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<br /> �:�:,.. - _�;._ . - .- -
<br /> ��.�►�..��,����fi.�.�.����:.�,��.�.�.�:.�.�„��►;�..�. --
<br /> ar.�.�.�.rrasroaa.r,d�.nr..inawnebyltnoam.ata,wiie,.act,P�co�.�Pa►at�Y�da�d�t�..curae � =-__--
<br /> , nw�ana�n sue1+adKa4 t,s�w.r rea�r aM�c�ek�a to y�r an.ucn ProeN�.�fer wcn d�d�wuons,ath��wats6o�a b _
<br /> � �P�I.�s�ACae�Qi�onsML�ndKenaYdMM�++inlr.N�yi�ppi�al�e�dP�p'.MdabindWtidnMaN�fNclota7Q�fldOrpoWort� ��"�
<br /> �dus.011�d.i�lcPrlM1'�Uu�W�rtM[�IO1ROr,axfanyd�t�uttlMr�uefQKO�tl�rsu�da.Myuasppli�dturbttlWib�pWlb `=';T�� ��` -
<br /> : . .
<br /> � Ttulbr - . � "` �P� �C
<br /> ; :� ,. . ' • t 44 T3 TF�� .
<br /> , a tieirn..o.lyr�.M.r upon ui.occumnc.a an Ev.et a oet�utc�u�sr.or it.ny.ct ta�tan a•�1 proo..wg � { - _
<br /> ,. ._� c-
<br /> ° . _ — - ° - °+ - ccer�t�'.��tsltlttesn?�trt:l3y�l.��nta�,sRin�Pla�rl�Lt.er�r�yiaiise�n�t.hut�i�ea�lt�t��_ �L :
<br /> � �andwitwutoolic�bor�NrtiatbvpoeTrtatoraadwithonl�Ttustotftaaany6bti�stion.Qo�factw�Trt�Mxlas '";. ..7...;�- '- .
<br /> - prNe MA t�b do and msy abo do ariyl olher�ct it d�stna nace�sary b protsct risaacwr+ty hKeoL T(t�sbt aiWl.in�dia1N1/ _ :: --�- .-� _: .:.::
<br /> :.. `� tQonOsrn�blflOCMOr6fl�endK.WYbL�rlderailCOSfaallAexpensssi�CUnadaAdstNnseupMbsdbyLendMinoorHeetlotlwltlf - - <-
<br />__..: lhswrciwb�tLMMerot�siorepotnDri�hb.�etMrwilhiMerestthareonatthsdMauftraMWortdedinlheNol�whichst�aUbs ` ;�:- - , .J
<br />_,;:�;� add�d b 1fM uld�bledrless seCUred Aereby.i�ender ifn11�W inCUr t1�I11iZbUity bsc�We of anylhitg it m1y do or omit b d0 _ � �`;"'�__-•��:-•:,.�,,:;
<br /> � - - - Mwidaw M�IwM�.Tiu�or st�W 1ceeP fhs PrapertY in aompiiancs wilh aIi appt�cal�laws.orainanCes and�4iQnt �
<br /> �,�T ; '� ;
<br /> �:' n�liig!�ir�RSl hy��eris oi enviraimenat profecti0n i���hl�eMrred�o hsrein u"EnvUonmenhl Laws'�.Truslor atraU " � c -
<br /> ;>.n,��:': ._:., .�
<br /> - It«pihsih'Op�lytrNfromiiisubWnq�adsemsdbOsha:atdOUaOrlOUCiCUllderatlyEnvitOnlAaltdta+ra(oollacti�Yd��tertadb �. S „-,���v,�,, .
<br /> ';'�,� hratn as"�MateNats"b Truator heraby�rarrants and�epressnts a Lsnder Nat tliece are no Hazardous 1Nabs►fiais on ar ��,. :•:" ': .
<br /> �F�Ttrss�sisese�;�t¢i�as�l�M3�3rmis���cer.�tic�+ter•to+s,��ee+s.en+��toyeeaanda4enft.ard �' '�
<br /> ��;. ,� .,. - __ -- a1f?�1CCMtOftbLMidiM'SiMl1'tR�kCfitalldagiifl�[af�tallQaNC1�ImS,�I1t8y6s.104ttesindG�Ei(Ws1f��inQi(ICCfItt9C1i0RWiM1 F: _ �' ` .
