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`��V <br /> ���� ������ <br /> CONTAINS 2S1 PRINTED WORDS <br /> � 23486—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> Anna Il'1.Ho]_]_i s t er e t al Hall County, Entered in Numerical Index <br /> ' and filed for record in the Register of Deed's affice of said County, <br /> TO Warranty the 1 da of �Iarch 19 �} , at �. <br /> Deed � y 5 <br /> JOkiri & Florence Caveny o'clock and 55 minutes p.M. <br /> ���¢2j� �ti`�'� Register of Deeds, <br /> ;� By " Deputy. <br /> ��rt�a�r ,�.�� ,��r�t � br � �k��e��e �x������,�: <br /> � <br /> That Anna b7.HoZlister,a widow,and �tillia.m F.Ho1l.ister and Artheal.ia R�1.Hollis��r,hu�band and <br /> �ife, as �joint tenants <br />' of the County of , and State of CaliPorr�3.a , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> E1.even thousand one hundred thirty seven and no/1�0 ( �1I,137) D�LLAr�5 in hand paid do �zereby �ran�, <br /> bar�ain, sell, convey and con�'irm unto John Caveny, and Flo�ence Caveny oP tl3e County o� Ha�l a�"rd <br /> State oP r�ebraska the fol7owin� described real estate situated in Hall County;and State 'of IVebraska <br /> to-wit: The nortk� hal� (�) oP the Norti��est quarter (N4Y�) oP Section twenty Pour (24) , in Town- <br /> ahip ten (10) North,Ran�e twelve (12) ��'est oP the sixth (�th) P.n�I. and (description appended) ;- <br /> Psrt of the North�vest quaxter oF the Northeast quarter (NW�-r1E�) of Sectlon tv2enty Pour (24) , . <br /> to�nnship ten (10) North,Ran�e twelve (12) �lest oP the 6th ,more partic�,tt].arly described as <br /> Pollov�s:- Beginning at ttle 1Vorth�veat corner oP tl�e Plortk�west quarter o� the Northeast quarter ' <br /> (NW4 NE�) oY said Section twenty four (2�) and runnin� tl�ence aouth along ita cqest line 1156 feet <br /> ta the Northwest corner nP a Y3ve (5) acre tract h�;retofore conveyed to John �,�.Tyrell by Warranty <br /> Deed recorded in Book twenty ei�llt (2�) oP Deeds at pa�e lj� oP the Deed Record oP Hall County, <br /> Nebraska;thence east along the nor'�h �ine oP said five (5) acre �ract 1156 Peet to a gas pipe in <br /> the left high bank of ��Tood River; thence said lef.t hi�h bank in a �enerally nortlierly direct- <br /> ion as follows :- turnin�; at an anFle o�' �j0° to t he left and running 101.� fee�t to a �as pipe; <br /> thence 36° 2' to the le�t,l22 �'eet to a stake;thence 4�° 21 ' to the le�t �5 Peet to a stake• <br /> tElence 65° �2' to tlie right j� �eet; tl.ience 3�° 3� ' to the rigtit 1�5 �'eet to a staYe; thence ��°13 ' <br /> to t�1e le�t �1.5 �eet to a stake,thence �0° 30 ' to the le�t l35 Peet to a stal�e;thence 35°20' <br /> to the le�'� 51. f eet to a stake; tlzence 1R4° to the left 69 �eet to a atake;ttzence 70°26 ' to the <br /> right 100.5 to a s�ake; tl�ence 50°57' to the right 100 �eet to a s�al:e; thence 14°31 ' tc� tfze right <br /> I00 �eet to a �;as pine;thence 26°26� to tkie IePt 37�.�+ �ee� to a �as p3pe on thP north line o�' <br /> said Nortklwest quarter oP the Northeast quarter (TNJ� NE;�) ; tllence running we8t along said north <br /> line �137.� to ttle place oP beginning,containin� 31.37 acres,a little more or less. <br /> ^"12.6' I.R. Sta� s <br /> (� 5 P ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> - - <br /> --�-_ _ -_w._._.. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be- <br /> longing, unto the said John Caveny and Florence Caveny <br /> and to �Gheir heirs and assigns, forever <br /> And W@ do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with the�r heirs and assigns, that <br /> lawfully seized of said premises;that they are free from encumbrance V7118,�808V8Z' <br /> V�1 <br /> that FI P, have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and e do hereby covenant <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> � t ia :�I Hollister <br /> ol�.istPr and Art.ieal . <br /> And the said Anna P:..H hereby relinquishes all <br /> I H OTfI e S t?a d Z'���1'�8 in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 1��h day of February A, v.� 19�5 <br /> i Witness to si�nat�ue�re8sence of Anna 1tl.Hollister <br /> i �1illiam F.Hol]_ister b Anna <br /> Anna P.�.Holu_ister <br /> Y <br /> W.�3.Gibbens �I.Ho7.lister Attorney in Fact <br /> Irene Shoemaker for V�illiam F.Hollister <br /> �itness to ai�nature Arthealla P;I.tiollisrer Arthealia ��i.Hall.lster <br /> Lenora D.Cath� <br /> Helen L.Paty <br /> State of CaliforniR On this l�th day of February, A. D., �945, <br /> LOS An�elee County, } ss. before mes�the undersigned, �1•Blair Gibbens '" <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin in said County, ersonally came <br /> Anna_11i.Hollister,a wiclov� and r�illiam F.�iollister b�y Anna ItiI.Hol,lister, <br /> his attorney in fact <br /> ( 5EAL) to me known to be the identical person S whase name S are affixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> ment as Grantor S , and acknowledged the same to be the ir voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and �eta,�ia� Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> My commission expires the �$`tr1 daq of Au�;• � 19�'� <br /> �J.Blair Gibb ens <br /> State oP Georgia O . Notary Public <br /> �s�' On this 2�th day o�' February,A.D.1�45, before me, the undersigrled FrAnce� <br /> DeKalb County* � T.Neathery a rlotary Public, duly cor�missioned and quali�'ied �or and <br /> residing in said county,personally c�rne Art4�.ealia lU.Hollister,wi�'e of' �°Tilllam F.Hollister to me <br /> known to be the identical person whose name is� affixed ta the Poregoin�; lnstrur�lent as grantor and <br /> acknowled�ed t�Ze sane to be her voluntary act and deed, <br /> Witness my hand and Plotaria7. Seal tlie day �nd �year last above written. Francas T.Neathery <br /> �y Cornmisslon expires tkie 23rd d�y o� ieiay,l��+� (SEAL� rlotary Public <br />