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<br />_, . _ U�x►n rc�eipt af puyme�ri ��f tlie pdce bl�l, 'i'rustee tihn0 deliver to the purchuscr T�•��stei'y cl��ctl conveylnp{ lhe _
<br /> ' Nroperty. Thc►•ccltuls In thc Trust�r'r: dmd sl�ull he prinw Pccle evldence oP the U�uth oP the st��tements made thcrcln.
<br /> �'�_�- • 7'ra�tee xh�dl npply ti�e�rcxeeds��P the tiule i�i the tnlluwlnµor�er: (a)to ull costs nnd ex{xnses oP exerclsln�the�x�wer nf
<br /> � ` tiulc.und tttc salc. includinµtltc puyoic�st oP tlir'1'rustcc'ti Pecs i�ctunlly Inctn•rcd, not to cxcccd 5.00 �� _
<br /> of the p�•inclpi�l nmaunt ot tt�e note ut tiia tNne uP the declurutla�n of dcfutdt,und reasonublc uttorneys' Perv�is permitted
<br />".'n:.� ny in��; (b)to nll sums r;ecurcd by thfs�ccurity Instrument;cmd (c)uny exc�w.h to the person or persons Ic�;ally entiticd to
<br /> ,a,.t.,_._ �.,.
<br /> �E.
<br />=:�-"� 22. Reconveyunce. Upon puynunt of ull sums ticcured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull rcyuest Trustee to
<br />-_ - - rccunvey tlu Property nnd +hull surrendcr this Sccurity Instrument and ull notes cvidencing dcbt sccured hy this Securiry
<br /> _ _ Inst�ument to T�ustcc,'Prutitcc shidl ruonv¢y thc Property without wnrrunty amd without churgc to thc persiin c�r persans Icgully
<br /> cntidcd to it.5uch person or persons shal l piy any rccorduticm cotits.
<br />'::•.�;�;:.:n� Z3. Substttute Trustee. Lendcr,at its option, may fmm timc to tinu rcnwvc Trustcc and uppoint u succcssor trustce to
<br /> :.�=,.� , .�• any Trustee nppointed hereunder Uy an in�twnent recordcd in the county in which this 5ecurity Instrument is recordcd,Without
<br />:�:y"~" conveyance of the Property,the successor imstee shull +ucceed to nll the title, prnver and Juties conf'erred upon Trustee herein
<br /> a�':?�•'s`' and by applicablc law. _
<br />'�`'�`�• �� 24. Requ�t Por Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of dcfault und s�lc be scnt to Borrower's address -
<br /> _ __ which is thc Praperty Address.
<br /> _ -`- 25. Rlders to thls Security Instru�ent. If one or more riders ure executEd by Borrower und rccorded rogether with this
<br /> _.--=_= Security Instrumcnt, the covenants undag�a;ments of cuch such rider shall be incorporateci into and shall amend and supplement �
<br /> -�..�A the covenants and ugreements of this Secu ri�y Instrument as if the rider(s)were n pan of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �� - [Check applicable box(es))
<br />�'��-�i.� -
<br /> ❑Adjustuble Rate Rider 0 Candominium Rider 0 l-4 Family Rider
<br /> - =�`� []Graduatcd Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider =
<br /> - [�Balloon Rlder [�Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> --_�"""� 0 V.A. Rider �Other(s)[specify]
<br /> ___- BY SI(iNING BELOW, Bonower acapts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security instrument and
<br /> --•--•= , in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> - -v- � Witncsses: '
<br /> _____(Seal)
<br /> - ' J C MESSINQ -Borro��cr
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> � _ -Iiorcowcr
<br /> (Seal) (Scal)
<br /> -Bottowcr •Dorrowcr
<br /> _ ,,� cTAT�ACNFRRA�KA_ !'p��ntycg� I-IAI !„ —
<br /> The foregoing instrument wus acknowledf;ed before me this 19TH day of FEBRUARY , 1997 .
<br /> Vl►itness my hand und notarial seal ut aRAND I SLAND,— 5���/�e/RASK� �n s�id County,the date aforesaid.
<br /> My Commissian Fxpires: �
<br /> � GENERAL NOI�R9•SUteolNeDrtsk� Notary Public
<br /> "' OAYID F.00HMEN
<br /> —__o '�'a'� MY�a�.E�p.Au�.4.2009
<br /> .y
<br /> - i rape e ot 6 Form 3028 919�
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