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,�� . / .. <br /> � �,.. <br /> ;�;r. �- .. . ..:�?��.°. <br /> „ir�il�trr.+a.- . . . - ...,•---��- ' <br /> . . . " .. . ���— --"...1�_ <br /> � —= - ---y... <br /> � •�• .t �/�J�. ....�,.v��9...a 'v-+rWP`»�,w,s:Y^'"ur,.rv:�.1�M1,S�tj�l�:rs:-eri�.�J-'� ... � ...-- - .. .�. . .'. � .. . _ -..- .-7- ----- --- <br /> .s...�. �...� aov'tYtA - '-- �� '_ _ <br /> y� � I .".. .-�,.. <br /> F.Q .�Y.�'�iI�A�.�.�1L31Y'.$��:�:r^f:a._P........�. . .. .. . .. .. . - __ <br /> .`__.._ `... <br /> � 97— ia1�2''l °`' <br /> TOGFTHE;k W(TH�dl thc impruvcmcnts naw nt• hcrc:aficr crcctc�i on thc pruperry.and ull cu+rmcnt+. �ipp�utcniuicc�.and <br /> fixtures nuw un c�rc:dtcr i� part uf thc pri�p�rry. �LII rcplacctncnts unJ udditioir, yh�ill al�u hc cuvrnd by thi� Srruriry <br /> Instruntcitt. All uf tl�c G�reguing is rcl'crrcd ti�in thi+Security Intitrumcnt u+Ihc"F'rupeny." <br /> �3QRROWER COVF:NAN'fS that Nrn�rowcr is liiwfully ,citicd��f thc r+tutc hrrchy cnnveycd iind ha, thc right tn grunt nnd <br /> , .1 rrnrvcy thc Property und Ihac thc Property is uncncumbcrc�i,cxcept fur cnruwhrunc�� nf rea�rd. Hc�rrnwcr warrant,und will <br /> Jcfcnd gcncrally thc tiUc to thc Pn,perry ng�,in.t�ill clninu unddcmund�. +ubj�rt tu any encumhranrc.uf rcrord. <br /> ..:� THIS SECURITY INSTRUML'NT c�imbincx unifonn cu�•cnunts fiir nntiunul u+c iind nun-uniform cc�v�nuntti w�th limitcd <br /> ° � vuriati��m by jurisdiction tu c�mstitutc a uniform�ccurity instroiiient cuvcring rcal property. <br /> . �� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrowci•und Lcndcr cnvenant and u�:rcc ns (ullows: <br /> 1. Puyment of Principul und Intcr�.t; Prepuyment nud Lete Chnrgcs. Qnrrawcr shull promptly puy whcn duc thc <br /> prinripal of und intcrc,t on thc dcbt cvidcnccd by thc Notc und uny prcpaymcnt und Intc rhargcs duc undcr thc Natc. <br /> 2. Funds for Tuxes nnd(n�urnncc. Suhject to applicahlc luw ur tn,� writtcn waivcr by IAndcr, Borrowcr shall pay to = <br /> � I..ender on the duy montNly p:+ymen[s are due under the Nate,until the Nc�te iti puid in full, a xum("Funds"1 for:(n)ycxrly tnxes �;:; <br /> F-.. <br /> and iissetisments which muy anain prioriry ovcr this Security Instrununt as u licn an thc Proper[y;(bl ycarly Ieasehold puyments �; <br /> . aa�- <br /> or ground rents on the Property.if any; (c)yeurly huzard or pmperty insurance prcmiums; (d)yeurly flaod insurance premiums, �_. <br /> � if uny; (c) yearly mortgage insurunce premiums, if uny;und(f� uny�ums puyablc hy Borrawer to I.ender, in accordance with =_ <br /> i,;: <br /> - thc provisions of paragr�ph 8,in lieu of the paymcnt of mongu�c insurance prcmiums. Thesc itcros urc cullcd "Escm�v Items." _ <br /> ; .� L.ender may, at nny time, collect und hold Funds in an amount not to exeecd the muximum amount n Iender for a federally � <br /> reluted mongagc loan may rcyuire fur Bo�•rower's cscrow :.acmunt under the fcdera! Real�te Sctticment Proccdures Act of � <br /> 1974 us amended from time to timc, 12 U.S.C. 5cction 26o1 ei seq. ("RESPA"),unlcss another tuw that upplies to the Funds R. <br /> sets a lesser umount. If so, Lender may, ut uny time. collec�und hold Funds in nn umount not to exeeeci thc lesser nmount. <br /> _,,,,n;, ' L.cnder muy estimate the amount of Funds due on the basiti af currcnt dntu and reasunablc estimutes of expenditures of fuwre �: <br /> ' Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicuble law. _ <br /> The Funds shall be hcld in nn institution whosc deposits arc insured hy u fcdcrul ugency, in.r•trumentality, or entity <br /> � � (including Lendcr,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fcderal Home I.aan Bunk. Lcndcr shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> '�1^' Escrow Items. L.ender may not churge Borrower for holdin�and�pplying the Funds, unnually unalyxing the escrow account,or - <br /> ' �. �';'� verifying the Escraw Items. unless Lcndcr pays Borrowcr intcn:st on the Funds und upplicuble la�v pcnnits Lender to make such <br /> - �"� a charge. However, l.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-timc churge for un indepcndent reul estate tax rcporting service <br /> •"•,.,:s�'', used by Lender in connection with this laun, unless npplicublc Inw provides ntherwise. Unless an agreement is mude or <br /> -��Cf-;�W, applicabie iaw tt:tjuiiii ii�Icic3i iu�'n�rZ�.'