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<br /> _. ' "'�::,;: cdaage�ia the use of the Prq�crty ar its zonlog classifiration.uidess I�ender has agrad in writing to tbe d�ange. � .
<br /> , Borrower s1�il comply with alt laws. ordinances. regutations and roqui�ts of any gavcmmeat�! 6ody �
<br /> applicable to ths Ptoperty. - - ' -
<br /> ,_, ' _—�_.-_�_ - C.SUnORDINATE LIENS.Eacept as petmitud by foderal law.Barrower sl�ll nat�Itow any lirn inferior .
<br /> ,, . to the Socuriry InsWment to 6e perfected against the Praperry witlwat I.eoder's prior written pemussion. �--l
<br /> � • � � O.AENT L06S A1iS[JRANC�.Homnwer sfialt m�intain insunrtce against:eot loss ia addiGon w tbe other � � � , ..
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<br /> , � ,,`� �. .sentenoe in Uaifoim Covecrrnt 6 canceming Bomd!ceer's oocuparxy of the Property is deteted. AH rert�ainir�g �� . , .
<br /> ' � �� • oovenu�ts�d a�reements s�forth im.Lniform Ca�s 6 shall remain in effect. �
<br /> G.ASSIGN11�iT OF IEA.4�.E`poa Lend-�r`s:�qu�;�aarawer shall assign to l,ender all lr�es of the � ;
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