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�'�� <br /> �ID��E� �.�C�A�� I��. � 1 <br /> 18129—The Auguetine Co., County Suppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. " ' I <br /> _ i <br /> ( 11) , West of �ne 6th P.M. ccntaining One Hundred �ine (109) acres; Lots One :(1) and Three (3) and ' <br /> Fractional Lot T��To (2) , Island, cont�inin; 116 ac .res, in Section Twenty (20) lownship Nine �9) Rang� <br /> Eleven (11) '�dest of tile 6th P.�I. , and South Half of the Soutnwest Quarter (S2�ti'd4) of Seetion Twenty <br /> (20) , in Toti�rnship Nine (9) , Range Eleven ( 11) �nlest of tFiP 6th P.M. conta,ining �0 acres and Lot Six <br /> ( 6) in Sect:Lon Seventeen ( 17) �'o:��nship Nine (9) , �arige Eleven West of the 6th P.M. containing 50 acres <br /> and Lots Seven, Ei�ht and Nine (7, � & 9? in Section Seventeen �17) Township Nine (9) North,Range <br /> Eleven (11) West of tne 6th P.M. containin�; 175 acres �;nd Lot One (1) Mainlana and t'rie Sout'r�east <br /> Quarter of the Nortneast Quarter ( SEgNE&) of Section T-�,renty—five (25) , in Township Nine (9) North, <br /> Range Tiaelve (12) �i�est af the 6th� P.M. containing 70 a.cres, a.11 of the al�ove described premises ' <br /> containinC 799 acres more or les�, according to the Government Survey tnereoP : <br /> togetner with all the tenemen�s, hereditaments, and appurtenances to tiie same belongin�, and all <br /> the estate, title, dower, ri�ht of' homes�ea.d, claim or demand whatsoever of' trle s�id gra,ntor, of, <br /> in or to the, or a:�y ��a.rt tnereof; su�,ject to <br /> I'I' BEING lI-iE Ii�t'I'Eid`I'IOi�t OF ALL PA�?TIES HERE�i'0, `1'riAT IN TriE EVEI�T OF miiE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GR.�i�11'EFS, `1'HE E:J'I'IRE FEE SINIPLE TITLE TO T1�E REAL ESTATE DESCRIB��+,D HEREIN S:r�ALL VEST IPJ 'I'HE SUR— <br /> VIVTiUG GRA"1�I'EE. <br /> TO H�iVE A;JD TO HOLD the �::�ove described premises, witn tne appurtenances, unto the said grantee� <br /> �' �' " �� d t nants in comrnon and to their assi�ns or to the heirs and assi ns <br /> as JOTi�l T.�N�.�115 a.n not as e C , <br /> , , � <br /> of tne s�,zrvizror of tnei:�, forever, and I the gr<3.:tor nC;med herein for me and my heirs, executors, a:�d <br /> administrators, do co�renant witn t1�e grt�ntees named herein and with trieir assigns and with t'rle heirs <br /> and assions of teie survivor of them, ttlat I am Iawful?.y seized of said premises; that they are fre�e <br />� from incum�or�nce exce7�t as stated herein, ar�d tn�tIthe said gra.ntor have good rignt and lawful <br /> authority to sell the same, arid tha.t Y Taill and my heirs, executors and administr�..tors sha.11 warrant <br /> and defend the same unto tile �r^,ntees named rierein a.tzd unto ti�eir assi�ns t�nd urito tne Y�eirs and <br /> assi�°ns of the survivor of t'rlem, forever, against trie lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ex— <br /> cluding the exce�tions named nerein. <br /> ID1 WIi'i��SS WHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7 clay of August, A. D. 19�+1. <br /> In bresence of Bradford WAddle <br /> � M. C.Jay <br /> Travis Nelson <br /> T � <br /> d. t A. D. 1 11-1 pefore me a Notar Pu�lic in and <br /> STATE OF TEXAS ) On t'riis 7 �y of Au�us , 9 , , y , <br /> ) ss. <br />� COUN`i'Y OF BRAZOS ) for said County, personally the above named Bra.dford Waddle who <br /> � <br /> personally known to me to be the identical person wnose name ---- affixed to tne hbove in�trument <br /> as �r��ntor and acknotiti�ledged said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNES� my ha.nd a.nd Notarial Seal tne date last aforesaid. , <br /> Ivan Langford <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My c�mmission exr�ires on t'rie 1 day of June, A. D. 1943 <br /> r�iled for recorci this l�th d�y of August, 19'�1, at 3 �00 o ' clock P.M. ��;G�� �f , .°. <br /> Vd �-� <br /> Register of �eeds <br /> .,-�-�)-�-�-i�-';i-�)-�J-�- .-�;'-v-�-'�-..)-�)-l)-i)-�-�-0-0-n_r)_`�-.,-�-�1- )_r!_Q-1_�j-��-�-�-0-0-,�_0_�-`�-C�_�_Q--�_�j_!1_ <br /> `ti, <br /> ``�� WARRANTY DEED VESTII�tG ENTIr�E TITLE IN SU:�VI}TOR � <br /> KNObJ ALL MEN BY TriESE PRESEi�tTS, That Josephine Robinson, a single woman, of Hall County, State of <br /> Nebr�,ska, in consi.der�.tion of One Dollar ana otner valuable conaiderations --- DOLLARS, in hand <br /> pai�, do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto 'Kudolph Runge and Eva K.Runge, of <br /> �all County, State of' Nebraska, as JOIN'� TE��1AN'I'S, arid not as tenants in common, the folloc�rin� <br /> described real e�tate, situate in the County of Hall and State of NebrasKa, to—�,rit : <br /> The Nortnerly Sixty—four (6�-) Feet of Lot Five ( 5) , in Block Ninety—four (94) , in tne Original. <br /> Town, now City, of Grand Island, Nebraska., being a rectangular tract of ground havin�; a Westerly <br /> frontage of' 611- feet on Oak Street ar�d a depth of 66 feet. <br /> tooetY�er with all the tenemPnts, hereaita.ments, and appurtenanees to the belonging, and all . <br /> the estate, title, doti,rer, ri�nt of homestead, claim or demand wriatscever of t'r�e said grantor, of, <br /> in or to the s�me, or any part thereof; sub�j ect to encumbrances of record. <br /> I�I' BEII�'G TH� IN'I'EI�1'i.�ION OF ALL PARTIEa HERETO, `I':iAT IN ��HE EVEN`I' OF T�iE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAIl7 ' <br /> G_=�Axv'1''EES, T��r� ET�d�l'T:r�E H�EE SIM�LE TTiLF `i�0 T��E I�EAL ESTATE DESCriIB�,'D HEi�tEIIV SHALL VEST IV THE SUR— <br /> VIVING GR�.N`TEE. <br /> TO Ii�VE AivD TC? HOLD tiie above described premises, wi�h ti�e appurter�ances, unto tr��e s�ie� �rante-es <br /> � <br />