�.. �-.^.r.'�CT`::2:2l�.^.4Z h:rn.��,����.1 rn rs�y Rorro�ver nny intcrest ot carninAs on the Funds. <br /> �:_�_;;a,`;�� Borrower and Lender may agree in writing, howevcr. that imcrest shull bc paid on the Funds. l,endcr shnll give to Borrawer, <br /> T`. ..,�� • without chargc, an annual acrnunting of the Funds, showing credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />__�r';,�'��._ debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pleciged as additionAl security forall sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument. <br />-:_v��'�;� If the Funds held by i.endcr exceed the amounts Fermittcd to be held by npplicable law. L.ender shull account to Bonower <br /> L'`=`-.��"'�m for the exeess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicnble luw. If ehe umnunt of the Funds held by l.ender at any <br /> R`'��� time is not sufticient to pay the Bscrow Items when due,Lender may tio notify Horrower in writing, and. in such case Borrower <br />"'- -.•---.-- shall pay to Lender the arrtount necessury to makc up the deficicncy. Borrower shnll muke up the dcficiency in no more than <br /> "''"�'''�'y'� twelve manthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> -;.;=;_:����. Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Saurity Instrument, Lender sl�all promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If, under paregraph 21, Lender shaU acquirc or scU thc Property,l.ender,priot to the acquisition or sale <br /> v�— of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr et thctimc of acquisition or salc as a credit aguinst the sums secured by <br /> ----= this Securiry Instrument. <br /> --'�'� 3.Applfcatlon of Puyments.Unless applicable law provides nthenvise,all payments received by Lender under parugraphs <br /> ------�°-- 1 and 2 ahnll be ap�lied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to umuunts payubte under parngrnph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to principal duc;and lust,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> -=� 4. Charges; Licns. Borrower shall pHy all tnxes,asses�rr+ents,chargcs,fincs nnd impositions auributable ta the Propeny _ <br /> �--,���� <br /> -. -= which may attain priarity over this Security lnstrument, and Ieusehold payments o� ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> -��— these obligutions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr.Borrower shull pay them on time directly <br /> ,� ro the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder n!I notices of umounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br />,�:�,:.:� If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender roceipts evidencing the payments. <br /> -=-"'�`� Bortowcr shall promptly discharge any lien whicN hus priority over this Sec.urity Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br />--.,�y.,,�,�, writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender; (b)contests in good faith the licn <br /> =�*!�;��'°� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. Iegal proceeciings which in the Lender's opininn operate to prevent the <br /> �'��' "u�.":���•� enforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of the 1 icn an agreement sutisfuctory to Lender subordinating tlie lien to <br /> _ _ ••-_�w- <br /> ° this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any pan of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> - �•;•�'� this Security Instrument, L.cnder may givc Barcowcr a nutice identifying thc licn.Borrowcr shall sutisfy thc lien or take one or <br />_- • more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noticc. <br /> -� � <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> 1 v�Aa z ui a <br />`- • � <br /> d1�a'" :i` _ <br /> , . . � <br /> - --- — -- <br /> Y_• --- �*` <br /> z- —_;1 - — --- - -°` - <br /> _. �.- - __ - _ _ _ -_ -- <br /> , + �'�� .. . ... . <br /> , • ., ' � �� <br /> ,, .. :`*- <br /> ., ' ,,�}���,,;i�,: ' ;• <br /> f : ,.� '. ..�;'C��1�w�,•�x .,�. . <br /> ,.. <br /> ' - .. ' . . 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