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� - _ <br />', ��� <br />� �)E]E� ��C��� 1��. � 1 <br />� 15128—The Auguarine Co., County 8upplies, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> j <br /> �,� DEED <br /> KNOVJ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That the County of Ha11, S�ate of Nebraska, by alen 3wan, Chairman, Hall County Hoard of Supervisors, <br /> and Richard A.Odum, Deputy Caunty Clerk, in consideration of �he sum of `�wenty-five (�2�j.�0) and <br /> no/100 DOLLARS, in hand paid by William Lechner, of Ha11 County, State oP NebraSka, do hereby sell <br /> and convey unto the William Lechner, the following described premises, situated in Hall <br /> County, State of Nebraska, �o-w�.t: <br /> Lo� T�o hundred and se�ren�een (217) , Belmont Adclition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> toget'r�er with all appurtenances tnereunto belongin�, and the said Ceunty of Hall, State of N�braska, <br /> hereby covenants that the s�id premises are free and clear from all liens and eneumbrances, and <br /> the said County of Hall, State of Nebraska, covenants to warrant and def�nd �he said premises <br /> against any acts of' said party of the first part. And the County of Hall, S�ate of Nebraska, <br /> hereby relinquishes all right, title and interes� in and to the above described premises. <br /> IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, The said County of Hal1, State of �ebraska., has caused these presents to be <br /> signed by the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, attested by its County Clerk and i�;s <br /> corporate seal to �e hereurito aff'ixed th3.s 9" day of July, 19�-1, nursuant to a resolution adopted <br /> by the Board of Supervisors in and for the County of Hal1, State of Nebraska. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL, STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> (CORP) <br /> ( SEAL) By Glen E. Swan, <br /> Chairman, Board of Supervisors <br /> AT 1'EST: Ri chard A. Odum, <br /> Deputy County Clerk : <br /> ST�?TE OF NEBP�ASKA ) On this 9" d�,y of Jul,,�, A. D. 19�-1, before me, tne undersigned, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> COLTNlY OF' HALL ) Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said <br /> County, personally came Glen Swan, Chairman, County Board of �upervi�ors in and for hall County, <br /> 1Jebra.ska and Richard A. Odum, Deputy County Clerk, Hall �ounty, l�ebrask_a, to me known to be the <br /> idential persons wh.ose names are affixed to tne foregoing instrument as grantors, and acknowledged <br /> the execution of' the same to be their volunta.ry act and deed and t'rie voluntary act of��the County <br /> of Hal1, State of 1�ebraska. ' <br /> �'�itness my hand and �otarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> Herman F.Buckow <br /> ( S EAL) No t ar y:.Euhi i;c <br /> My commission expires the 16�� da� of April, 194�- <br /> RES�I�:UTION <br /> WHEREAS, �he County of Hall, State of Nebraska, is the owner of certain real property situated <br /> �.n hall county, ��ebraska. <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors in and for Hall county, Nebraska, are desirous of selling the <br /> real nroperty described as follows, to-wit. <br /> I�ot 217, Belmont Addition, City of Grand Island. <br /> The said sale being consummated with Wm.Lechner of Grand ��land, Nebr. in consideration of the <br /> sum of �25.eo, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ti��.t the Board of Supervisors in and for Hal1 County, State of <br /> NebrasYa, do hereby ba.rgain and sell the said real property described above to the said Wm.Lechner <br /> of Grand Island,F�ebr. for �25.C`0 and hereby authoriz� the Chairman of the Board of guperv3.sors <br /> N C <br /> H S ate f ebraska and the ount Clerk �o s3� n the deed of transfer <br /> in and for the County of a11, t o , y , � <br /> and attach the County seal tnereto <br /> D�ted this ��� day of July, Zq41. <br /> Committee Board of 5upervisors <br /> G1 en E. Swan <br /> Theo P.Bo ehm <br /> R.W. Pock <br /> L.Neumayer <br /> Filed for record this 29th day of �uly, 1941, at 4:00 v �clock P. M, vC��� � <br /> egister of eed$ <br /> , ; <br />