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i� ��� <br />� ���� �.�C��� I��. � � <br />� 18129—The Auguatine Co., County Buppliea, Grand Island, Neba <br /> � WARRANTY DEED -Corporation. <br /> �i 1g41, <br /> THIS INDEi�riURE, �ade this 2�-th da.y of June, A. D. , nbe�ween Home Federal Savings and Loan Asso- <br /> Cia��on of Grand Zsland, a cor�.�oration organized and existing under arid by virtue of the laws of <br /> tne United StatPS of America party of tne first pa�^t, a.rid Abner H. Ferguson, of Wa.ahington, D. C. <br /> as Federal Housing Admini�tr�.tor, under the provisions of' tY�e National Housing Act, as amended, h�s <br /> suceessors and as�ions, af the secor�d part. <br /> s�I'TNESSETH, Tnat the party of t;�e fi .rst p�.rt f'or and. in consideration of tne sum of One <br /> and other valuable considerations, in hand �, recei?�t w'riereof is hereby acknowledged, <br /> has s�1d, ar�3 by these p .resents does �;rant, convey and confirm unto the sa.i� party of the seeond <br /> part trie follo�ti*in; described premises situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> All of Lot Six (6) in Block Fifty-one �51) in Wasmer ' s `l':riird Addition to the city of Grar�d I51and, <br /> Hall Coun;y, Nebras':�a, a.s t'rie same is surveyed, pla.tted and recorded. <br /> '1'Q HAVE A.i�dT� 1�0 HOLD tl�e premises �bove described, together with all tne Tenements, Hereditamen'Gs <br /> an�� Appurtenances trlereunto belongin�, unto tne said Abner H. Fer�;uson, of Wasnington, D. C. as <br /> �'ec�eral Housing Administr;�.tor, under trie provisions of tne National Housing Act, as amended, his <br /> succPSSOrs arid assi�;ns <br /> And �ne s�.id Home Federal Savings arld Loan Association of Grand Island , for itself, or its <br /> successors, does hereby covenant and agree to and with t��ie said party of' tne second part and his <br /> heirs and as�igns, tiiat at the time of tne execution and delivery of ti�ese presents it is lawfully <br /> sei�ed of said premises; t:�iat it has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that <br /> they �.re free from e,icumbrance , does hereby covenant to warra_nt and defend the said premi5es <br /> aeainst ti�e lataful claims oi all persons wi�omsoever. <br /> IN WiTiJESS WHEREOF, the said Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, has <br /> hereunto caused its corpor�te sewl to be af7'ixed and these presents to be signed by its PrPSident <br /> t'r�e day and year first a.bov� written. <br /> Home Federal �avings and Loan Association <br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in ( CORP) of Grand Island, <br /> presence of : ( SEAL) By O.A.Bel'�2er, <br /> Li�lu Dahl President <br /> Maxine Jon�� AT`�EST: L.i�.Geddes <br /> Secretary � <br /> �TATE OF iVEBRASKA ) On this 2�+th d��y of June, 19�+i, bef'ore me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL CUU�lTY ) Pu'�lic in ana for County, personally came O.A.Beltzer, Presiden� <br /> of ti�ie ��ome �'ederal Savin�s and Loan As:~ociation of Gra.nd Island, to me personally known to be <br /> tr�e President arid trie icieritical person ti,rhose narne is af F'ixed to t�ie above convey�.rice and acknow- <br /> ledged tne execution tiiereof to be his voluntary act ana deed as such officer and the voluntary <br /> act a.ria deed of t'r�e Home Federal S�vings and Laan Asaociation of Grana Island, and that the <br /> Corporate seal of tne said Home Federal Savings ar�d Loan Association of Grand Isl�,n�.,. : �a�,s theretc <br /> affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and No�arial Seal at Grand I�land, Nebra.ska, in said courity tYie day a.nd year <br /> last above T,tirritten. Maxine �'ones <br /> ( SEAL) Nota.ry Public <br /> P�y Commission expires the 9th day of June 1947. <br /> Filed for r•ecord this 15 day of' August, 19��1, at 11 :15 0 ' clock A. M. . � <br /> 0��=��-� <br /> Register o�' Deeds <br /> .,� u^-0-0-0-0-0-0-C;-C)-p_0_n_�_r)-C:-O-�-C-0-0--C-�-O-C�-C-O-,;-C-C�-0-0-�-;;�_G-0-0-C-C-0-0-0-C-C-0-0-0-0-C-G <br /> �`�WARRANTY DEED -VFSTIN�s Eiti1:IRE T.LTLE Ii� SURVIVOR <br /> KNOT�J ALL MEN BY mH�:SE PRE�EiVTS, That Herman F.Buc�.oti:� and Verna S. Buckow, husband and wife, in <br /> � <br /> cc�lsiceration of One and no�100 (�1.00) DOLLA��, in nand paid, do hereby ;rant, bargain, sel1, <br /> convey and ccnfirm unto Elnier E.Burd and Fanny G. Burd, husband and wife, as JOINT TETvANTS, and not <br /> as tenants in commor�; tne folloUring described real estate, situate in the County of Hall and. Stat� <br /> of Nebra�:a, to-wit : Lot Nine (�) in Block Eleven �11) in Charles Wasmer ' s Adaition to t'r�e City <br /> of Grand Islan d, Nebra.ska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> r <br /> ; <br />