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��� <br /> �ID�E�E� ]t��C�]E�� �T�. � 1 <br /> 15129—The Auguatine Co., County 3uppliea, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> � I hereby accept the abovP conveyance upon the terms therein expreased. <br /> � <br /> ? Dated thl8 25th day of' 1t2arch,19�1. <br /> Jacob Heimbuch , <br />� � Witnese : � <br /> � Herbert F.I�Zayer <br /> F3.led for record thia 16 day oP Au�ust,19�+I,at �+:20 0 'c�_ocY. A.R4. <br /> ���z��� <br /> Regiater oP Deede �+ <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> WARRANTY DEED i� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEId1S: <br /> THAT I, Helen A. Dixon, widot�r, of�enver County, ar.� State of Colorado, in consideration of <br /> the exchange of properties and One Dollar in hand paid by Fred Van Horn and Belle Van Horn, hus-, <br /> band arid wife, of Denver Ceunty, Sta.te of Colorado, daes her.�by gr�nt, bargain, sell, convey, <br /> � and confirm unto tr�e s�id Fred Van Horn and Belle Van horn, h�,�sba.nd and. wife, the follo?�ring des- ' <br /> cribed premises, situated in the Co?�nty of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot `.�hree �3) in Block Eighty-three (�3) of tne Original '�own, now �ity, of Grand Island, ' <br /> , sub,ject, however, to a martgage indebtedness amountin� to a balance of �3, 713.�6 in favor <br /> of Home Federal Savings & Loa.n Association of Grand Island, which ai7d the note <br /> secuY�ed tn.ereby gra.ntee assumes and agrees to pay. <br /> ' Toge�her with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belon�ing, and all <br /> the Estate, Rignt, Title, Interest, or Demand wnatsoever; including Dower, Curtsey and Home:- <br /> StPad Rign�s of the said Helen A. Dixon,widow, of, in, or to t'r�e same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE above described premises, with the apr�urtenances, unto the said Fred': <br /> , <br /> Van Horri a.nd Belle Van Horn, nusband ar7d taife, and to tn.eir heirs arld assigns forever. <br /> And I hereby covenant with the saia Fred Van Horn �nd. Belle Van Horn, husband and wife, that� <br /> I hold said premises by good arid ti�erfect title; tr�a.t I have good rignt arid lawful authority to <br /> sell and convFy tnat tr�ey are f'ree arid clea.r of a.11 liens and encu:nbrances whatsoever, <br /> excez�t as above stated. <br /> . <br /> And I coven�nt to warrant a�nd defend the said prernises against tne lawful claims of all ' <br /> persons whomsoever, except the mortg•age above-mentioned. <br /> �igned this 12th day of August, A. D. 1941. <br /> In pres ence of �. �U I. R. Stamps <br /> ( Cancelled ) Helen A. Dixon ' <br /> STATE 0�' COLOFtADO ) On this 12tn day of August, 1941, before me, Eliza'beth F.Philips, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> DENVER COUNTY ) Notary Public within a:nd f'or County, personally came Helen A. <br /> ` �ixon, widow, to me known to be tne identical person whose name is aff'ixed to trie a bove instrument <br /> ���,. � <br /> i as gra.ntor a.n��.�personally acknowled�es the execution of the same to be her voluntary act and deed <br /> ;;,'� ; - <br />� ` ` for the purpose-"therein expressea. <br /> IN W�i'IvES� �^1H.��'EOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and aff'ixed my oft'icia.l seal at <br /> Denver, Colo. on date last above written. Elizabeth F.�'hilips <br /> _ ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> P�Iy commission ex�ires January 20, 1943 <br /> r iled f'or record tnis l� day of August, 1941, at 1 : 30 0 ' clock P.I�I. �j,u,�� �j <br /> �Jc v��L�� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> ' '✓—�—�—�.�i_�,`i..'. ;�_;�_�_(✓—'.�—!�—�%'�\J�O�tJ.�V"'C�V.�I.��l�v�l.�—���V�J—'ii'�% J.��!�.:J•�rl���%.�''.i'��J��.� ���V—��J���'�'��'�,/"��^��V�`.I��'�l/ <br /> ?�JARRANTY DEED -VESTIiVG EiT'1'IRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR '�'� <br /> i <br /> KNO:�J ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Bradford waddle, a single person, in consideration of One � <br /> . <br /> & no/100 �OLLARS, in hand, do herei�y grant, bargain, sell, convey a.nd confirm unto Elizabeth! <br /> : Batty Eaton a.nd Frank PZ. E�ton, wife and husband, as JOIN`r TE�IANTS, and not as tenants in common; ; <br /> the following described real estate, situa.te in the County of Hall and �tate of Nebra.ska, to-wit:i <br /> Lots One (1) , Two (2) , Three (3) and Four (4),, Mainland in Section Nine�een �19) , Township Nine ! <br /> (9) North, Ran�e Eleven �11) , West of the Sixth P.M. , containinm 15� acres more or less. <br /> Lot Six �6) Isla.nd, , in Section Eighteen (l�) , Township Nine �9) , lvort:i, Range Eleven (11) West of �'; <br /> the 6th P.M. , containing forty-one ��1) acres, and the Nortneast Quarter of tne Northeast Quarterj <br />' ( NE4NE4) and Lots One ( 1) and Seven ( 7) Section Nineteen (19), in township Nine � 9) , Range Eleven � <br />� j <br />