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'��� <br /> �ID��E� ]E�.�E���.� N�. � � <br /> _ . <br /> 18188—The Auguatine Co., County 3upplied, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> good right and lawful authority to sPll the same, and that we will and with our heirs, executors <br /> and administra.tors sn.all warrant and defend the sam� unto trle grantees nam�d herein and unto <br /> ttleir assi�ris and urito the heirs ana asGigns of the survivor of t�iem, f'orever, against the lawful <br /> cla.ims of all persons whomsoever, excluding tne exce��tions nameci. herein. I <br /> IN WITi�1ES5 WHEI�EOF we have heraunto set our hands this 4th d�.y of August, A. D. 19�1. <br /> In presence of ( 2. 75 I•R. St�mps ) Alcinous J. Saunders <br /> ____________________ ( Cancelled ) Arlien H. S�,unders <br /> STATE OF ILLIiJOIS ) On this fo�zrth day of August, A. L. 19�1, before me, a No'�ary Public in <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUPdTY OF COOK ) and fcr said County, ?�ersonally came t'r�e above named Alcinous J. S�unders ' <br /> i �nd Arlien H. Saunders Husb�znd and Wife, who are personally known to ms to be the identical persons <br /> wnose names are affixed to tne above i.nstrument as grantors, and they acknowledged said instrument <br /> to be trieir voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my h�.nd and Notarial SPa.l the date last aforesaid. <br /> Ro al O.Bird <br /> Y <br /> SEAL Notary Public <br /> � ) <br /> M mmission exr�ire� an the 22nd da of Oetober, A, �3.1941. <br /> co Y <br /> y . <br /> Filed for record tnis 16 day of August, 19�+1, at 10:00 o ' �lock A,M. �//���( UJ <br /> egister of eeds <br /> ,,� 0-0-0-0-0-;1- 0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-�-0-0_p_p_p_�_�_�_0_O_0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-ri-0-0-0- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q- <br /> �L�IARRANTY DEED <br /> « <br /> KNOW ALL I�?EN BY THESE PRESENTS : That I,GPOrge Heimbuch,a widower, oP Hall County,NPbraska, in consid- <br /> eration of the promi�e on the part of Jacob Heimbueh,my son, to care for,prov�de for a.nd kc�eo me <br /> durin� the remainder of r:iy life a.nd clothe and support me and to pay any and all hospital and <br /> doctor bills which �a b come necessar for M �rP n <br /> e c i cludin m last i ln <br /> Y Y Y � 1 e�s a,nd to <br /> g Y , pay Par my <br /> burial,��hich promiaes have bP,P,ri made by said grantee to me,and his acceptance of this deed being <br /> a rati�iaation thereof. , I do here�y grant,bar�;ain, sell and conPirm unto said Jacob He3mbuch, the <br /> folZoc�in� described prem3.gP�, situated in tne County of Hal1 and State oP Nebraska, to-wit; <br /> Lot One �I.) in Block Three (3) of Koehler Plt�ce,an Addition in the City of Grand Island,Dlebraska. <br /> Sub,�ect only to encuMbrances nov� of record. <br />, <br /> Together with alI the tenements,heredit�,ments and appurtenances to the eame belonging,and all the <br /> estate,right, title interest, claim or demand whatsoever;including dower, curtesy and home�tead rights <br /> of the said �eor�e FIeir�buch oY, in,or to the same,or any part thereof. , <br /> It is expressly agreed between the parti�s to this inetr�z�ent of conve3�ance that in the e�r�nt of <br /> the faiZure oP said grantee to €ul7.fill any or all oP the consideration hereinbe��re set �'orth, <br /> that this deed shall thPreupon become null and void and title to said premisea revErt unto said �i, <br /> grantor. _ <br /> ...� - <br /> To have and to hold the above described premieee,vrith the appurtenances,upon th� above condition�, ��`` <br /> unto the aaid Jacob Heimbuch t�nd to h�s hPirs and asaigns Porever.Anc� I hereby covenant with the <br /> eaid Jacob HeiMbuch that I hold said premises by good and perfect title;that I have good right <br /> anc� lawful authority to �e7_I and convey eame; that they are free and oP all. liPns and ncum- <br /> brancee whatsoever excepting as above st�,ted. <br /> And I covenant to vrarrant and defend the said premises a�;ainst the lawful �laims of a12 persons <br /> whomsoever excepting as above �t�,ted. <br /> George Heimbuch <br /> Signed this 22nd day o� I�Zarch,y941.. (�2.20 I.R.Stamps ) <br /> In Presence of : ( Cancelled � _) <br /> Herbert F.Mayer <br /> State of Nebraska ) � <br /> )4s On this 22nd dt�y of March,1941,before me,Herbert F.Mayer,a notary public, <br /> H�11 County ) <br /> v�ithin and for said County,personally came Georae Heimbuch,a widower, to <br /> me knatvn to be the identical person who�e n�,r�P is affixed to the above instrument as grantor,and <br /> acknowlec�_�;ed ths exect.�tian o� ttie sar�e to be his voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein <br /> expresse3. <br /> In witneas whereoP,I ha`�e hereunto subscribed my name and aPPixed ray oPficial eeal at Grand Ieland <br /> on the date Iast abo�,re written. ( SEAL) Herbert F.MaSter N�tary Public <br /> I�y commission PxpirPS I�Z�r 7.7 y ?-9�. .- ;; . , • . _- - <br /> _ <br /> , . <br />