<br /> �i� a�___ 1�$Q04dQR:43�.:�i�03�Of Q8ti5DW4 0F 8fi�.F;Bl�Id0t1�M2�I�S OA�.UQQCf.�tOf110f aD01tt Jfe P(Opl1ly►,THE FOREQ�O{NQ _ ',,� ""'.�"�� -
<br /> ,}�, �� ±., .
<br /> /{;• �," S411i1�1�REGONVEIIAMCEioF�IS�EEp OP TRUST. �'� �'
<br /> -t'YS-*S. �ry'I.,T�_ ':•.�j��" •.' , �� = _ . __ .
<br /> �`,,� y �•:.'�@�dRMN�.Tnrslorhere0gassi�nstol.a�Q�otllsrenta.':iS�esandProfitsoftheP�ope+r[ll:ixovide0tltatTrusfor
<br /> f�,y ., r�� . � :1s�.tit�Ble'oewrfenCeotartEve�dot tt3w�BtAeri�tta�6OlbCtatldradi�suCfi�nb,lsxlNSan�lprO�itsastMy • •`. _ --
<br /> �j.�'" v.��"�`�.,ti< �': .-�IOO dtlC 8t14 Qiy�b1Q.1�00fl 11N OCCNFfQ(W�pf af1 EYOfft O��4If.�tJi�y.llfhlf iQ p0[a0[1.0�by���Mi111 O��IIRICId � �
<br /> �a• +�-.��' 3_ `t��Y a�tian or proc�din�.or trg?I.��bS►a courfauidt,+rlthout rpuA ta the aQequacy oT its eecurily.dnMr - -
<br /> � --� �
<br /> n,��° " 'c�-_ � :,yp�tarndtilcepo�ionotthePra�tY9r:�!�'i��'°°�mifsmmn�cneainlhe�oflhefn�ee.BtWdoanyaCtswhichit . . �- � _-
<br /> .'i�; ,1'. � ,y-�k� ti..� ;i�tip�B:neCes�atyordesi�abfe�Dpmtettreteevuwi�,marke�ililyorreitOtWYdyoftfeeProperty,oFan11Wi1Q1ere0torimetesiN�e�+efn. �'-.•'-;�t� '"_. —
<br /> i�,;� ; ��<�j, 9 Possess�on P��h�• �."'''.��� �.
<br /> �r ` � ��ts ths incans 9�eretrorri or protect tti�security horoot and.with or without takia oi�he sus for or .:.,,,S `� -z T�—_
<br /> "f,'►
<br /> f`6� �C,�t� e ���'�`1�.i� I_:� z.tkt►erwise colkc!tlie r�nR�,lssues and ara�is thereot.irtctudiag those past due and urty�i0.and appiy the sam4 bss costs and v �, �
<br /> htf� '�L 'f y ,... E{1N.Ia�Qf��.df1�E� - . ... .. [�`.�����'..l._
<br /> _ ,;���,�t, .-'�""..``'1��. rx. 'expensesofoperaGonandeoltectionlnci�dRgattomey�'fees uponarryhtde6lednessai.tivre0hereby.ditirr .�' .," .1=-�
<br /> �,�..��;;.f,. <� �s � ,
<br /> s"'� •�.f�;#`�sf t �r<F�'� r,:i � may Aetermine�The ente�ing upon and tai�g possesaion ot the Property.the Col(ection af such rent�lswes and prof"ds and tAs . �
<br /> �+ ��. � r��rti,,,.,� �= application thereot as atoresaid.shaA aot cure or waive any defa�dt ar aotice oi defaufi hereunder or invatidate arry act dorlg in. � a;EA�f.,( �.
<br /> ��. t`��°4.�!
<br /> ;,,y,� � �f. A }�.`..?,� se,tponaetoauchdeisuitapn�suBMtowcbnoUCeofdefauttaa4noMritl�standingthecot�tinuanceinposaeasionoflhei'mpeRya" - (j'•��''; � _--
<br /> ��4� `��` }�Sirt�` .�: ;',` �1lie Cdlectlon.receipt and�ppliCBtion ot rerM9.issues or p�1s.and T►ustee and Lender shal!be entiNsd t0 eKerciss 6very tiqht I'r•�:�.�. .
<br /> �z+.,r r:�,•:t. .
