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<br /> pnymcnt�miry no longcn c�rcquircd,ut thc option of I.cndcr,it' mortgagc insw•ancc covcragc(in thc nmuunt und for thc perlod
<br /> thut Lendcr requires) provided by un insurcr approvcd by L.cndcr ag.tlll L'fCC01171'S AVtUlablc nnd iti ohtained. Horrowcr shull pny ,
<br /> thc pretniutns rcquircd to muintuin murtgage insurancc in cffcct, or to providc u loss rescrve, un�i� the rcyuiremcnt tiir mortFagc �
<br /> "'' insurnnee ends in uccnrdance with uny written agreement Netween Borrower and I.ender ar applicuble luw.
<br /> 9. Inspectlon. I.�;ndcr or its agent may mnkc rea.�onable entrfes upon und inspections uf Uie Prc�perty. C.ender shall sive �
<br /> " __..,,, Borrower notice at the tirne of or priar to nn inspection specifying reasonable cuu+e fnr the inspection• .
<br /> � t0. Condemnntlon.The praceeds of any award or claim fnr damages, direct or conseyuentiul. in connection with uny
<br /> condemnation or other taking of uny part of the Propeny, or for conveyance in lieu nf condemn:Uion, ure hereby ussigned und
<br /> ,•� shall be paid to I.ender. '
<br /> In the event of a totul taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applicd to the sums secureci by this Security Instrument, ,_._
<br /> whether or not then duc, with uny excess paid to Borrower.In thc evcnt of a partiul tuking of the Prapeny in which the fnir ,,r
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greuter than thc umount of the sums secured by this __
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower und Lender otherwise ugree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of tk�e proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (u) the total _-
<br /> amount of the sums securcd immediately befare the tukin�,divided by (b)thc fuir nuirket viilue of the Property immedlutely �
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Borrower. In the event of u panial takin� of the Prc�perty in which the fair ,�a.
<br /> , market value of the Property immediately before the takiris is less thun the umount vf the sums secured immediutely before the �__�"
<br /> taking, unlcss Borrower and Lendcr otherwise asrcc in writing or unlcss applicable luw otherwisc provides, the proccecis shall [
<br /> "•�;�. M be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are thcn duc.
<br /> [,,.:�y-'
<br /> If the Property is abtindoned by Borrower,or if, ufter notice by Lender to Borrower thut the condemnor affers to make un `
<br /> tn
<br /> . award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fuils to respond to Lcnder within 30 duys after the date thc notice is given, �.-� �
<br /> � L.ender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums '
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. �
<br /> rocceds to rinci al shall not cxtcnd or �' `"
<br /> "`j'� �' Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writin�, any applicnUon of p p p
<br /> � .�'�4.' G
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 nr chunge the umc�unt of such payments. �.:
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbeurance By I,ender Not a Walver. Extension of thc time for paymcnt or modificution _
<br />_" •• of amortizAtion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by[.ender cn uny,uccc,�oi i�'�ir�ter�st .�f Sa:r3'�:.r Nt�w'! _-
<br /> .., , � ' not operate to release the liability of the originul Borrower or Barrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to _
<br />' ;;��;,,`,{:; ' commence proceedings ugainst nny successor in interest or rcfusc to extend time for payment or otherwise mcxiify amorti•ration _
<br />';;�`�,,�" of the sums secured by this Secutity Instrument by rcason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's _
<br />"�j'?;;r', .�' successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or rcmcdy shall not be u waiver of or preclude the
<br />-i ..�cr��s.�
<br /> -:�r� exercise of any ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> '�=``°� � 1?.. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jofnt and Severnl Liab111ty;Co�signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br />__:_:'� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of -
<br /> _-�_�-�� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint und severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> � :_� Instrument 6ut does not execute the Note: (n) is co-signing this Securiey lnstmment only to martguge. grant and convey that
<br /> -_=-.�,_ Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security Instrumenk(b)is not penonnlly obligated to puy the sums -
<br /> �^ � secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c) agrees that Lcnder and any other Borrower m�y ngree to extend, modiEy.forbear or
<br /> '-�9_�� make nny acwmmodations with regurd to the terms of this Securiry I�strument or the Note without that B�rrower's consent.
<br /> - — 13. Lnun Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whicli sets mnximum loun chaTges,
<br /> ---��� and that law is finally interpreted so that tl�e interest or other loan charges coller.ted or to be collected in connection with the _-
<br /> _°;��� loan excee�the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan char�e shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the sharge
<br /> - -- - to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums uirraJy coitectc.l frorn Dor�uwC�which e�c:,:,ded p:,rmitteci limits�vi!!bP ref�!n�]e��� -
<br /> -- �onower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owec! under the Note or by making a direct -
<br />----- payment to Bonower. if a refund reduces principal, the rednction will be t�ented s�s a partiul pmpayment without any _
<br /> -°= prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> - -- 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shnU be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />---- it by first class mail unless upplicable law requires use of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address _
<br />°"?'!�?*� or any other nddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender, Any noticP to Lender shull be given by first cl;ass muil to ---
<br /> .y;� Lender's address stated herein or uny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this ``
<br /> „ L�� Security Instrument shall bc dcemed to have been given to Borrower or I.cnder when given as provided in this paragrnph. ,�;,,`:
<br /> `"''�'�'� 15.Governln Law; Severabil3t 'I'his Security Instrument shall be g��crncd by fcderal law and the Inw of the _::
<br /> ,�;°��?� � Y• °
<br />- :.r��' jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is locnted.]n the event that any pro��ision or clause of d»s 5ecurity Instrument or the Note "'`
<br /> - �r . � "_.
<br />� conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be '�"�`
<br />-�'�Y., '�r��� given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> �� . , to be severable. . �
<br /> , • - 1G.Borrower's Copy.Borrower sh111 be given one conformed copy of the Nate und of this Security Instrument. �;�=,
<br /> Form 3028 9I80
<br /> Pogo 4 0l Fi �..
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