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<br /> Unless othe�wise agreed ia writinE�all insurance proceeds shall be applicd to tlic restorntion or rcp�ir ot thc Pruperty
<br /> or to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due,at Bene�iciary's upuon. Any appGcation of procecds to prinr,tp�l
<br /> shall not extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor changa the amount of any payment. Any
<br /> • excess will be paid to the Trustor.If the Property is ac�uired by Beneficiary,Trustar's right to nny insurnncc policics ..
<br /> and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the aequisition shnA pASS to Beneficii+ry to the extent c►f the
<br /> � Secured Debt immeciiatelybefore the acquisition. %�
<br /> � 20. ESCROW FOR TAXES ANll 1NSlJItAIVCE.Unless atherwise pj'ovidcd in a scpacatc agrccmcnt,'Crntit��r evll)not
<br /> �� � be required to pay to Beneficiary funds far taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> �.��-^�` ' 21. FINANCIAL RF.I'ORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCLJMENI'S.Trustor will proviJc tn Bcneficii�ry upun rcquc�;t,
<br /> -...� ••�� any financial statement or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably nccessary.Trustor Agrecs to Rtgn,dclivcr,
<br /> and file any addiUonal documents or certifications that Beneficiary ma�consider necessary to perfect,continue,►md ,
<br /> preserve Tntstor's obligations undcr this Security Instrument and Bcncfic�ary'S lien stauis on the Property. „ .
<br /> 22. JaII�7T'pNp IIoIDNIDUAL LIABILI'�'Y;CO-SIGNERS;SUCCESSORS AND ASSiCNS BUUNU.All dutics un.lcr -�.-��.�r;
<br /> ! this Securlty lnstrumeat sre joint and individu�l.If Trustor sigus this Security Instnunent but does not slgn��cvider.a of rr.�::t�__'=-
<br /> �• debt,Tntstor daes so only to mortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Securc� Dcbt and +�,i__-"
<br /> ,;� Trustor does not agree to be personally liable an the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument secures n gunranty _.
<br /> , � between Beneficiary and Trustor,Trustor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Bencficiary from bringing nny ,s���'_
<br /> action or claini aga�nst Truvtor or any party indebted under the obligauon.Tliese nghts may include,but nre n�t limited "'�..;
<br /> to,any anti-deficiency or one-acuon laws.Trustor agrees that aene�iciary and any party to this Security Instrunient ni[iy _-��-"-=-
<br /> %f � extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt w�thout 7Yustor's =-�,�,,
<br /> � consent.Such a change wiU not release Trustor from the terms of this Securiry Instrument.The duties and benefits of this
<br /> �t � Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor and Beneficiary. _- , �_
<br /> � 23. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABILITI';INTERPRETATION.Ttus S�curiry Instrument is governed by the lawe of �
<br /> t he juns d ic t ion i n w h i c h B e n e fi c i a ry i s l o c a t e d,e x ce p t t o t h e e x t e n t o t h e r w i s e r e q u i r e d b y t hc laws of the�urisdiction ,�;, :
<br /> " � where the Property is located.This Security Instrument is complete and fully integrated.This Security Instrument may �.`'`
<br /> ' '�' not be amended or mo di fie d by ora l agreemen t.Anp s e c t i o n i n t h i s Securit y Instri►meut,attachments,or any �Y�
<br /> � agreement related to the Secured Debt thnt conflicts with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressly � .�`�=•
<br /> or unpliedly permits the variations by written agreement,If any section of this Security Insuument cannot be enforced �:,_
<br /> according to tts terms, that section will be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of thls �
<br /> Secutity Instrument.Wheaever used,the singular shaU include the plural and the plural the singular.Tt�e captions And ��
<br /> headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or _
<br /> � de�ne the terms of this Security Iqstrument.Time is of the essence in this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> • S` �. a.,nncucnn muTT�'rTg,g��P��iary,?t RPnPficiary's option,may from time to time removc Trustce And appaint
<br /> � - w. ova.a.r.u.a..... .,.... - ..
<br /> � a successor trustee without any other formality than the designation in wdting. The successor tru�te�,wtthout
<br /> wnveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the title, power and duties confened upon Trustee by thi�Security
<br /> ' Instiument and applicable law.
<br /> 25. NOTICE.Unless otherwise required by law,auy notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by Cirst class
<br /> • mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrumont,or to any other sddresa deslgnated in
<br /> .-;�;i•. .�"��'� �• writing.Notice to one trustor will be deemed to be notice to all trustors.
<br /> �,'.'!�;:,:.,:;;. 16. WAIVERS.Except to the extent prolubited by law,Trustor waives all appraisement and domestead exemption rigt�t�
<br /> � ..�:;;� relating to We Property.
<br /> "' +��•�� 27. OTHE.R TEI�MS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Se�urity Instrument:
<br /> .-,�z �, . .
<br /> ❑ Line of Crediw The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secttred Debt
<br /> -�:_:,r`;vni. ��
<br />��r�,,��{_�� may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Insuument will remain in effect until released.
<br /> -_-- ❑ Constr�ction Loan. This Security Instrument secures an obligation incuned for tUe construction of an
<br /> -'���-�'-••�� iunprovement oa the Property.
<br /> -�:.. .
<br /> ;-;��`,;� ❑ Flx�ure Filfins.Trustor grants to Beneficiary a security inYerest in all goods that Trustor owns now or in the
<br /> _°,}r:�'=:�•,' future and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument suffices as a
<br />'"•"�<-'f�= '�� �inancing statemeat and any cazbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes
<br /> _ "�i37�?" of Article 9 of the Uniforcn Commcrcial Cade. �-- -- -
<br /> .�-��'L�.�_' —
<br /> :,�+c:.'i,�;?�.. ❑ Ytidere.The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorpornted fnto aud _
<br /> �r�r���_kr supplement aad amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable boxes]
<br /> '=�'�'� ❑Condominiurn Rider ❑Pianned Unit Development Rider ❑Other
<br /> _.�:��i�, ❑ Additional Terms. ................................. _
<br /> -.�4 —
<br /> -'= D +...
<br />� ',�,�.�,� �
<br /> , .. .1�..� .� ` _... '-..
<br /> . • � SIGNATiJRF.3:By siguing below,Trustor agrees to the terms end covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in -__-==-_
<br /> an attachments.Trustor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1. �"-_"-'��':
<br /> , y ����-...�-__.
<br /> . ��.,..�._=_�
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<br /> • (Sigouture) �_.,
<br /> . � :,i4��• y , �;,�i"'
<br /> . -- - - ACKNOWLEDGIVIENf':`,,`^ ���, ` �. '._.
<br /> . STATE OF..1��1i�?�.i�..t�:...............................,CO�.J�'�[OF..S�1th�.d.. .. .... ,
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<br /> ' ct�a��a�.�� 'Thi��e�w a�edged be��p r�e me thi ....I�r�...:......da of...��f u��:rt..�..1��.�...................
<br /> by � ..P.l�?6�..I19f..i..:�.(�t?1t.�.,lG�........................................_.........................................
<br /> � My cummissio ' • � � ,
<br /> ( ) OEIiF.RALNOTI1RYSubolM�ltnt� ....... ..... �����•.���................ . ,
<br /> .. � SfUWNfki M aN�LU� .(Notnry Pub
<br /> �i�i` W C,a�s(�tP�'''.iT. ..
<br /> - 01994i1u�cMtby�tom�,Yic..6lCfai4MN (t-000-991,2341)FamRE-0TdiE9n�188 • �PA�B�OI�f .
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