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47� <br /> ��E�� ������ <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDB <br /> 234B8—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> Dewey Swedlund and wi f e SS. - <br /> Hall County, Entered in Numerical Index <br /> and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County, <br /> TO Warranty the 1� day of April 19�5 , at 2 <br /> Deed <br /> Ariria. & Mi3.ton Dahma o'clock and �jQ minutes, p,M. <br /> �'`-�`�''''� Register of Deeds, <br /> � By Deputy. <br /> I <br /> � �rt br E�S ��� x��e��en#�: <br /> ,..�Crt�r�u ,��� ,� <br /> � � � <br /> That Dewe� Swedlund and Iva Swedlund, husband and wife, each in his and her own name and <br /> right, and as the spouse of the other <br /> of the County of Hdll , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One Dollar an�. other �ood ane� sufficien'G consideration - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Anna Dahms and Milton Dahms, her SOri� &S Joint <br /> Tenants and not as tenants in common <br /> of the County of MerriBk ' , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> X�Q in xa�� County and State of Nebraska , to-wit: ` <br /> South Half of the Northwest Qu�,rter (S��W�) , Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Qua.rter (NE�SW�) <br /> ancl the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW�SE�) all in 3ection Twenty-eight {2�), <br /> Township Ten (10) , North,Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.A2. , and containin� 160 acres, more <br /> or less; <br /> 5. I.R. Staz�ps } <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br />� It is the intention of the parties hereto �hat in the event of the death o�' either of the <br /> i grantees, the entire fee title sha11 vest in the survivor. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be- <br /> longing, unto the said pnna Dahms and Milton Dahms, <br /> and to �hEj,Y+ heirs and assigns, forever <br /> I <br /> And We do hereby covenant with the said Grantee 8 , and with the1�' ,heirs and assigns, that <br /> We '.�,e lawfully seized of said premises;that they are free from encumbrance y,T1�h ri0 exeeptions; <br /> that W@ have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and WG' do hereby covenant <br /> f cl ims of all ersons whomso er <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the law ul a p ev <br /> And the said Dewey 8�edlund and Iva Swedlund eaeh — — — — — — — — — — — — — hereby relinquishes all <br /> h3.8 and her homest ead right, title and interest — — — — — in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 6th day of April , A. D., 19 �"5 <br /> Intke presence of <br /> A.J.Luebs Dewey Swedlund <br /> Iva S�edlund <br /> State of Nebraska On this 6th day of Apr'11 A. D., 19�'S <br /> H&11 County, } ss. before me the undersigned, A.ij'.Luebs <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came <br /> Dewey Swedlund and Iva Swedlund, husband a,nd w3.fe <br /> to me known to be the identical person S whose nameS ar� affixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> ( SEAj,� ment as Grantor S , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and �� Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> My commission expires the th day of �TUly 19�"5 <br /> A.J.Luebs <br /> Notary Public <br />