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44� <br /> �]E�� �.����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PAINTED WORDS <br /> 23486—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> Pa�_�l C. �us ton and H�z el F.Huston <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �.eaeh in �heir o;�rn right and as ss. - <br /> SpOUS� Of` '�i1E Oth�T' Ha,ll County, Entered in Numerical Index <br /> and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County, <br /> TO Warranty <br /> Deed the 19 day of Ma,Y'Ch 19 �5 , at 2 <br /> David Schaff o'clock and ----- minutes, P.M. <br /> `J✓-��""'�f Register of Deeds, <br /> ,,,� By Deputy. <br /> ��Crt�� ,��� ���t br� ���,�� �x��,��e�t�,�: <br /> That Paul C.Huston and Hazel F.Huston, each in their o��7n right and as spo�zse of the other <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebr�.ska , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One dollar and other valuable consid.eration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x�j�,xq�x <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto David SchaFf <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in (�rana Tsland in Ha,ll County and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> Lots Nine �9) , Ten (10) , and Eleven (11) , in Block Six (6) of Pleasant Hill Addition to <br /> Grand Island, NebrU,ska, as surveyed, pla.tted, and recorded. <br /> 1.10 . . tamps <br /> Cancelled ) <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be- <br /> longing, unto the said Davi d S chaf f <br /> and to h1S heirs and assigns, forever <br /> And �� do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with hi s heirs and assigns, that <br /> WC are lawfully seized of said premises;that they are free from encumbrance <br /> that WC have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and W(' do hereby covenant <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> s use of the other <br /> And the said Paul �.Huston and HaZ el F.Huston, eaeh in their o��sn right a�i� as � hereby relinquishes all <br /> o ur i n t e r e s t — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 15th day of March , A. D., 19 �'S <br /> In tl�e presence of Paul r,.HU 3 t0 ri <br /> R. S. W�nger Ha�el F.Huston <br /> State of Nebr�.ska On this 1 th da of March A. D. 19 �5 <br /> Ss. <br /> 5 y , <br /> Hall County, } before me the undersigned, R.8.Wenger <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came <br /> Paul C.Huston and Ha,�el F.Huston �aeh in their oT�,m right and as spouse <br /> of 'the other <br /> to me known to be the identical person6 whose name8 aT'e affixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> ment as Grantor g , and ackn owledged the same to be th e ir voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and ��ial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL� My commission expires the 23 day of June 19�'7 <br /> R. �. UTenger <br /> Notary Public <br />