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�. C� /; <br /> /� <br /> �A. <br /> ���� ��C;��$� �T�. � 1 <br /> 18129--The Augustine Co., Countp Supplles, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> city a.s ma_y be now in force, or hereafter adopted relative to the regulation and government of s�id <br /> Cemetery. <br /> And in consideration of the further sum of �2�.J0, the reeeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br /> the City of �r�.nd rsland agrees to provide perpetual care for s�.id. lots, said perpetual care to be <br />� as defined by ordinance, rule ar regulation now in force and effect. � <br /> IN WTTNESS ��riE?�EOF, the City of Grand Island, Nebra.ska, has caused its corporate seal to be <br /> hereto affixed, and this instrumen� signed by its Mayor, and attested by tne City Clerk, this �th' <br /> day of August, ig�-1. �CpRp� Ha.rry Grimminger <br /> (SEAL) �aYor , <br /> ATTEST: � <br /> F. S.White, City Clerk � <br /> Filed for record tnis 6th day of Au�ust, 1941, at 10: �+5 0 ' clock A.M. �.JC-�=�'�'`� '"'`�"'� <br /> Register of eeds <br /> . r�_�_0- j-0-.�_�_�_;�_p_�_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-��-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(.)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0_0�- <br /> �HERIFF 'S DEED ON FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE '' <br /> KN�W ALL MEN �sY THESE PRESENmS: <br /> That Whereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh J�dicial District o� Nebraska, , <br /> T•,ri'thin and for Hall County, wherein Ida L.Thompson is Plaintiff, and Luvenia Jane Birchard, et al <br /> are Defendants, it was by said Court a'G the February Term thereof, A. D. , 19�1, to-wit, on the 12th <br /> day of March, A.D. , lg�+l, considered, ad,judged, and decreed tha'G in default of' ttle payment to the <br /> Clerk of the Distrie� Caurt of ti�e costs of action, and to the plaintif�' the sum of �1, 375.2� I <br /> with interest at 7� from March 12, 19�+1, within twenty days frora the date of such ,�udgment and <br /> decree, tn�t the equity of redemption of each and all of said defendants in and to tn.e lands and <br /> tenements hereinafter described be foreclosed and forever barred, and that tile Sheriff of said Hall <br /> County eause the l�nds and 'Cenements hereinafter described to be advertised, and sold according <br /> to law; and whereas the said defendants having made default tnerein, Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff <br /> of said Gounty, under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him directed,. did, on the 20th <br /> day of June A. D. , 19�+i, at the north door of the Court House in the city of G.rand �sland, Nebraska,i <br /> in said County of Hall, ( the same being tne place wherein tne District Court was l.ast held in <br /> County) , having fir�st given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale for not leas <br /> than thirty days prior thereto, in the Gr. and Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printed �nd <br /> � in general, circulation in said County of Hall, sell the said premises at pul�lic auction to Ida L. <br /> Tnompson ( she being t'rie highest and best bidder tn.erefor) for tne sum of' One-thousand four hundred <br /> seventy-one & 15/100 DOLLARS, which sale was afterwaras at the February �'erm oY Court, A. D. , . <br /> 191I-1, examined and conf irmed, and the Daniel 5anders, as Sheriff of County, was ordered <br /> to execute a deed of said premises to the s�id Ida L. Thompson <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, T , tne said Daniel :3anders, as Sheriff of Hall County, i�ebraska, in pursuance <br /> of the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the <br /> powers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto tne said Ida L. Thompson and <br /> assigns, the premises sold as aforesa,id, to-wit: <br /> All of Lot Fiv� �5) in Block �hirty �30) ,Packer and Barr 's Second �ddition to Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belongin�, to have and to hold unto her the said <br /> Ida L.Thomp�on and her heirs and assigns forever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I have, as such Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, hereunto set my hand thi� <br /> 29th d�y of Ju1.y, A. D. , 19��1. <br /> ( 1. b5 .R. Stamps ) <br /> Executed and Delivered in Preseizce of ( Cancelled ) Dani�l Sanders <br /> Margaret Vick Sheriff of Hall County. <br /> THE STATE OF NEB��ASKA ) On this 29th day of July, A. D. , 19�1, bef'ore me, D. 0. Beckmann, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUN`T'Y ) Clerk of the District Court duly eleeted and qualified for said <br /> County, ��ersonally appeared Daniel Sanders, sheriff of said County, to me known to be tne identical <br /> person described in and who executed the f'oregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said <br />