<br />`� •�:: - t:sl��'����r;�`'?�'• pr�dedfatnan oftRaloanlnsbumeMsor�lftawu o�i�?et�oeofan Eventof0efaufRlnclucfin wittfoutlimttatiwtn4e�i M f�'%:�-=. ,,�
<br />' �``;.,. r P�► y 9 9 4�e' , n,. ���i
<br />����•z';: ,.) �`'+.,.•.:���rr i�.`�`�;;"' -
<br />��'�;��_: • � . :�;>r: !,�},�,,:� :, taexerciseN�e#�rotaale.FuAher.Lende[t�ri�fsandreaiedresunderthisparayraphshatlbecumulstivewith.arKt�enowaya •c ' . i.----
<br /> E°�y'':�• "j',•tt��#;� ;��r;�' iimih6on on.tA►i3iids riphfs arsd reme�ies�,'�?rq assignme�t of leasesa�rd rents recorded against fhe P�operry.Lertder,Truabe � - '�r
<br /> .`F,,: . :':�{;: �d the receiver�all 6e liabte ta acaountc�e,�uiose�e�ts actuatly teceived- _
<br /> • ", «.:�� ` �:tt. Erwd�d OM�ult.7he folk►rring��'?is.�are',{"cvent ol Oefauit under this Deed oi T ... ;F
<br /> , �•:_�,.. ,, ,4�•�`' ,�
<br /> �- , �� ' „ . ' '" .''-�'.� (a)fai(ure W PaY.any instatCmerrt¢��jrii^.;�pai ar t�n�st ot any other sum secaaed Iiereby�'1'�.:�rr11� �-� , ,- ��� .
<br /> . � _' •':� b�Abreacholoidefai�Uturr.d���i'�s+iisioncorz�iredintheNote,thlsOeed�'E't?►�arr. ��f;�l:.�ra�iliy5bvr�ts,or �.;.ri��-��: '
<br /> ( �'.�.... . �
<br /> `�f , ' ..��.���other lien or encumbrance upc��k?�pe�ty: � .'' ' ,:., ' : ;: ����.�� e
<br /> �5• -- -- ----�; . . �-:S . - -
<br /> i_-- �•-- ��, (cy Awritofexecuiipnorstiacl�+:�•�4crsar�ysimi{arproces9shaiibeentetedsgai�sl=�usiaiiriti�:Pl&hrrtFux�:t�siienpn - . `
<br /> ��,,`;, : ."; ; ffie Property or any por6on thereot or interest therein: , .�, _ . , � <
<br /> •, , , (d)There sdall be filed by or against Trustor or 8orrowe�an acaon under arty present or future fedetal�q�te or othe� �.�;.,i;,�, '' ,
<br /> • .",,�;�;:y, �; � ;'�atute,Iaw or regutaUon reiating to bankruptcy,insotvency or other reliai for debtors;or there shatl be appoirR¢�sirymistee � ''i;, 'r��-
<br /> � ' `'.��,�• : �, • ;:receiver or li uldator ot T�ustor or Borrower or of alt or an aR of the Pra ' �"�='
<br /> ��` � �{i r� ,t3':; 4 Y C A�Y.ar the rents.issues or profits thertat�;,ar Trustor ,•,, � _-
<br /> A,r.,, � � ;�,f ,; ;�..�o►Borrower shail make arry general assignmerst for the benetit of crerirtors; . .,... �'�• � .
