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r <br /> �J�� <br /> ���E� �)E���� ��. � 1 <br /> 18128—Tha Auguetine Co., County Supplies, (}rand Island, Nebn <br /> `I'C HAVE A��D TO HC�LD tYie above described bremises unto tne said Max �.Loib1, his heirs and <br /> assigns; so t'rlat neither Anna S.i�iaibl the said gran'tor, or any person in her nam� and behalf, sha11 <br /> or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title �o tne premises or any part thereof, but <br /> they and every one of' them shall by these presents be excluded a�ia forever barred. <br /> SI�i WITi�ESS WHEF�EOF, the saia party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the <br /> day and year above wri�Gten. Anna S.Loibl <br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in presence of - <br /> Harry Grimminger <br /> S1'ATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th day of March, A.D. i936, before me the undersigned �arry <br /> ) ss. <br /> HAL� COUNTY ) Grimmin�er, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and <br /> resldin; in said County, personal_ly came Anna S.Loibl to me known to be the identical. per�son whose <br /> name is affixed to tne foregoing instrument as grantor and aeknowledged the same to be her volun- <br /> tary act �.r.d deed. , <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial seal the c�ay and ye�.r last above written. <br /> Harry Grimminger <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publ3.c <br /> My commission ex�ires the 26 day of July, 1939 <br /> Filed for record this 5th day of August, 19��1, at 2 :00 0 � clock P.N?. �j���=��1 � <br /> �/( <br /> egister o�eds <br /> 0-0-^-C-G-0-0-v-;�-^-0-�-(�,-C)-O-Q-C-C-G-U-O-C-C-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-Q-C-0-0_0_c��-;')_�;_i":-C- <br /> �ERTIFICAmE OF Oti�NERSHIP ' <br /> `I'HE GRAND ISLAND CEMETERY <br /> CERTIFICATE OF' Oti�INERSHIP <br /> The City of Grand Island of the first �art doth hereby certify triat Max J.Loibl of the second <br /> pa.rt is tne owner of Lot No. l� in Section F Row------ as designated on the map as sections, r�ws <br /> and lots of tne Cemetery of said City, in the County of Hal1 and State of Nebraska, known as the <br /> Grand Island Cemetery an�. for which the said part�T of tr�.e second part hath paid to tn.e said party <br /> of t}�ie f irst part the sum of' F'orty No/100 DOLLARS, and tn<�t. in consideration thereof the sa�.d <br /> party of' the second part is entitled to tne perpetual use of said lot Por t��.e purpose of inter- <br /> ment ol�ly, sub�ject to the Laws of the State of Nebraska thereto appertaining and all ordinances, <br /> rules and regul�tions t�rnich are in Porce and may from time to time be adopted by the party of the <br /> first �art for the re�ulation and government of said Cemetery. . <br /> IT� ZESTIMONY PIHEREOF, The City of Gr�,nd Island, Nebraska, ha5 caused its sea.l to be hereto <br /> affixed, ana this inderlture to be si�ned by its Mayor and atte5ted by its Clerk, t:nis the 26" day <br /> of January, in the ye�;r of o>>r Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-One. <br /> AT'�EST: H.E. Clifford, ( COFtP) �.L. Cleary <br /> CLERK (BEAL) MAY08 <br /> Filed for record this 5th day of Au€;ust, 19�-1, at 2:00 o� clock P.M. . � <br /> l�egister of eeds <br /> ,�090-C-0-C-C-0-0-C1=0-0-0-0-G-0-C-C-G-C-O--C-C-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-C-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-!;-C-0-0-C-0-0-0- <br /> �DMINISTRATOR' S, �adITH THE ZaILL ANNEXED, DEED. <br /> THIS DEED made tnis 30 day of July, i9�1, by and between Paul Ruff' of Grand Island, Hal1 county, <br /> Nebraska., the duly a�?pointed, q�aalified and actin� administrator c�rith the Will annexed of the <br /> esta,te of Johannes Heinrich Reher, also known as John H.Reher, deceased, late of Hall County, Ne- <br /> � J F � t of Hal1 Count �Yebraska art of the second <br /> tl irst art and ohn . oef , � y <br /> br�.�ska z�arty of' t e f p , , Y, <br /> , <br /> part. Witnesseth: <br /> That tne said party of ttiie first part, the duly apz�ointed qualified and acting adminis�rator <br /> w�th tize �ill annexed of tne said Johannes Heinrich Reher, also known as John H.Reher, deceased, <br /> under apnointment of tne County Court of Hall County, �3ebraska, which Last Wil1 and `�estament is <br /> of record in tr�e of�'ice of t��e Probate Court of Hall County, Nebraska, by virtue of the power and <br /> W T m t and C rt intment <br /> autnority gr<�.nted and conferred upon him under said Last ill and esta en ou appo <br /> and in consideration of the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, ($�2, 000.00) to him paid by tne party of <br />