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�.0 <br /> ���]ID ]E��E��]t�� �T�. ��. <br /> 20878—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> as JOINT TENANTS,anci no� as tenants in com�ion,and to �heir a�signa, or ta th� h�ira and ae�signe <br /> of the aurvivor oP them,forever,and I the grantor nam�d herein f or myseI.f and m� h�ira,executorm, <br /> and adm3Mistratara, do cov�nant with the grante�s named herein and with their asaigns ancl with th• <br /> h eire and aeslgna of the eurvivor af th�m,tha� I Qm lawfully s�iz�d oP aaid premiaes;t�iat th�y are� <br /> fr�e fram invumbrane� except as stat�d herein,and t�ia� I the aaici grantor have good right aMd <br /> lawful authoM ty to �ell th� same,and that I r�ill and my heir�,�xecut�rs and adminietrators sh�ll <br /> �arrant and d�fend the same unta the gran�ees nara�d herein and unto their aseigne and unto the h�irs <br /> and a�signg of �he survivor oY them, forever,a,ga,inat the Iawtul claima aP aIl peraona �homso�ver, <br /> excluding the exceptlone nsmed herei�. <br /> IN WITNE88 �iEAEOF I ha�e h�reun�o ast my hand this 9th day of Sraptemb�r,A.D.19�FT. <br /> In presen�er c�f ------------------ Charl+�y �.Clerk ' <br /> ( �3.3a I.R.stamps > <br /> LU��.�t Dahl ( Cance].I�d ) . <br /> 8tate of l�ebraska ) <br /> )se On '�hie 9th day ot' 5eptember A.D.19�1,before me�,� Notary publi�,�.n <br /> County of HaII � <br /> and for said �ounty,�iersonally came tYie abonQ named Charle�y E.Clark, <br /> � ingla t�ho ie per�on�I.].y knowri to me to be the identical peraon whos� nam� is a�'fiaed �o the <br /> above instrufnen� as grantor,and he ackno�Iedged eaid instruman'C to be hie voZuntary a�� and d�ed. <br /> WI3'N�88 my hand and Notarial ��al the date Iast aforesaid. <br /> Lulu Dahl <br /> (S�AL) I�ot�ry Publi� <br /> �y eommiee3on �xpire� on th� 2�th da�r of August A.D.I.945 <br /> Fil�d for reeord thia 9 day of 8ept�ffiber,1941,at 11 :30 a 'cloe& A.M. �������j� <br /> �l/ <br /> Regla'�ar of ?3 eda <br /> �o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o_o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_Q_ <br /> �WARRANTY DEED -VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THEBE PRES�;NTS, Tha� L.W. Hanks and Clara Banks, husband and wife, each in his <br /> and her own right and as spvuse of the other, in consideration of 4ne dollar and other valuable <br /> consideration DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and conPirm unto , <br /> Richard W. Crow and Edna Cro�r, husband and wife, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in comrnon, � <br /> I the f�llowing described real estate, aituate 3.n the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> part of the Eaat Half of the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter of section Ten, in <br /> Township Eleven, North, Range Nine,West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. More particularly des- <br /> cribed as followa, to-wit: BPginning at the South West Corn�r of the East Half of � the 3outh West <br /> Quarter oP the North East Quarter of said Section, running thence North (132) feet, thence East <br /> (300) Feet, Thence (132) feet, and thence West (300) Pee'G to the place oP beginning. Containing <br /> approxima.tely one acre oP land. <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and a11 <br /> the estate, title, dower, ri�ht of homes�ead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor, o�, <br /> in or to the same, or any part ther�of; sub,ject to a first mor�gage of Eleven Hundr�d and fiv�+ <br /> ($Z1o5.00) with an unpaid balance of approximat�ly t�9�7.G0) to the Home Owners Loan Corporation <br /> of Omaha, Nebraska, and also sub,�ect to a second ,mortgage in favor oP Anna M.Bending for (�230.00) <br /> �nd interest thereon ancl all existing �axee. <br /> TT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, Ti-1AT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER 4F .SATD <br /> �RANTEES, �'HE EN2IRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE �"0 THE REAL E5TATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN .THE StTR_ <br /> VIVINC3� GRANTEE. . : <br /> , } <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described prPmises, with the appurtenances, ur�to the said gran�Gees <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigne, or to the heirs and asaigns <br /> oP the survivor of them, forever, and we the �rantors named herein for themselves and their heirs, <br /> executors, and administrators, do eovenant with the grantees named herein and with �heir assign� <br /> and w�'._th the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, tYiat we --- lawfully seized of said <br /> premises; that thPy are free Prom incumbrance except as stated herein, and that we the said <br /> grantors have good right and lawful authorit.y to �e11 the s�,me, a�ld that we wi11 and ou� heirs, <br /> executors and. administratore shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and <br /> � _ <br />