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' �� � . <br /> M <br /> :,�rr�{et�'g J - <br /> ,.. . � '_-^■!!" , <br /> ------.:.:___ :t, � <br /> 1 <br /> • BorrqwM's�scrow accounl undlr th� laderal iieol Eetnte SettUm�n! Proc�d�na Aat ot �974 se amended harn tlm�to tYn�, 12 U.B.C. ,, <br /> 2801 �t s�q.�'RE&PA'),unNss�notha f�w thtt ItpplMa to tho Fund�teU o Me��r omount. If so,Lendln may,�t any tkrw,aoHwt md <br /> holA Fund� h an rmount not to�xcwd th0 Isss�r amount. L�ndK may ��tt�uto the�mount ot funde dw on ths basb of curront dato F„Q <br /> Qnd ryton�bM�stlmatet of s�ndkures ot tutur�Etcrow Item� or olh�wk� in�ccord�nc�wRh Qpplfc�bk bw. �- <br /> Th� Fundi �h�N ba h�k1 h an Instkutbn whoa� cNpoaks trs heur�d by a fedsral apenoy, InsWmentallty, or entky (Inoludinp y r3 <br /> LandM, k L�ndN u suoh �n httRutbn) or h any f�d�nl MorrN Loan Benk. L�ndsr ahaii apply th• FunliB l0 poy tito EQOt�w liaw�t'a. ` ' ,- <br /> Under may no! oharw BortowK for hofdhp �nd appyhp the Funda,annualy tnay�np tho eacrow eccount or verNyinp the C•scrow _ <br /> Itemt,unMu L�nd�r p�ya BnROw�r ht�nst on th�Fund�and appNc�bw�w pKmke L�ndK to make suoh a ohtrpe. Howrwr,I.�nda � <br /> � m9y requke Borrower to pay w onedfine chnrge for an hdepsndont reat estnte t9x reporthp aervlce used by Lender In conneatbn wkh � - <br /> thb b�n,unMsa �ppibtbM kw providea olhMwb�. UnNss�n�prewiwnt b mad� or tpplbabb kw rsquPes h1K�st ta be pald,L.�ndu Q <br /> ehaM not ba rsquP�d to pay Bortow�r any hterost or eamhpa on the Funds. Borrow�r and Lander may tpr�e h wrRhp,howwer.that � <br /> Intsnat oh�N be pald on lhe Funda. Lender ehall pk� to Bortower, wRhout aherQe, an annual acoountinq of th• Funda, ehowhy � <br /> credRe anct debke to the Funds and the purpoee!o►whbh enoh debk to the Funds wae made. The Funda are pkdped at addkbnal � <br /> cecurky(or tu eums soc�+rod by thb S�curity Instrument. �" <br /> II ths Funds hsid by Lender exceed ths amounta permMtsd to be hekl by appifcable law,Lender shtN account to Borrowsr tor the ,� <br /> oxc�as Fund� h tcaordancs w4h ths roqutements of appNcabM �w. �f the unount oi the Funda held by Laidar tt any tim� ts not � - <br /> suftfaient to psy the Eecrow Items whM due, Lendsr may so notHy Bonower h wrking,and, In suoh cnae Bortowsr ehaN pay to Landsr •p=�n�;. <br /> the amount neceasary to make up the delfclenoy. Borrower shaN make up the detfclenay h no more than tweNe monthy payments,at ;:,�,;_:tis.::a�e� <br /> Lende�s soM discretion. � �^" =r;�^.- <br /> Upon paymwit In fuN of aN suma ascurod by this Securky Inatrument,Lander shtq prompty re(und to 8ortower eny Funds hsld by ,,H,•;,�+�i=,=`--rt- <br /> Lsnd�r. If,under parepnph 21,Lsnder ahaM�cquiro or aeN ths Pruperty,Lsnder, prbr to ths aoqubkbn or saM o!tha Prop�ty, shaM `-� zT <br /> appy nny Funds hald bq Lmder at the tkne o}eaGuiskbn or e�la ea�credk agahst tha suma secured by thls Securky Inatrum�nt. � .+"�___ <br /> 3. Application o4 Payments. Unbss appticabie�aw provides otherwfse,aN pnyments rxeiwd by Lender undw partOraAha ;;;_._-. <br /> t nnd 2 sh�ll be opA��ed: tirst,to sny preQayment oharpes due under the Note;second,to amounts ps�yabie under pampraph 2; Ihtd �� <br /> to hterest duo; fourth,to pdnoipat due; and la9t,to any late ohnrqes due under the Note. ".�_� <br /> ;; 4. ChSfQt�; Liena. 