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� �ry� <br /> ��E)E]� ��C:��$.� N�. � g <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, (}rand Island, Nebr. . � <br /> part and parcel thereof with the ap�urtenances. <br /> TO HAVE A.uD TO HOL� the said premises af'oresaid with the hereditaments and appurter�ances thereof <br /> unto the party og the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, and �Ghe gaid party of 'Gh� <br /> first par�, for himself, his heirs, executors and adminis�rators, does covenan�, promise and unde�- <br /> take to a,nd with the said party of tne second part, his heirs and assi�ns, tha� he is lawfully the <br /> administra�or with tne tiaill annexed of' s��id Johannes Heinrich Reher, also known as John H.Reher, <br /> deceased, and has power to convey, as aforesaid, and has in all respects acted in making this <br /> con-.�eyance in �ursu�nce of ti�e authority granted in and by said Last Will and Test�ment and Cour'� <br /> orders; and that he has riot, done or suffered any act, matter or thing wha�soever, since <br /> he was administrator ��rith tile �i11 annexed, as, whereY�y the above granted premises, or <br /> any part �rzereof, are, shall or may be impeached, charged or encumbered, in any manner whatsoever, <br /> and tiiat ti�ey are free and clear of all liens and encumbrances wi�atsoever. <br /> In witness whereof the saict party of the first part has herein set his hand tne day and year <br /> last above written. <br /> ( 2.20 T.R.St�amps ) Paul Ruff <br /> ( Cancelled ' ) Administrator with the iIl annexed of the <br /> estate of Johannes Heinrich Reher, also <br /> known as John H.Reher, c�eceased. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA . Now on this 30 day of July 1941, before me, Lloyd W.K�lly, a Notary <br /> ss. <br /> COUNiY OF HALL : Public wiL'rlin and for Hal1 County, Personally appeared Paul Ruff, to me <br /> known to be the duly ap�ointed, qualified and acting administrator with the Will annexed of <br /> Johannes. Heinrich RPher, also known as John H.P.eher, deceased, and the identical person who <br /> executed tne above and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same to be his volun'�ary act <br /> and deed for tne purposes therein set forth. <br /> In witness ��rhereof, I hav� hereunto subseribed my name and aff'ixed my official seal at Grand <br /> -�sland, Nebraska, on the date last above written. Lloyd W.Kelly <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My comr�ission expires �c�ober 27, 1945 <br /> Filed for record this 5th day of August, 19�1, at 11:C�0 o ' elock A.M. (� <br /> U(-�=�„� � <br /> Register of eed <br /> 0-0-�-Q-0_0_�_�_(;_�_n_��_�-C-0-0-0-0-0-C�-C-C-0-C-0-0-Q-C-0-Q-0-0-�-0-C-0-C-0-0-0-0-C?-0-0-C-0-0-C-0 <br /> .�,.�VJARF?ANTY DEED -VESTING ENT�RE TITLE II�1 SrJRVIVOR <br /> KNO��' ALL MEN t�Y THESE PRESEIvTS, That Agnes A. Birk, a widow, in consideration of One Dollar and <br /> other valua.ble consic�erations -- DOLLARS, in hand pa3.d, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey <br /> and confirm unto Fred J.Hintz and Katherine Hintz, of Hall Count;r, State of Nebraska, as JOZNT <br /> TENAtirT�, and not as tenants in common, trie following described real estate, situate in the County <br /> bf Hall �,nd State of Nebra,ska, to-wit: <br /> The westerly Half (W�) of Lot Two �2) , and the Easterly Half (E2) of Lot �'hree �3) , in Block <br /> '�hirteen (l� ) , of Charles Wasmer ' s addition to the City of �rand Zsla.nd, Nebraska, as the same is <br /> surveyed, platted a.nd recorded. <br /> toge�her with all the tenements, hereditaments, and apx�urtenances to tY�e same belongin�, and all <br /> the e5�ate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of' the said grantor, of, <br /> in or to the s�me, or any part tnereof; subject to <br /> IT BEII�iG T%E INTENTION OF ALL PAF`I'IES HERETO, THAT IN �`HE EVENT OF TIiE DEATH OF EIiHER OF SAID <br /> GRAi�'T'EES, `�HE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN �HALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVII�G GF3AT:�TEE. <br /> TO HAVE Ai�D TO HOLD the above described p.remises, with tize appurtena.nces, unto the said <br /> grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, �.�id to t��eir assigns, or to tne heirs and <br /> assi�ns ofi the survivor of thern, forever, and S the gr��ntor naraed herein for myself and my heirs, <br /> executors, a.nd administrators, do covenant with the grantees named her��in and ti�rith their assigns <br /> �nd with the heirs and assi�ns of trle survivor of tnem, that I am lawfizlly seiz�d of said premises; <br />