�) of said S�etion Twen�y-�wo ( 22) , in the City ofi Grand Island,Nebraska, <br /> for sale at public aucti4n and soa_d the same to Harry Hugo and Stella L.Nugo,as �oint tena.nta <br /> and not as tenan�s in common,wi'Gh righ'G oY survivorship, Por the eum of �20.C�0, sub,�ect to unpaid <br /> �axes l.evied and assessed against said real es'tate, they being the highest bidders ther�or. And <br /> a�`�erwards on the 27th day of September,l<343, said Court approved and con�'Srmed said sale,and by <br /> an 4rder directed me,as said rePeree, to :�xecute and deliver to �Ghe said Harry Hugo and S�ella <br /> L.Hugo,as �oint tenants and not as �snants in common,wi�h right of aurvivorship,a deed conveying <br />' sa3.d lands to them in fee simple. <br /> Now, �Gheref'ore,I,T.W.Lanigan,referee, in consideration o� the prem3.sea and the sum of $20.00 so <br /> b id and paid by the said Harry Hugo and Stella L.Hugo,ar�d by virtue o�' the powers vested in me <br /> by lav��, do by these pres�nts, grant, sell and canvey unto the sa3.d Harry Hugo and 5tella L.Nugo, <br /> and to t eir assi ns <br /> ht of survivorsh3 , h g , <br /> as 3oint tenants and not as tenants in common,aai'�h rig P <br /> to 'Ghe h�irs and assi ns <br /> of the survivor oP them, the real estate described as Pollows, to-�vit: <br /> or � <br /> A rectangular piece oY ground in the North �Yest Quarter {N�14� af Section '�vventy-t�ro ( 22) ,Town- <br /> ship Eleven (11) ,North,Range Nine ��} ,VGest of the 6th P.�?. ,Hall County,Nebras�:a,10� �'eet in <br /> wid�h and 360 fee� in length, situated immediatel�r north ofl Lots �ne (1) ,T�enty-six (26) and <br /> ` Twenty-se�en ( 27) o�' Hawthorne P1ace,�ehich is a subdivisior� of part oP the North '�est quarter <br /> (NWa) o� said Section Twenty-two (22) , in the City ot' Grand Island,Nebraska, �ub�ect to unpal.d <br /> taxes levied and aasessed against said real es'Gate, <br /> with �11 the appurtenanees thereunto belon�ing,to have and to hol d the same to them, the said <br /> Harry Hugo and Stella L.Nugo,as �olnt tenants,and not as tenants in comrnon,e�ith right o� <br /> survivor,ship,and to their a�s�gns,or to the heirs and agsigns oP the survivor oP them, Porever. <br />