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_ <br /> ����' ' <br /> ��E�E� �.]EC��1D N�. � 1 <br /> , <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County SuppHea, (3rand Island, Nebn , <br /> � instrument to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff. ' <br /> IN WITNESS Wi�EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand Zsland, Nebraska, in <br /> said County, the day and year last above written. <br /> D.0.Beckmann <br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the Di.strict Court. <br /> Filed for record this 7 day of August, 1941, at 9:00 o 'clock A.M. � <br /> egister of D�e s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-�- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_�_p_�_0-0-G-C-O=�=�-O-C-C-C-0-0-C-C-�-+ <br /> REFEREE'S DEED ' � � <br /> Know aI1. men by theee presents �har: <br /> ' Whereas, �n an action of partition pendin� in the District Court oY Hall County,where Roy EZlie, <br /> et al,were plaintiffe and Robert Gaddie et al,were defendants for the paxtition of the premiaes <br /> hereinaPter de�cribecl, the undergigned referee,appointed by said court to make partition ot' eaid <br /> reaZ estate,made report in writing, duly signed, aetting forth that partltion oP eaid landg could <br /> not be made without great pre�udice to the owners thereoP,whieh report was duly examined by aaid <br /> court,and eaid court bein� satiafied therewith conPirmed the same,and thereupon made an order <br /> '' and caused the same to be entered,directing me as said re�eree to sell said premises on the folloas- <br /> in��erma,to-wit: i5� of the cash of the purchase pri�;e on day of asle and balance of purchase <br /> price on conPirma�Gion. <br /> And in pursua.nce oP said order I caused a notice to be publiehed in the Grand Island Daily Inde- <br />� pendent, a� nPwspaper pr�nted and in general circulation in HAll County, that I wcul�d ofPer said <br /> lands f or sale at the front door oP' the courthouse in eaid County on the 19th day oY June,19�0, <br /> � at 2 o'clock P.I��. , oP �aid day,e,nd at the timP and place stated in eaid notice,and sPter said <br /> notice had heen publiehed for more than thirty days I oPfered said lands, to-wit : <br /> � The Northwest �uarter (NW�� of Section Twenty-nine {29) Townshi� EZeven (11) North,Range Ten (10) <br /> ! West oP the 6th P.lV7. ,Hall Coun�y,NPbraeka. <br /> The Satz�h HaIP (S�)� of the• �outhvreat Quarter (SW�) oP Section Twenty-one ( 21) ,Township Eleven (7.1) <br /> North,Range Ten (IO) ,�leet oP the 6th P.M. ,Hall County,�sbra�ska; <br /> for sale at public auction,and sold the same to Charles b�cCullough Por the sum oP �7,�00.00,he <br />� ; <br /> " being the highest bidder therePor.And aftePVl�rds,on the �+th day oY 8une,19�+l, said court approv�d �� <br /> � and conflrmed said sale,and by an order directed me as said referee to execute to said Charles <br /> MeCullough a dsed conveying said la,nds to him in fee eimple. <br /> ', Now therePore I,Archie C.0 'Brien, re�eree, in consideration of the premises Qnd the aum o� �7,�00.00, <br />�� <br />� ; so bld and paid by said Ch� RilcCullough and by virtue oP the powers veated in me by law, do <br /> ' by these presenta grant, se]_I,and convey unto the said Charles McCullough and to hls heirs and <br /> � assigns the real eetate described ae fbllows : <br /> The Northwest Quarter (NWQ) of Section �wenty-nine (29) To�vnahip Eleven (11) North,Range Ten �10)I <br /> V�est of the 6th P.n4. ,H�.I1 County,Nabrask�. <br /> ' The South HaZf (9�� of the 8outhwest� Quarter (SS��) of Section Twenty-ane (21 ) ,Township Eleven <br /> (11) ,North,Range Ten (10) ,�►est of the 6th P .M.HaIl County,Nebraska, <br /> with aIl the appurtenancea thereunto belon�in�;, �o have and to hold the same to CharZee McCullough <br /> and his heire and assl�ns Porever. <br /> � In witnese whereof I have hereunto eet my hand thia lst day oP July,1941. <br /> , <br /> � �n PrPeence of .�4 T.R. 3tampa ) Archie C. 0'Hrien <br /> ( Cancelled )_ RePeree <br /> J ohn J.L ong .,, <br /> ' State o2' NPbraska ) � <br /> j )as On this let day o� July,l9�+l,before the under9igned,a notary public in ; <br /> ! County of HaI2 ) ; <br /> ' and Por sai.d county,personally appeared Archie C.0 'Brien,rePeree 1n the: <br /> case ref.erred to in the foregoing deed, to me pereonally known to be the identical peraon whoae ' <br /> ` name is subseribed to the foregoing deed as grantor and acknow?edged the execution thereof to be i <br /> I his voluntary act and dPed ae said referee Por the purpoees therein expressed. <br /> YGitnesa ny hand and notaria]. seal the d.ay and year above written. <br /> (9EAL) Ruth Swanson ' <br /> My Commisaion expires the l�th da,y of Au ,1944 Notary public <br /> ; FilPd Por record this � d.a.y of August,19�I,at � o'cloek F.M. , ' <br /> �-�=�.�� <br /> � Register of Deeds <br /> . ; _ <br /> � <br /> i <br />