8ortowor shaY poy aB taxas, asssasmmte, ahtrp�a, flnes and ImpoaNbns attrDutabM to th� PropMty `"�� <br /> �� whbh may �ttah prbrky over thb Securky Instrument, end leasehold paymsnta or pround rents, N any. Borrower shall pay these <br /> obYQatbna h the mann�r prpvid�d In panpraph 2,or Y not pald In tAtt mu►n�r,Borrower shaN pay thom on tlms directy to th�person , ,�T�. <br /> owad paymen� Borrower shntl prompty iumish to Lender aN not�es of�notmta to b9 paid under thFs pnrapr�ph. If Bortowsr makes ' � .,�"�"� <br /> these payments dlrecty,BoROwer shall prompty fumish to Lender receipts evidenalnp ths paymenta. ��� f Y <br /> ��� BoROw�r shtN prompty disCharpe any Ken whiah h�s prbrky over thb Securfly InsWment unless Borrower. (a)apro�h wrkhp to ��'.k` � � , <br /> � tha ptyment of the obllpatbn aacured by the Ilen h �manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in pood hkh the Nen by,or d�f�n ds „. . , <br /> ________ __ �nrhat ant�rr..�mant ot tAe Yen In, teael Qraceedlnas whinh In tha Lendar's ophbn operate to prevent the enforcemait of th�N�fl; dr(o) �� ' <br /> '`� secures kom th�hoider of the Iien an epreertient satistactory to Lender subordfnathp ths Ikn to this Securky InaWmmt. If Lend�r ,, � <br /> • P,'� determhes that �ny pert of the Property b aubJect to e lien whbh may ettnin prbrity over this Securily InsWment,Lender m�y qNs " <br /> ..�, <br /> ��", Borrower a notice IdentMyinp the Ifen. Borrowar shall satlsly the Ilen or take one or more of the actbns set foRh above wkhin 10 daya <br /> � ' of ths pl+rinp of notics. ,� •�r�;, <br /> t 6. Hazerd or Property Inwrance. Bortower shaq kwp the improvanente now exbthp or hsraaftar �reotsd on tho . <br /> Property baund�pahet bas by fln, huvds hcludsd wRhin th�tam "eMended covsrepe"�nd�ny oth�r huards,Inciudhp fbods or � � <br /> floodinp, (or whiCh L,�ndK requiros hsurv'ICa. Thb hsunnc� BhaN be mahtthed h tha amounts and for th� pe�iod� that L�ndsr <br /> nquins. TM Inwranc�c�rri�r providfnp ths hauronca shaN b�chot�n by Bortower subJeat to Landers approval whloh sh�N not b� -. <br /> '• unroasonaby wkhhsid. If Bortower tnils to mahtnc �ovdrape dsscrbsd ebove. Lender may, at L.snders optbn, obtain covKap�to <br /> , protect L�nd�a rfphte In th� Prop�ty h accord�ncs wRh p�npraph 7. <br /> , AN insunnc�poNCNs and ron�waia shaN bs�CCapGtbN to Lendet and shaM hclud�a standard mortp�p�C�us�. L��d�r shtq haw ��� <br /> , tho tlpht to hoW th� poNcks �nd renewals. If l.ender requkes, BortowK shatl promptly pMra to Lender aN receiptc of paid pnmiumi FF <br /> :-. . �nd ronawal not��s. In ttw w�nt of bgs, Borrowar shaN qhro prompt notbe to the insuranco carti�and Lend�. Lender mtY �� E._ <br /> proot ot bst R not m�d�prompty by Bortowsr. ---- - <br /> � Unbss i�rtd�r rnd BorrovrK oth�wlss apn�h wrkhp,Insurasc�procesds shaN b�tpplMd to restontbn or rnptt of th�Propwty - <br /> ' dam�ped, M ths nstontbn o►npalr is eoonom�aNy hasbM and Undsre sscurity b not bssened. Ii the rsstantton or ropair Is not ---_ __ <br /> :,. <br /> „ : ,:..�.�.�.�....�.. <br /> .:• �aonomlcaYy UasbM w Undw� acurky wouW W t�sanod, Ma hsuranca proc�ads ohaq bo appNsd to the aume aecurod by lhis . ,_.