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��� <br /> �)E��ID ]L�.�C��� N�. � � <br /> 18128—The Augustine Co., County 8upplies, Cirand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> � �UIT CLAIM DEG'D <br /> THIS IIvDENTURE, Made tnis lst day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and 41, between <br /> Richard W. Grow and Edna Crow, Husband and Wife, of the fir5t x�art, and L.W.Banks, of the second � <br /> part, <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said. party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and <br /> other valuable consic�eration DOLLARS, to them duly paid, the receipt wnereof is hereby acknow- <br /> ledged, remised, released, and quit-cla,imed, and by t'riese presents do for tnemselves, their heirs, <br /> executors, and administrat^rs, remise, release and f�rever, and convey unto the safid <br /> party of tne second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all tneir right, title, interest, <br /> estate claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in arld to all <br /> �art of the east one half of trie South West Quarter of the North East Quarter of Seetion ten, <br /> township Eleven, North,Range Nine West of the Sixth Princip�l Meridian. More particula.rly des- <br /> cribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the South West Corner of the East �alf oP the South West <br /> Quarter of the North East Quarter oP said 5ection, running thenee North (132) Feet, thene� East <br /> ( 300) feet, thence south �132) feet and thence west (300) feet to tne place of beginnin�;, contain- <br /> ing approximat�ly one acre of land. <br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO Hf�VE Ai�D TO HQLD tne above described �remises unto the said L.W.Banks, his heirs and assigns; <br /> so that neithe .r we the s�.id grantors, or any person in our name and behalf, shall or wi11 here- <br /> after claim or demand any r. igh� or title to tYie said premises or any part thereof, but they and <br /> every one of them sh�11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of ti7e fi��°st part have hereunto set their hand and seal �he <br /> day and year above written. 5 � I• • tamps Richard W. Crow <br /> � �ancel:led. � Edna May Crow <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of <br /> Lloyd W. Kel1y <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this l day of August, A. D. 19�-1, before me, the undersigiaed, <br /> } ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Notary Public, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for <br /> and resid3.n�; in said county, �ersonally Richard W. Crow and Edna Crow, to me known to be the <br /> identical x�ersons whose names are affixed to the forEgoing 3.nstrument as gra.ntors and acknowled�ed <br /> the same to be the�r voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notar. ial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> . Lloyd ��'.Kel1y <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires tr�e 27 d��y of October, 19�5. <br /> Filed for record this 2 da.y of August, i9�+-1, at 10:00 0 � clock A.M. ���� � <br /> Register oP Deeds <br /> 0-0-C-0-C-C-O-C-C-0-0-0-'f-Q-O-C-U-0-C-0-C-C-O-�'-C-0-0-0-C-C-C--0-0-J-0-0-0-0-C-C-C-0-0-0-0-0-C-0- <br /> t�GUARDIAN� B DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY �HESE PRESEi�1TS: <br /> That in pursuance of ari order of tne Hon. E.G.Krqger, one of the Judges af the Distric'� Cour'�.. <br /> of �iall County, Nebraska, made on t;ne 2�-th c�ay of� May, A. D. , 1941, I was licensed by said Judge <br /> to aell at ��u'plic venue, in the manner provided by law, the real estate hereinafter described; <br />� that tnereupon I gave notiee of tne time and place of said sale as required by law; that I held <br /> said sale open for one hour; �nat I sold said real estate to Chris�ian M.Knudsen and Ida K. <br /> Knudsen, husband and wife, of Hal1 county, Nebraska, for the sum of ���+0. f'ree and elear of all <br /> encumbrances. liens and taxes; tha.t said sale was thereupon reported to said Judge of trie District <br /> Court, and by him in all trlin�s conf irmed by an order made on tne 2�th day of July, A. D. , 19�-1, <br /> and I was ordered and directed to execute and deliv�r a deed of conveyance of said premises to <br /> tne said Christian M.Knudsen a.nd Ida K.Knudsen, husband and ti�ife, as �joznt tenants and not as <br /> tenants in common, or the aurvivor of them, as requested by said purchasers. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, T, H.G.Well�nsiek, guardian of the person and estate of Bertha A.Wilson, an <br /> incompetent person, in consideration of the prernises and the sum of ���-0 so bid and paid by said <br /> Christian M.Knudsen and Ida K.Knudsen, husbana and wife, and by virtue of the powers vested in me <br />