<br /> e�The sate,transfer,lease,assi rt�cer.,�eonve nee or further�rc�hm8racsce�fail or an art of or an interesl in the ,'`'";
<br /> � ( 9 Ya YP Y� � :
<br /> : ._ �.: �;. ,
<br /> -,.•� . . _�-.-=.�..Y,t-, ., . Property.e i i h e r v o ftmtari f�or invo i u o t a i r�t��-d r i t i►o u t t h e exprass wr�t t�,,-►`cnrisa.,rs t ot t ea de�:praut d e d-tfist3rustor-s h a f i=�e=-- i _ r
<br /> � - I'��• . r��','.':•.•. .. r•,•,�ermitted to execute a lease o1 the P�o �ir;�tdoes not contain an a iimrtra urchase and the te►m a1 whirfi does not exceed ` ' ` � `f,��� `
<br /> • . . . �, ' .. �� „ . . . � � - ', .,�f IS �'%��i"� :
<br /> ' 'eneyear ,, .,, . � c::.:f;��}r,. ,
<br /> .. . . (Q AbanOonment of the P�operty;or; , ,' ��. =;._ :.�f�;�r,?�;,��.l�z��.'� ,�p�:
<br /> � • � � � : (g)N Truator is not an individual,the isssi:ance,s.^1Q,�.�,-�a�er,assignment conveyance or encumbrance of moro�afc�lof2) ; 3.;r���t°t i�,!j'�'��, ;�r l�`�d,_
<br /> l+.t`,f.. ,. • , , . , . ' ' ' � ' ' .;. {,';,('���,.St�:`,""r�IJ,xi 'i'>��':
<br /> p,�;r: � � al ��roen!ot{tt a corporstFo��+lg issued and outstanding�fseck or(it a partnership)a total of pe�ria� � � �. ";t _ _;-`,��, ��t:
<br /> ' • paRner�hr�r Errb2rests during the period trtis Oeed o!Trust remain9�ii�r_on the Property. .•,: ,, ,
<br /> ' = ° +.� 12. Rwn�dii�IkeNwaMonUponOdauN,lntheevenevt���.£weRt�. ultlenderma .withou�noticeexee tasr ` '� �
<br /> � Y . P �s?�+A7'D t..,,
<br /> �*'��+ � law,declare afl�ndebtednesS.ssc4red hEreby to be due ar„��i�:a::�;a��Yne sam�,.shaU thereupan become due an�_,�i��• . ��'�; � •
<br /> �.,.�,
<br /> � - � _. . �vx ,...
<br /> wilhoUf any pre�entmenL de��Pfote9t ar,no!s'ce of a;ny�vric.G�1'���i1�'�ender rtiay: - ��'.;r;' . � •`�i�Fi��;?;s� .
<br /> � �� � � (a>Oemand that T�us�:e exer�s��•�a��i����"_�i,��"s�"�ere�n,and T�ustee shall thereaMer causv Ti+,�.�$ _ •��;;�f. . ,:
<br /> ����� ' interest in th0 Property to be sold artd��r��i�aG�'�;a?3`ia�s��2•r�:3r���ci;p`�l`�n the manner provided�nt6e Nebraska TrrJSI��[s � � ,�;, ��,�;'�':r�j
<br /> ,�f,�� , • •.; -�.:;. ,�. .r � � ! �:,.�?_,.:-�'
<br /> �,,; Ack .. � � ' �� : � •: •:•,' ;� , ,
<br /> � (b)Exercise any and ail rights pcva�ide�►ac Ar a a�+i�he Loan Instruments or by law upon oCCUrrence oiarty£vent ot :�! 4 ;,t� i ;r
<br /> � Oetau�Cand � ' , �, r �rf r � + t,�+rr{��`
<br /> ,� , • ,,.. �,�s.�+. (e)ComrtrenceanaetiontoforecfOSi�i�+istlee�vi�ustasamoRgage.appantarece�ver.oispecit�caityenfciceanyotthe �i;s4 ,`r`,f`,,+' �}'t;:
<br /> 1� • _ , ' `. , �.t rfit►enanbh.�eot � �.:,'-;: ., . ,: '� i����t,,:,�t� a{�,�
<br /> ; S ;.• ! No remedy hax-�h��.anterred uPon or res��i�:s�r*rustee or Lender�s��terded to te exctusrve ot any other�errtedy herein,in tne. ,. ` ,��,'. : ��>,,,�`,
<br /> «, Y� "'. '. ' � '• t `� ,; . 600n In�trucn�ii�a�'py�aw proWded or��l�iri�,but each shaft bg�:�l�;�jlatwe,sha11 be�n addii�on to every othe�remedy g�vQa. . . •:�-�,:.•`t' ' �;.{
<br /> , '`,�,� 6�• .' � ht. �.6e�it��fi'�1i��t t�3strure.�es or ne�a�r,�.a�,;�tter existing at Ia�4'c{rai��quiry or by statute.and may be exercised ConCUi(en�ty:;': '� �'�.. . ' "
<br /> �,.. . , i , � << ' �'u7`.�83T1, , ...•�� � •, r . ,..�,1t.. .
<br /> ,N :f?'.g-• � , i ys}f' j ��11C'!sNlGli�l";, ''�'.: , . (,� �... . �. .. ., •.;i;�.::,
<br /> � •�� ;��S,x,r,�,�.< .�...y�. ° � ' � • i. ,j;.. .