-------_ - <br /> SscuBty Inatrummt, wMther or not then due, wkh any uocas psid to Borrowsr. M Bcrrower abandons the Propxty, ar doss not <br />-�� -- mtvwr wkh„ 30 days a notic� Uom UndK that th� Insunnc� cirtkr has otfarod to settM a clakn, thm Landu may coMOt tM -__. <br /> ` �� � hsuroncs proce�da. Lendx may use ths proc�sds to rep�ir or restore tho PropeAy or to pny wms securod by thb Ssaurlry -;;�,--r--__,_ <br /> � Instrumenb whath�r or not then dw. 7h�30�day perfod wiN boph wh�n the notice b aMen. ���`""7°"'�;^`��"�'—'� <br /> , Unlesa Lender and Borcowlr otherwiss apros in writinp, any�ppACatbn of proceads to princlpd shtN not eoctend or pustpono th� ��`=�:`--�- <br /> .� <br /> due dats of the monthly peymenta rsterred to h panflnpha t and 2 or ohunpe tha emount ot the paym�nts. If under p�r�pr�ph 21 <br /> the PropeAy Is acqulred by Lender, Borrower's ripht to any hsurence poucies and prxeeds resuklnp from damape to the Propwty qrbr -'; . � �,,�..�J�: <br /> � ,. to tha aCqulskbn shaA pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secunty insWment knrt�edktey prior to th� "S:;�?:.a.�x�..��': <br /> acqulskbn. ��`M1.;^,:�:,- y; <br /> .. ...��'`_: <br /> ` G. Occupancy, Preaervation, Malntenence and Protection oi the Property; Borrower's Loen � � '� . <br /> Appilcatlon; Lea�lhDid�. Boirower shaN occupy, sstabNsh, �nd us� the Rroparty as Borrower's prtncpal resldencs wkhh ebcty •° <br /> d�ys aMr th� �oacutlon ot thb S�curity Instrummt and shaN conttnw to xcupy the PropeRy as Borrow�e prtnclpsl naidma tor at <br /> � Is�at one y�sr �ftsr tM dats of oceup�ncy, unMss Lend�r otM�wfes �yro� in wrkinp, whlah eone�►t shaN not b� uanasonaby � , <br /> wkhMld,ar unlaf e+dmuathg clrcumstinces sxFst whiCh aro b�yond Borrowwe oonVOl. Bortower ohaN not dsstroy,dam�p�or tmpair <br /> the Propary,eNow tNe Property to detsAo►ate,or commk waste on ths Property. Borrower ehaN bs h dsfauR N any IoriNturo action or <br /> � procseddnp,whsthar clvN or crimh�t,I�bepun that h Lendor's pood hkh JudpnNnt cou{d resuk in toAekun of ths Prop�rty or othwwia� ' „ <br /> .'_. ._"._— ' _ ' . " _ ' . . ".' ..__ � .__"___• __ •__��_ _Y..�' � • - O �.. .....r �..w�. � i1J�..Y �nA <br /> -�--. .:.- __. Iilitlftlly rtipif ltl� I�t WAIA Or ims ac.viw� tnauou�wu m �.w�uwa O�YWR� ..•w..« ..........�. ...�� ....�� �..�.. � �.�.. _._ -- ..-.-:�- -°-:-_'� - <br /> rehstate, as provided h pnraproph 18, by caushp the ectbn or procesdiny to be dlsmhsed wRh e rulhp that, h Lendws qood faRh <br />; detertninatbn, procludes torielNre of the Bo►rowers hterest In the PropeRy or other material impalrment cf the Uen created by thls <br />__ Security Inshument or Lender's secu�liy hterost. Bortowar shaq ako be In Oefauh M Borrowe►, durtnp the ban applicatbn procass, <br /> pave meterinNy (eise or ineccurete hfortnetbn or statert�ents to Lender (or la�led to provlde Lender wkh nny mat�l h(ormntbn) h <br /> connectbn wkh the ban ev{denced by tha Note, Includlnp,but not IMited to, ropresentttbns concemhp 8ortowers occupanoy af che <br /> Property as R prinat�t residencs. If thls Sacuriiy Instnim�nt is on a teesshob, Borrower sh4ti compy wRh eA the provlebna of tho • <br />�, I lease. If Borrowrr acquires hx tNb to the Property, th� leasehotd end tha fee tkle sheN not merpo unless ths Lender aprena to the <br /> + ���W�9. Form 302e 0/GO <br /> F10YY.LMO(?JiE) Pap�2 0l 6 ��. <br /> � 1 i � <br />. i �55 } __.. <br />_ k _ __— <br />