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�� � <br /> ���E� �]EC�]t�.� ��. � 1 <br />� 18128—The Auguatine Co., County Buppliee, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> as JOII�T TE�tANT�, and not as tena�lts in comtnon, arid to t%ieir assigris, or to tiie heirs and assigns <br /> of tne survivor of tnem, forever, arld I �ne grantor named 'nerein for myself and my heirs, executors <br /> and administrators, do covenant ti�►ith the grantees named herein arid witn trleir assi�;ns and with the' <br /> ' heirs and assi�ns of tne survivor of them, triat I am lawfully seized of said premises; that tney <br /> are free from incum�rance exce��t as stated herein, arld triat I tile grantor have good right and� <br /> lawful authority to sell tne same, and that I will a��d my heirs, executors and administra.tors shall <br /> warrant and defend the unto the grantees named herein ar�d unto trleir assi�;ns and unto the <br /> heirs and assi;ns of the survivor of tnem�'orever, against ti�e lawful claims of all persons whomso- <br /> ever, excludin� the exceptions named 'nerein. <br /> TN �dI`I'NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 16tn day of August, A. D. 1941. <br /> In pr�sence of Josephine Robinson <br />, C.E.Grundy <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this lbth day of August, A. D. 19�-1, befcre me, a Notary Public in <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY 0� HALL ) and for said County, personally carne tne aaove named Josepnine Robinson, <br /> a sin�le woman, who is personally known to me to be the id.entical person wriose name is affixed <br /> to the above instrument as grantor, and she acknowledged said instrument to be her voluntary act ' <br /> and deed. <br /> 4�dIlI��SS my hand and i�tota.rial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> C. E. Grund <br /> Y <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> M commission ex ires on the l� da of June A. D. 19�+4. <br /> Y P Y , <br /> .f F'iled for record this l�th day of August, 19�-1, at 3:00 0 ' clock P. M. ���'=�`��-�'�' <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-C)-':-C-��-O-''J-0-0-:;-0-0-0-U-�-':�-0-''�-.`,-0-'�-C;-0-0-0-0-'.1-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> �dARF�ANTY DEED -Corporat�.on ✓ <br /> ETHIS II�DENTURE, Made this 13th day of August, A. D. , 1941, between Nebraska Central Building and <br /> i <br /> ' Loan Association, a corporation organi2,ed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the 8t�.te <br /> of Nebraska., party of tne first part, and Abbie D. Shaw and John E. Shaw, as ,�oint tenants a.nd not as <br /> I <br /> H N �a ti f tne s ond art <br /> tenants in commor., of the County of all, and State of ebraska, �, r es o ec p , <br /> d�IITNESSEl�H, the said party of the first part for and in consideraticn of tne sum of <br /> Twe1.v� Hundred and no/100 DOLLARS, in hand paid., receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold <br /> ' and by tnese presents does grant, convey a.nd confirm un�o the said z�arties of the second part, the <br /> ' followin� described nremises, situa.ted in Gra.nd Island, Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wi� : <br /> All of Lot Five ( 5} �lock Seventy-four (7�) , Wheeler & Bennett ' s Third Addition to the City of <br /> , <br /> Grand Isl�nd, Hall �ounty, Nebraska. <br /> . <br /> I Sub,ject to tne taxes for 1937 and any installments of special assessments which were not delinquent <br /> February 9, 193�, Also sub,ject to all 13.ens T�hich have arisen against tnis broperty since February <br /> 9, 193�. <br /> It being tne inter�tion of a.11 parties hereto, t:iat in the ever�t of trie death of eitner of said <br /> ' grantees, ti�e entire fee simple to the real estate described herein shall vest in tne surviving <br /> grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the �remi�es above described, together with all the Tenements, �ie�editaments <br /> and Ap;�urtenances tnereunto belonging >>nto the said Abbie D. Shaw and John E. Shaw or the survivor. <br /> And the said Nebraska Central Building and Loa.n Association for i�self, or its successors, doas <br /> herepy covenant and agree to ar�d with tne said pa.rties of' tne second part and heirs and assigns, ; <br /> that a.t the time of trie execution a.nd delivery of tr�ese presen�s i� is la��rfully seized of s�.id <br /> ' premises; that it has good ribht and lawful authority �o convey the same; tnat they are free from <br /> . <br /> encumbrance except as above s�a.ted. <br /> d s hereb covenant to ��a.rrant and defend the said rPmises a ainst tne lat�rful claims of all , <br /> oe g <br /> Y p <br /> persoris whomsoever. <br /> � IN ?��I7'idESS ��IHEREOF, the said Nebr�.ska Central Building and Loan Association h�s hereunto <br /> caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these preseri;s to be signed by its President and <br /> ' Secretary the day and year first above �rritten. <br /> ; Signed, se�led and deliver�d,in .presence of �����'�'�A CENTRA�, Bi��LDIIvG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION <br /> Sarah A. Steele - - ( CORP) �Y Jonn G.� ,��k�� �res. � <br />', (�1. 5 . . Stamp� (SEAL) By W. P�. FolSORl� Sec 'y. ! <br /> j ; � ( Cancelled � , � � � <br /> = - __ � <br />