<br />- • ,.', �"•�y,.�;:,^..:.ly ;, �,r'�*. �• -�t3,.'1�"�y�,-�i4e Tras�may.r'essgn.;a�:, - _r:n�u:�a�:ca�,s,e.�an0 Lender may at any time and without cau�:a�Spolnt a •c ,
<br />'',•,`;';,,.; �� ?;F��w�:;;j7;�,. .��k'��ti);.. ., �ol�t�'��h#f�4eTruslee.q►ustee�h33]�I3e'•4aq3le•�tra�p�t.mcludingw�thoutlimitBbonLertder.Barrawer,Tius4txorany ,
<br /> -��i:t'cl' �\.�� �'�1�' i.4��.y�FS�;�:X�'. a ��' a s` .
<br /> � y �� 4 €. �._ purchaserrs�pYSl��tperty,tor any toss or aamagi,ui�i�?5�.QW-t�xi�.�.�,i�5s or wittful m�sconduC�end Snati not Ee requ�redlo take any
<br /> �, ,c�,r,,,,
<br /> .,1Sy'(';,': ��- S•� z�'`:�':x�,��. � action ln Con�esecitGn w�th the entoreemer��i�;1hi5�i0�1 d1`,�'�vs5t unless Indemnifie0,in wnUng,tor all casts,eompensatlon ar
<br /> �...,,�. , �e•- ;�;;;.'; �( u;
<br /> ,,:,;" .:4:,,,�.;,�,�•;.^,+k�py�;�� expEn�!vrhiC{t Af3y be aSSOCieted therew�:ijz•�i�Atti;�t,;i"�e may becom��Purthase�atany sate a1 the P►aperty�udiciat or
<br /> ,. +... '�
<br /> �� ; under the power af safe granted herein):pcsip�i�e+l���:;�i�uf'all ur any postion of the Property.es pravided by taw:or seH the �
<br /> -- Properfy aa a whote,or in separate parcefs d�.��is:`s1�.�si�si`o s d�scretron. � �
<br /> - -• ' 14. F�anQ 6pins�s.{n the evenE�ruEi�e Sstts C�t9�roperty ay exe+s�se of power of sale.T�usiee snall be entitled hs app(y ,
<br /> . eny stk prbCeed3 tust to pbyment of alf cosis 3nd expense9 ot exercis+ng power o1 safe.inCtuding all Tiusteds tees,ertd EAnQe�'s ,,
<br /> `� artdTrusteesatLOme�siee�.aCtualty�rtCUnedlnextentpermittedbyapphC�btel8w.frttheevent6a�rowerorTrastorexArcfsesany t
<br /> } ►lyht prOViQE�by law to cure an Eyent ot Qefa�lertder shau be ent,ued to recove�trom Trusto�au costs and experts,es actualcy ;
<br /> ' inCUrreO as a resuN ot Trustn�s default,inctudiag witheut limitauan att Truste0's artQ attoraeyfs'eas.ta the extent permittec�by �
<br /> • " appliabte faw
<br /> ` 15. FuYw Ad1rIM1e�R Upon request af Berrower.lender may,at�t9 opt�on.make addiLOna►and fuiure advances�and ra ��
<br /> ' � •--'��� ``' � aOvanCelfO$ortdwel:5�1Cl�advaACESendr@8d�8rtCe�wHtlintere5ttherd0».Shallb@seCUredbylhl&ileedAfttusl.Atrtotimeshall ' "
<br /> ..._ ���_�_.�.t•...,_... _ . .
<br />_.:-,- _:_ .---=:-- •,--== . . � -.__.. . _..---
<br />, ;r ���...,_,.,. . Uisprincipalamountolif►einde6teQriesssecu�edhythisDeadnfTrus�nol�ncludingsumsadvadce�tbpratecfthesecuriiyoft�+is '"- -
<br /> . � . '�r �M Tru�escCeeO�fe oriqina!ptinCi�l amouM slatec!M�retn,or$30�000.00 whrc�sv�r ls great�s. .
<br /> . , . - � � "fi �' .
<br /> -►'. .
<br /> . ,� �� � .. .. •- __ _ - -- - . _ _ � .
<br /> � _ - --- - --- - - — - - - — _
<br />