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��� <br /> ���E� ]E��EC��� I��. � � <br /> � 15128—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplles, Grand Island, Nebr. ' "" ` ° - <br /> � , <br /> ^�' WARRANTY DEED-�IESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN- SURVTVOR <br /> KN04'� ALL TiF�1 BY THESE PRESE2JTS,�hat �Zar�orie GriY2'in,a sin�Ie person, in eonsideration of ONE AND <br /> NO I00 DOLLARS in h�.nd aid do hereb rant bar ain �ell conve and conPirm unto Charle C <br /> � P <br /> , Y g � g > > Y e J.Mc uIl- <br /> ough and Mary E.Butler,as JOINT TEP�IAP1TS, and not as �enanta in common; the following described real <br /> estate situate in the County of H�.lI and State of NPbraska, to-wit: <br /> � <br /> Th� NorthwPet Quarter (NW�� of sect�on Twenty-nine (29) Township Eleven (SI) ,North,Range Ten (l0) <br /> West of the bth P.l��. in Hall County,Nebraska and The 5outh Half(8-�) o�' the �outh�vest Quarter (S1N�� <br /> of Section Twenty-one (21) ,Townehip Eleven (11) ,North,Ran�e TPn (10) ,Weet of the 6th P.M.HaII <br /> County,NPbraska, - <br /> together tvith al1 the te,nements,hereditanlents,and ap�urtenances to the same belon�in�,and aIl the <br /> estate, title,dower, right of homegtead, claim or demand whatsoever of the �aid granto�, of,in or to <br /> the aame, or any part thereoP; sub,�ect �o <br /> IT BEIN�`x THE INTEPdTI�N OF ALL PARTIES HEHETO,THAT IN THE EVENT OF TN.E DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES,THE E1!1TIRE FEF SINIPLE TITLE TO THE KEAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises,with the a�purtenances,unto the said grant��s aa <br /> JOINT TEr1A1`1T5,and not a� tenanfie in corimon,and to their asaigns,or to the h�,irs a.nd assigns of <br /> �he 8urvivor of them, forever,and I the grantor named herein for me and my heire, sxecutora,and <br /> administrator�,do covenAnt tvith the �;rantees named herein and with their assign� and with the <br /> heirs and a�signs of the survivor oY them, that I am lawPully seizPd oP said premise�; that they <br /> are free Prom incumbrance except as stated herein,and that I the said grantor have good right and <br /> Iawful authori'�y to aell the same,and th�t I will and m�r heirs, executors and administratore sha�ll <br /> v��arrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto thPir a�eigns and unto the <br /> heirs a,nd a�sign� of the aurvivor of them, Porever,againat the lawful claims oP all persons whom- <br /> aoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN �VITNES9 S'�HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this da.y oP July,A.D.Z9�I'. ' <br /> On presenee of Nlar,�orie GriPfin <br /> Ruth Swanson <br /> Stat� oP �tebraska ) . <br /> )ss �� �'�i-e l�t clay of July,A.D.Ig41,before me,a Notary Publj c, in and <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> Por said County,personally ct�me the above nfuned I�ar�orie GriPfin,a <br /> single pereon,who is personally knov�n to rie to be the identical peraon whose name ia affixed to <br /> the above instruM�nt as �rantor, and she acknov�ledg�d said instrument to� be her voluntary act and <br /> C�P,P,C�. <br /> �'ITNESS my har�d and Notarial Seal the date la�t afore�aid. <br /> Ruth S��enson <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commiaeion expire� on the l�th day of AuguBt,A.D.19�+�+. <br /> Filed for record t�iis � day af Au�ust,1941,at 4 0' clock P.�+1. �������(�-�- - - <br /> .../� ` <br /> Reglster of Deede <br /> �.�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-8-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-f3-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O- <br /> '� WARKANTY DEED VESTING EIVTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL M�'N dY �TH�'SE PRESEivTS, That Josiah Lee Rose and Helen Mae Rose, each in his or her own <br /> righ� �.nd as nusband and wife, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable eonsidera'Gion <br /> DOLLARS, in ha.nd paid, do hPreby grant, bargain, sell, conuey and confirm unto Alma H. 5nyder and' <br /> Cha.rles A. Snyder, wife and husband, a� JOINT 'I'ENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the #'ollowing <br /> described real estate, situate in the County of Hall and State of ltiebraska, to-witt <br /> Fractional Lot Five �5) , in Block Five �5) , in Bonnie Brae Addition to Grand Island, I�ebraska, <br /> and Fractional Lot F'ive (5) , in Block Twenty-two �22) , in Wallich�s Addition to Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska. �. .. _ <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and a11' <br /> tne e3tate, title, dower, right of' lhomestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor, of, <br /> in or to tne, or any pa.rt thereof; sub,�ect to a mortgage of �15�0.00 which the grantees <br /> assume and agree to pay as part of the consideration of' tnis deed. And sub�ject to all taxes . <br /> assessed against said premises. <br />