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f. ., <br />�' 444 <br /> ��E�� ��C�]E�� �T�. �� <br /> 20878—The Augustfne Co., County 6uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have hPr. �unto se't our hands this 3rd day of October, �i. D. 1942. <br /> In presence of <br /> C. E. Grundy 4. 40 I.R. Sta.mps) Qust�v KalsEr <br /> ( Cancelled ) Frieda Kaiser <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) sS On this �rd day of Oc�ober, A. D,1942, before me, a I3otary Public, in and <br /> �OUNTY OF riALL ) for Gaid County, personally came the above named Gustav I4aiser and <br /> Frieda Kaiser, Each in their Q;an right, and as husband and. wife, who are personally known �o me to <br /> be the id.�ntical persons whose names are af�'ixed to the above instrument as grantors, and they <br /> acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and .deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Sea1 the date last aPoresaid. <br /> � � C. E.C€rund���:�.��� <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires on tne l�th day of�une, A.D. 19�-4• <br /> Filed for record th3.s bth da.y of' October, i9�+�, at 11 :�0 0 � clock A.M. ���"� � <br /> egister of ee� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0- <br /> WARRANTY DEED -VES`I'T1VG r'NTIRE `'1'ITLE ZN SUlHVTVOR ,� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Henry J. Rickert and Amelia Rickert, hie wiPe, each in hia and <br /> her own right f�nd spouse of thP other, in consideration of One �oll�r and Other Valuable Considera- <br /> tion -- DOLLARS, in hand pa,id, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, eonvey and confirm unto willi�,m Barr <br /> and Margaret B. Barr as JOINT TENAV'T'S, and not as tenants in common, the following deseribed real <br /> estate, aituate in tne County of Urand .island, and State of Nebraska, to-witt <br /> The Nor�h One-Half(Nz) of Lots One and Two (1 and 2) in Block lvine �9) , h.G. Clark ' s Addition <br /> to tne �ity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> together with all the tenemen�s, hereditaments, and appurten�,nees to the same belonging, and all <br /> the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or dem�.nd whatsoever of the said grantors, of, <br /> in or to the same, or any Uart thereof; sub,�ect to <br /> IT BFING THE INTENTION OF ALL PAE'TIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF ETTHER OF SAIll <br /> Gt�.AI�':�'E�S, TtiE �N`I'1RE F'�� STMPLE TITLE ri�0 THE REAL ESTATE DESCHIBED HEREIN SHALL VE3T IN THE SUR_ <br /> VIVING G1�AN�'E.E. � <br /> TO HAVE Ar1i7 TO H�LD trie above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto th� said <br /> grantees as JOINT TEiVANTS, and not as tenants in ec�mmon, and to tneir a�si�ns, or to the heirs <br /> �.nd. assigns of the survivor of thPmforever, and thP grantors named herein for tnera and their heirs, <br /> ex?cu�ors, and adm�, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and <br /> with thp hei_rs ana assigns of' the survivor of them, �nat they are lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> th�t they are free from incumbrance excex�t as stated herein, and that the said g rantors have good <br /> rignt and l�.wful au�hority to sell the same, and tt�at --- will and their heirs, executora and� a�d- <br /> ministrators srlall tiaarrant and c�efend. the same unto the grantees named h�rein and unto their assigns <br /> and unto the heirs an d assi;ns of the survivor of them, forever, against tne lawful claims oP all <br /> persons whcrosoever. , excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN W1`T'i�l�`SS Wri�'HEO�', we have hereunto set our hands ttlis lat day of October, A. D. 19�2. <br /> In presence of <br /> Bruce Y. Curry ��:3..�:� I.R. �tamps ) F�enry J.Riekert <br /> Mary ��latkins ( . Cancelled ) Amelia Rickert �� <br /> STATE OF OREQON ) ss. On this lst day of 4ctober, A. D. 1942, before me, a Notary Public, <br /> COUN`PY OF MULTNOMAH ) in and for said County, personally came the above named henry J. <br /> Rickert and Amelia Rickert, his wife, each in nis a,nd her own right and spouse of the other, who <br /> are personally known to me to be the identical persons �ahose names are affixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as gra.ntors, and have acknowledged said instrumPnt to be ttielr voluntary act �,nd deed. <br /> �TITNESS my hanc� and Notarial seal the date 'last aforesaid. <br /> ( SEAL) i3ruce Y. Curry <br /> Notary Public for Oregon Notary Public <br /> My commission expires Sept. 20, 1943. <br /> �''iled for record this 7th day of �c�ober, 1942, at 2: 30 o 'clock P.M. �N�� <br /> Reglster of eeds <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-?-')-0-0-0-0-'�-J-;;-�)-0-0-`�>-�:�-�-0-"�-Q-O-"�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�)-0-0-0-0-0-Q-�-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> R'EFEREE ' S DEED � . <br /> KNUW ALL M�N i3Y TtiESE PRE;SENTS: :� <br /> Whereas in an action of partition pending in the llistrict Cour� of Hall Gounty, iJebraska, <br /> being case No. 9573, wherein John Stoeger, is plaintiff and Lula Stoegar, �wife of John Stoeger; <br /> iv��tie �heeler, a widoT�a; Lillian Ihde and �ich�.rd Ihd�, wife anc� husband; Clarence Stoeger and <br /> Lillie Stoeger, husband a.nd wife; �ary En�bert and Gus Engber'G, �.ife and husband; G�orge Sto�ger <br /> and Elvina Stoeger, husband and t.�rife; Anna Stoeger, a widow; Devern Stoeger and 3rene Stoeger, <br /> husband and wife; Cleo Stoeger, a 5ingle man; Glenn Stoeger. , a minor; Henry Meyer and <br /> Meyer, firs�, real and true n�,me unknown, husband and wife; Carl Stoeger, Administrator of' the <br /> Estate of Phillip Stoeger, Decea.sed; Everett Qu�ring and Quaring, first,. real and �ru� <br /> name unkno�vn, his wife; tenants in possession, and John Doe and Mary 1�oe, real and true names <br /> unknown, tenant� in possession, are dePendants, for the partition of' the premises hereinafter <br /> described, thP undersi�ned referee appointed by said Court to make partition of said real estate, <br />, made report in writing, duly signed, setting forth that partition of said premises could not be <br /> made without great pre,judice to the owners thereof, which re�ort was duly examined by said court <br /> and the court being satisfied theret�it�., confirmed the sam�, and thereupon made an order and <br /> caused the same to be entered directing me as s<�id referee to sell premises on the following <br /> -wit: At ublic sale to be held at the North front door of the Court House in t C t <br /> t e r m s t o p h e i <br /> , Y <br /> of Gran d Tsland, Hall County, Nebr�ska; fifteen �15�) percent cash at the time of tiie sale and the <br /> balance u�on confirmation; and an abstr�,ct of title to be furnished said purehaser. <br /> And in pursuance of sa�.d order I caused a notice to be published in the Grand Island Independen'�, <br /> a legal newspaper printed and in general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, that I would offer <br />� _ _,_. _.____ _ _ _ ___ - _ <br />